Help: Can't Open Paint Pot!


Well-known member
My mom just bought me a Paintpot and I can't get the lid off!!! aaaah
and its SOFT OCHRE, so I might not find another one to trade for!!!

What should I do?
I'm afraid to run hot water because it might melt the paint


Well-known member
Find some of those rubber jar-opening thingys and use one to grip the pot and one to grip the lid. Turn your hands in opposite directions. It might also help to tap the lid on the counter to break the seal. This process worked for me, as I had a heck of a time getting Girl Friendly and Nice Vice to open.


Well-known member
Running hot water temporarily will not harm the paintpot. I had to do it for my Delft p/p and it didnt do anything


Well-known member
Yeah, I was having problems with this too. I finally got my Rollickin' paint pot to open by wrapping 2 thick rubber bands on the lid and on the glass thing. And I tapped the lid with something hard like the handle of my kitchen scissors .. And I used all the strength I had to open it. lol.


Well-known member
My dad took it from me without me knowing and ran it under hot water ~ it worked!
Thanks for all your suggestions though!
I'm sure this will be useful for other members if they come across this


Well-known member
Fyi for ne1 who has trouble just bang the top of the paint pot like 2-3 times on a table and it'll open easily. That's how we open them at work.


Well-known member
I know it's too late to help you, but I agree with Amoona: I have had success banging it upside down on a hard table or on the ground. I know a MAC PR rep I talked to also told me she rapped hers with a spoon and it opened. HTHS!


Active member
Originally Posted by amoona
Fyi for ne1 who has trouble just bang the top of the paint pot like 2-3 times on a table and it'll open easily. That's how we open them at work.

That's how I got mine open, too.. After an hour of struggling


Well-known member
Originally Posted by amoona
Fyi for ne1 who has trouble just bang the top of the paint pot like 2-3 times on a table and it'll open easily. That's how we open them at work.

No no babe - some are not that simple. We had one that we tried to bang on everything in the store as well as gave to everyone passing the counter to try at opening inluding security and it never opened. Some of them bad boys are just not meant to see the light of day, i swear.


Well-known member
I had this problem also and my husband opened one of them for me. The other, my daughters and I took turns opening it with a warm washcloth and it finally opened. I have two more that I have not opened yet. I guess it will be the same thing. Has anyone also noticed how dry these new Paint Pots are, not creamy like the earlier ones of last year?


Well-known member
I had a similar problem...I used the rubber band technique and it opened after some help from the bf...LOL.

I just bought Rollickin from the Fafi collection and I did notice that they aren't as creamy when you first open it...especially when you use a brush. But when I tried swiping it with my fingers it became much creamier from the warmth of my hand and from swiping off the top layer. I think it's just the top layer that's a bit dry. Once you get through that it should be the same creamy consistency.


Well-known member
oh goodness i thought it was just me, still aint get the darn nice vice open yet, my back is already out of wack and didnt wanna strain it by opening a damn paintpot lol guess i'll bang the top of it in the morning since its almost 5am now lol
I've been trying to open my new Perky since Saturday. I spend a few minutes then leave it for a few hours. I thought about running it under water but haven't tried that might be my next plan of attack.

ETA It worked. A few seconds didn't. I had to leave it for about a minute.

d n d

Well-known member
I am so glad I wasn't the only one. I has problems getting Nice Vice and Cash Flow open. Nice Vice was the kicker, my hand and arm are still sore from that work out!


Well-known member
hahaha i struggled w/ 2 of mine for about 30 minute and my sister walked in and popped them right open ... i must have loosened them up

i'll have to try the hot water trick next time!


Well-known member
i thought i was the only one having trouble opening these >< i thought something was wrong with mine too >< hahas now i know. thanks everyone


Active member
I run mines under hot water from the sink for a few seconds and they open...It does not harm the contents...and mac really need to do someting about this...I don't understand why they have to screw the lids on those things so tight