Hiring Freeze


Well-known member
Originally Posted by erine1881
i think thats why they reinstated the $50 purchase policy on the weekends, cause all we were doing all weekend long was free makeup.

See this line right here could be a thread unto itself. Perhaps I will - I wanna hear the thoughts of other employees as well.


Well-known member
Wow, Update in two hours. Now people are really gonna complain about how we are not always familiar with products.

i think thats why they reinstated the $50 purchase policy on the weekends, cause all we were doing all weekend long was free makeup.

Same here. Now we are just doing it all week.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by ms.marymac
Same here. Now we are just doing it all week.

you guys are lucky! mon-thurs we don't charge. as soon as people hear that, they only make appts. during the week, taking away time for us to do shipment, filling, paperwork, facecharts (which are a weekly requirement that already doesn't get done cause we have to do the other stuff that we don't have time for), etc. then shipment sits in boxes in the stockroom for weeks on end, and nothing is filled. then custies complain cause we don't have their color, or we have to spend 10 minutes downstairs digging thru countless boxes trying to find it on a saturday. we can't win.

it's usually during the week that we don't make plan anyway, so hopefully they will make it a requirement for all appts and walkups, not just fri-sun.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by erine1881
you guys are lucky! mon-thurs we don't charge. as soon as people hear that, they only make appts. during the week, taking away time for us to do shipment, filling, paperwork, facecharts (which are a weekly requirement that already doesn't get done cause we have to do the other stuff that we don't have time for), etc. then shipment sits in boxes in the stockroom for weeks on end, and nothing is filled. then custies complain cause we don't have their color, or we have to spend 10 minutes downstairs digging thru countless boxes trying to find it on a saturday. we can't win.

it's usually during the week that we don't make plan anyway, so hopefully they will make it a requirement for all appts and walkups, not just fri-sun.

Oh, I meant that we end up doing free makeovers all week...I totally feel you, same situation. Boxes everywhere.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by ms.marymac
Oh, I meant that we end up doing free makeovers all week...I totally feel you, same situation. Boxes everywhere.

oops! that sucks girl


Well-known member
just kinda an update ... i called the counter that i have been interviewing at and he told me that there is still a hold in the northern NJ/NYC area and that it might be another month until MAC makes a decision.
i also work at nordstrom and i asked the MAC business manager if there was still a hold and even for her there is. so i was kinda prepared when i called today but i wanted to make sure i was still in his mind and the loop.

im not excited about that but he was very friendly and told me that as soon as he gets the ok i am on the top of the list to get a call
i am not putting all my eggs in one basket but it sounds promising.

but just an update for those of you in the area
im keeping my fingers crossed!


Well-known member
wow, so its not just our region. i was a 24 hr employee but they promoted and transfered me from the counter to the store, but for some reason they arent replacing me at the counter so theres 24 hours cut, then they told our 18 hr girl they had to drop her to 16 and we can use freelancers unless its an event. so its putting a strain on the girls there, so now my 2 besties have put in their notice. it sucks =(. at the store where im now 3rd key we have a full time artist position thats opening up but we wont be hiring for it either. i hate that the company is doing this, when you have less artist on to help it just pisses the customers off and then theyll lose more money. sigh... hopefully we get through this.


Well-known member
The other problem is that they just keep upping our goals. Someone needs to take a look at the state of the economy. We have crazy goals and thats only making the situation worse! luckily *knock on wood* i've been able to continue to make my goal but there are a lot of girls at my counter who are struggling.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by amoona
The other problem is that they just keep upping our goals. Someone needs to take a look at the state of the economy. We have crazy goals and thats only making the situation worse! luckily *knock on wood* i've been able to continue to make my goal but there are a lot of girls at my counter who are struggling.

luckily we got word the other day that they lowered our plan for the year starting this month. that will help alot, cause hardly anyone is making their goals at my counter. its been really hard. alot harder than this time last year. i posted earlier that when one of our girls left we didn't fill her position. i found out yesterday that another girls hours were cut! i had no clue. things better pick up soon, or who knows what will happen.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by erine1881
luckily we got word the other day that they lowered our plan for the year starting this month. that will help alot, cause hardly anyone is making their goals at my counter. its been really hard. alot harder than this time last year. i posted earlier that when one of our girls left we didn't fill her position. i found out yesterday that another girls hours were cut! i had no clue. things better pick up soon, or who knows what will happen.

I wish they would lower ours...... the stress is off the hook.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by II3rinII
wow, so its not just our region. i was a 24 hr employee but they promoted and transfered me from the counter to the store, but for some reason they arent replacing me at the counter so theres 24 hours cut, then they told our 18 hr girl they had to drop her to 16 and we can use freelancers unless its an event. so its putting a strain on the girls there, so now my 2 besties have put in their notice. it sucks =(. at the store where im now 3rd key we have a full time artist position thats opening up but we wont be hiring for it either. i hate that the company is doing this, when you have less artist on to help it just pisses the customers off and then theyll lose more money. sigh... hopefully we get through this.

That is so true...even having someone on vaca puts a dent in customer service sometimes, meaning being able to get to everyone in a timely manner and not feeling like you are rushing someone. At least then you know it will be back to normal in a week.


Well-known member
I dont work for MAC, but Im usually there (I work at Lancome) and one of my favorite girls was let go of! I was told by the MA's that they are 'weeding' out people who dont make goal and such
MAC sells alot so I was surprised, their 24hr goal is 10,000. Mine for this month for my counter was 16,000 and im only a 18hr person too. Cant imagine.


Well-known member
Two girls at my store got laid off because their hours got cut. :[ It was terribly upsetting. Well, at least partly since one of the girls nobody liked but that's besides the point.

Because of them being forced to leave, our sales goal have been upped so much. Not only the sales goal but also there is serious conflicts with scheduling. My schedule is already cramped enough as it is with being a full time college senior (hello um 25 page senior thesis AND internship) ... it is really bad. I have so much to worry about enough as it is ... ontop of pushing my ass to make my sales goal so I don't get fired.

It's probably going to get worse because another girl has already put in her two weeks -- so we will be down three people. And one of our 3rd keys is on maternity leave -- her position is going to be temporarily filled within the company from what I've been told. So, essentially, down four artists. :/

It's all too much right now for me (and some other girls who are college students too). Even though since I've been working for MAC, I've made my sales goal each and every week and month and I am up for the year-to-date, I get so worried. I almost kind of dread coming into work. Dealing with the rude customers, the demands of working for MAC is steadily and quickly growing.


I heard this is all linked to a staffing project. I was told it had nothing to do with making goal or not, it's usually the last one hired (at least in my region) I'm hoping the freeze lets up when I'm trying to transfer in May.


Well-known member
isn't this weird? MAC didn't think they were going to have to lay people off, and then it happened.
our MRo tried promising us that it wouldn't, it did.
I was a mac artist for 2 1/2 years, and my average percentage of my goals that i'd made since i'd been with nordstrom was 1% lower.... yes, 1%... lower than another artists, so i got cut.
there were four girls at my counter, alone.
so shitty!
but I'll be back as soon as MAC understands they can't always run enormous increases, especially when the economy is doing so poorly.
I'll still be a loyal customer
and sign up for my pro card. and try and get some freelance hours in!


Well-known member
I read about this yesterday morning...low and behold I go in yesterday and hear we lost 2 perm employees...and one of them was SUPER nice...I'm going to miss her...BOO MAC...BOO.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by TheManda
I heard this is all linked to a staffing project. I was told it had nothing to do with making goal or not, it's usually the last one hired (at least in my region) I'm hoping the freeze lets up when I'm trying to transfer in May.

This is true but they are also looking at your productivity. I was one of the three girls that were the last to be hired and another girl who was there before me was the one that got laid off. I was told it was due to my high productivity and the lack of hers (she hadn't been making her goals lately, etc.).

Regardless of what the reason is, this is a shitty time for MAC right now. And with the economy about to go into a recession and these ridiculous sales goal we've been given, it is only going to get worse.


Well-known member
So I was just watching the local news and they were saying how retail is one of the hardest hit industry in the country. I even got a talking to yesterday because I brought it up at work and I guess we're not supposed to be talking about it. They don't want employees to discuss the layoffs with each other or the possibility of layoffs.

I've been saying since August that we're heading into a recession and MAC needs to calm down with our goals! Our holiday season was so sad and slow. If these layoffs are based on goals then I really do feel bad for all my coworkers who aren't making their goal. Especially since they're all in the dark about this.

iiifugaziii - I can't believe they let you go! Lets just say you're a lot more forgiving then I am because I'd be one bitter Betty if I were let go. MAC is how I pay the bills. But honestly good for you for taking a negative and turning it into a positive. I hope they wise up real soon.