How did you guys first discover MAC??


Well-known member
My first paycheck in 2003 and after buying some nike shox in nordstroms, I was walking past and i saw a counter with tons of eyeshadow colors...After getting a mini makeover I ended up with cranberry, beauty marked, and trax, my three favorite eyeshadows to date. oh and after that i was broke

miss anna

Active member
i discovered MAC when Barbie Loves MAC collec. launched but i was 14 at that time & not interested at MAC at all.. but really, the Barbie stuff is so nice & now i really regretted not buying the Barbie stuff..
now that i'm 15.. i'm not obsessed with MAC yet but just buying some stuff from them like lipgloss, eyeliner or blush..
i personally think MAC makes the most variety of colurs for EVERY skintone..
there's always a stunning colour for EACH skintone.. =)


i first got to know MAC during the lingerie (or catherine deneuve) collection, can't really remember lol and worst of all, i passed on petticoat! i was SO close to getting it at that time but somehow i didn't want it that much. luckily its being re-promoted now


Well-known member
ahhh, MAC. How i wish i'd known you sooner :[
well it all started with my stepmother who wore MAC. I was seven or eight at the time and i HATED her. she was annoying and said "intense" way too much. and she was always standing in front of the mirror caking on foundation and i began to hate seeing that MAC emblem.

years later i went shopping at sephora for the first time and developed a burning passion for makeup. thats when i started to notice that mac looked really cool. i remember seeing the displays for barbie loves mac and alexander mcqueen and wanting to buy something.

about a year ago my mom bought me some mac as a gift(woodwinked e/s
, pink venus e/s
, fullfilled and angel cream plush glass) and i liked them, but it wasnt until this summer that i found a cco and went absolutely INSANE! now mac is my life :]


Well-known member
I discovered MAC last year for my wedding. I had friends that would buy it and I just couldn't understand why they would pay so much for a l/s. Then I did a makeup and thought it was another person cuz it was bold. Now this is from a person who didn't wear makeup at all. So after my wedding in the fall I went up there to find an everyday color combo for work and they had the Smoking Palette that just came out. So I got it. I didn't go crazy until like this year tho. Late this year. Now I can't stop and have been to my CCO twice in one week.


Active member
I blame Sarah (Jjacks48 on YouTube) for my addiction. My gosh: I must have seen all of her videos and I love all the looks she has done with MAC! I always walked by the MAC counter at my department store and now I look back and think 'how naive!'

My first two MAC products EVER were Swimming and Aquadesiac!

I remember when, early last year, my mom and I were in San Jose, California in the mall. My mom went to the MAC counter and got Gentle Lentil. I wasn't interested but I remember they had the Barbie collection. I look back now and want to hit myself 'round the back of the head because I missed out so bad: Real Doll! Whistle! Sweetness! Ahhh! XD

Silly silly girl!!

poker face

Active member
I discovered MAC when I was about fifteen years old. I was originally looking for a foundation that would give me good coverage and not break me out. My friend told me that I should go to the mall and check out MAC. I had never heard of it up until that point, and I figured that I would go later. Well, another friend of mine and i were going to the mall, and I was telling her that I was going to go look for foundation. When I told her where I was going to look, she looked like she was going to jump across the room and hug me. She had been using MAC for ages and she took me for my first time. I ended up buying Studio Fix Fluid and a couple of the Eye Kohls (Smolder and Minted, I believe).

I am SO addicted now. I now have brushes and foundation and powder and eyeshadows and lipsticks and I somehow feel like I need more and more!


Well-known member
I was working as a counselor at an alternative school for teenage girls 8 years ago. Part of my job was taking the girls to Planned Parenthood for checkups, if they requested it. I had to drive them and wait for them, so I used to read the magazines in the waiting room while I was waiting. I was reading one of those Best of Beauty articles, which said the longest-wearing eyeshadow was MAC's paint. I have never looked back since. I only wore paints as my primary eyeshadow, until about 7 months ago, when I discovered MAC's regular eyeshadows.


Well-known member
I first discovered MAC when my aunt got me three eyeshadows in Era, Shadowy Lady and Antiqued and the Lipglass (can't remember the color and I threw it away awhile ago since it was old) and I watched fafinettex3's videos and she had a lot of MAC products and I became addicted to it and started buying them on Ebay and at


I discovered MAC when I was 17, and I think my first MAC product was the Select Cover Up Concealer. Then the rest is history.


Well-known member
A friend of mine's makeup always looked perfect, especially her eye make up. One day I decided to ask her what she used and she said MAC and the rest is history