How much flirting is okay?


Well-known member
I've been in a relationship with a wonderful guy for seven years.
I really love him. And/but now I don't really know if someone is flirting with me or just being friendly. Heeeelp!

Basicly, can you give me some examples of what you think is okay and what is not okay?

M.A.C. head.

Well-known member
It's up for interpretation, everyone perceives things differently. Anything that you're not comfortable with either physically, or if a comment makes you feel guilty or squeamish = not okay.

Simply Elegant

Well-known member
Anything you couldn't tell your boyfriend about or wouldn't want him doing wouldn't be right I'd imagine. That's just up to the both of you to decide where it needs to stop.


Well-known member
I have a huge problem with flirting. I am apparently an incorrigible flirt but I don't even know I'm doing it. Nor can I tell if people are flirting with me. I've been told by others that I flirt with guys, girls and even labradors!

But what for? I'm asexual, single and am not looking for a partner (OK, I might get a labrador one day). I am, however, quite a friendly person and think that can be mistaken for flirting by some.

Sometimes I think it can be very difficult to read signals correctly.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by caffn8me
I have a huge problem with flirting. I am apparently an incorrigible flirt but I don't even know I'm doing it. Nor can I tell if people are flirting with me. I've been told by others that I flirt with guys, girls and even labradors!

But what for? I'm asexual, single and am not looking for a partner (OK, I might get a labrador one day). I am, however, quite a friendly person and think that can be mistaken for flirting by some.

Sometimes I think it can be very difficult to read signals correctly.

That's a lot like me. I flirt with literally everyone.
It especially makes Waiters uncomfortable :c


Well-known member
it's hard to draw the line really! i'm a massive flirt with some guys i work with. but when i go home my hubby will know what kind of conversations i've had with them - flirting and all! my hubbys knows i flirt and finds it amusing!

i think as others have said - if i was flirting with a guy at work and hid that i was doing it from hubby there would be issues as that would mean it had deeper meaning perhaps.

also most of my flirting is verbal and my own body language - i never touch the guys at work because to me that's a step too far.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by OfficerJenny
I flirt with literally everyone.
It especially makes Waiters uncomfortable :c

LOL! That's funny


Well-known member
Originally Posted by OfficerJenny
That's a lot like me. I flirt with literally everyone.
It especially makes Waiters uncomfortable :c

I've just had an idea

Next time I'm in San Jose (I get there occasionally) we'll go to a restaurant together and have a flirtathon


Well-known member
Great answers! I don't have a problem with letting my bf know if I've been chatting online with a guy or if I'm meeting a guyfriend.