How old are you?


Active member
21, Birthday December 2 SOo be 22 This year!!
Some Girl my mom knows said i looked like i was 12 i was like are fucking kidding me that's A BIT YOUNG.. hahah
Nobodys EVER said i looked 12

I get carded Every now and than!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by CantAffordMAC
Im only 19

yay, me too!

I normally look 19 i believe, though make-up makes me look older sometimes, but look, once i was working at the reception desk at some exposition, and every visitor had to fill the form and get a badge. So most were about 25-40 year old. But then there come 3 teenagers about 14-15 with their filled papers, and they thought they gonna make some fun, so in the name they put "Ch3aR3r CS 1.6". My co-worker was like WTF is that? So i took paper from her, give them back and say "ok, im glad you play counter strike, how go fill it the normal way". They go 3 steps away and i hear them talking "OMG dude she knows counter strike, how come, she's old". haha i was all dressed in white shirt, black skirt, looking official and all. That was hilarious, 14 years old thought im an oldster :/


Active member
27 - 28 in 12 days.


Well-known member
im 22 married with 1 kid, i feel like im 45, yay pharm school -_- about to give me high blood pressure and diabetes from all the stress, but i look 16, yeah go asian genes, i get carded when i try to buy a rated R movie, and people think my 4 year old is my little sister


Well-known member
Originally Posted by pratbc
28 and I still get carded for R-rated movies

HAHAHA!!! a couple weeks ago my husband and I went to the movies...he paid (he is 25), they asked him how old i was, they seriously made me show my'm 27....when i was pregnant with my daughter, I always got asked what high school i went to...i was always a little offened at that, oh


Well-known member
Originally Posted by patty0411
I'm 20. I wish I looked younger, people think I'm much older than I really am.


LoL Me too! I guess its the asian in us. People never know what age we are! Apparantly I've looked in my 20's since high school!

I'll be 21 in May! Yess!


Well-known member
eep! Am I too old to be here? lol. I'm 45! People never think I am over 35 though...I could say it's because of my raving good looks, but I think it's more likely because I act like a nut.