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How To Flawlessly Cover Acne, Blemishes and Skin Discolorations!


This was seriously like the best tutorial ever!!! It was so amazingly helpful not just for makeup but for skin and makeup application. I cant wait to try your technique buffing on concealer. This tut was definitely ALL THAT!!


Well-known member
My chin and upper lip area is darker too and I use studio finish on my spots. I'm going to give this a try


Well-known member
It's so worth having, you won't regret it!!!

Originally Posted by Sushi.
thank you for this!
you totally just sold me on the concealer lol



Well-known member
I have the NC50 studio finish and i am NW45/50 STUDIO FIX.
I was wondering what to use what did you use the Makeup forever palette for? Also the makeup forever all matte, I have oily skin too. I get oily on my nose, forehead, and chin that is what i notice in pictures. I was wondering could i use the matte gel on those areas even though i use moisturizer on that area too.