Well-known member
Hi lovely people of Spektra! This isn't really a detailed tutorial (please move if it's in the wrong thread), just more of a before/after thing.
First eyebrows, then how to salvage an "empty" UDPP tube.
This is dedicated to the people who don't think that grooming eyebrows makes a difference. It makes a HUGE difference. This is truly embarrassing. I inherited my Dad's eyebrows, and he's Asian and they tend to grow sparse in some spots. I grew them out so that I could just wax them, and also to photo document how they are in their natural nastiness. Sorry about this, but I don't think anybody has worse brows than me, so if I can tame them, there is hope for the others out there.
Also, damn the marketing department of Urban Decay for saying that there's no wasted product in their tube. I saved myself $16, which I will now go spend on a Lipglass.
On to the mess of photos. They're clickable thumbnails to save your browser from the onslaught of larger sized photos.
Here are my yeti brows in their natural state. This was a difficult four weeks to endure, as I let them grow out. I resisted the urge to tweeze, to pluck, or groom them so I could take a photo of this:
See how they even ruin a nice eyeshadow application? I rang in the new year with stanky brows, yo!
It's now 2008 and it's time to get back to regular form. Thirty minutes and some hot wax later: viola, a nice neat arch! Sorry no makeup, I had just deep cleansed my skin so it's looking rough, freckles and all.
Brow filler, and some eye makeup later, we have:
See the difference brows can make? I used Embark, Stars n' Rockets, Parrot, and Blacktrack Fluidline. Light dusting of MSF medium on skin. No SF powder, blush, etc. because I don't do heavy makeup right after a deep cleanse.
Now on to the Urban Decay Primer Potion:
Pardon the mess on my desk. The flash washed out some of the earlier photos and my hands were full of UDPP so I wasn't going to fiddle with the camera too much. This is the tube after opening. Note the product stuck INSIDE the curvy areas.
I managed to salvage almost a full 5g sample jar from the BOTTOM part of the tube alone. This is just one side.
You can see the full 5g jar in the background. By this point I said screw it and I got one of my Sephora sifter jars, I forget what size it is but I put it next to the 5g for comparison later. I even used a mini spatula from my kitchen to try and get everything out.
After emptying out the 5g jar into the larger one:
And this is why we lose so much product; it all gets stuck in the curves of the tube!
I sent Urban Decay an email and I included these photos. I just want them to stop telling people that the tube is straight and that product does not get stuck in the packaging, because the tube is clearly not straight, and product does get stuck.
I bought this tube on Feb. 14, 2007 at the Sephora downstairs from the MAC FS store at Fashion Valley Mall in San Diego, CA. I bought my Barbie MAC stuff, went downstairs to try out UDPP and see what the hype was all about. I love UDPP, but I'm glad I discovered this with my first tube instead of having found out about this three or four tubes down the line. I salvaged about 10g worth of product (I figure 2 of the 5g sample jars would be full) and that alone is enough to last me for all of 2008.
Empty those tubes guys and gals!
First eyebrows, then how to salvage an "empty" UDPP tube.
This is dedicated to the people who don't think that grooming eyebrows makes a difference. It makes a HUGE difference. This is truly embarrassing. I inherited my Dad's eyebrows, and he's Asian and they tend to grow sparse in some spots. I grew them out so that I could just wax them, and also to photo document how they are in their natural nastiness. Sorry about this, but I don't think anybody has worse brows than me, so if I can tame them, there is hope for the others out there.
Also, damn the marketing department of Urban Decay for saying that there's no wasted product in their tube. I saved myself $16, which I will now go spend on a Lipglass.
On to the mess of photos. They're clickable thumbnails to save your browser from the onslaught of larger sized photos.
Here are my yeti brows in their natural state. This was a difficult four weeks to endure, as I let them grow out. I resisted the urge to tweeze, to pluck, or groom them so I could take a photo of this:

See how they even ruin a nice eyeshadow application? I rang in the new year with stanky brows, yo!

It's now 2008 and it's time to get back to regular form. Thirty minutes and some hot wax later: viola, a nice neat arch! Sorry no makeup, I had just deep cleansed my skin so it's looking rough, freckles and all.

Brow filler, and some eye makeup later, we have:

See the difference brows can make? I used Embark, Stars n' Rockets, Parrot, and Blacktrack Fluidline. Light dusting of MSF medium on skin. No SF powder, blush, etc. because I don't do heavy makeup right after a deep cleanse.
Now on to the Urban Decay Primer Potion:
Pardon the mess on my desk. The flash washed out some of the earlier photos and my hands were full of UDPP so I wasn't going to fiddle with the camera too much. This is the tube after opening. Note the product stuck INSIDE the curvy areas.

I managed to salvage almost a full 5g sample jar from the BOTTOM part of the tube alone. This is just one side.

You can see the full 5g jar in the background. By this point I said screw it and I got one of my Sephora sifter jars, I forget what size it is but I put it next to the 5g for comparison later. I even used a mini spatula from my kitchen to try and get everything out.

After emptying out the 5g jar into the larger one:

And this is why we lose so much product; it all gets stuck in the curves of the tube!

I sent Urban Decay an email and I included these photos. I just want them to stop telling people that the tube is straight and that product does not get stuck in the packaging, because the tube is clearly not straight, and product does get stuck.
I bought this tube on Feb. 14, 2007 at the Sephora downstairs from the MAC FS store at Fashion Valley Mall in San Diego, CA. I bought my Barbie MAC stuff, went downstairs to try out UDPP and see what the hype was all about. I love UDPP, but I'm glad I discovered this with my first tube instead of having found out about this three or four tubes down the line. I salvaged about 10g worth of product (I figure 2 of the 5g sample jars would be full) and that alone is enough to last me for all of 2008.
Empty those tubes guys and gals!