I finally got it! (New Piercing Inside!)


Well-known member
I finally got my very first piercing and I am sooooo excited, I absolutely love it and the experiance was great. After finally finding a shop I went in and did the papers and stuff. My mom had 2 sign off cuz I'm only 15. The cute piercer took me back where I flirted while getting it done, it did not hurt at all. It kind of felt interesting. But now 2 days later it's swelling really bad and since he pierced it with a regular labret stud its really tight, but I'm doing sea salt soaks and keeping it clean.

Here are some pics.




Well-known member
i like the look on you a lot but the swelling you mentioned kind of concerns me so keep it clean so you dont keloid. i have my nose pierced and at night used a q-tip to swab some neosporin on it so it would help with the swelling and during the day i would use t-tree oil, which contains antiseptic properties in it to help keep it clean. stay beautiful!


Well-known member
Lucky lucky! I didn't get my first piercing until I was 23 and then I got the 2nd one when I was 30. My mommy was not trying to hear it. Enjoy your piercing! Oh and you will get more...you'll see.


Well-known member
Cool piercing! I wish my mom was more for that. I got my right ear a second piercing and I didn't tell her (got it at college), and she freaked out. I thought that it was really funny, but she was not amused.

Go for the eyebrow! My uncle got his tongue pierced once, and it got all swollen and infected and he had to get the ring surgically removed. Plus, eyebrow piercings are awesome IMO.


Well-known member
A lot of people say tongue rings don't hurt, but mine did. Never got infected though, but it did hurt. Mine is positioned in the middle and not near the tip so it had to go through more flesh. I still remember it like it was yesterday. Belly ring didn't hurt much, just got rather sore and a little tender. It's still discharging a little and healing after 4 months.

Tashona Helena

Well-known member
yay! piercings rock..I have 4, not counting ears, tongue, nose, VCH, and belly. I want my monroe done next, but I"m concerned about having to wear the normal gauge/having that big ball, I want it smaller because people say I have such a baby face I don't want it to be too much. Tongue did not hurt at all, I know the poster above me said it hurt, but I've only heard one other person say that, so it's a slim chance, so don't sweat it too much when you get it done.
happy healing!


Well-known member
To tashana - A lot of girls Ik have smaller gauges and ball sizes. I just chose to get the bigger size. I think you would look so cute with it.

All together this is my 7th piercing. lol


Well-known member
I worked at a tattoo shop and was training to become a piercer. When you get a piercing done the piercer is supposed to put longer jewelry in at first (with any piercing) because of the swelling. If the piercer didn't give you any cleaning solution that they have at the shop then regular dial antibacterial soap with water can be used to clean it. Just make sure you rinse good so all of the soap is off. Do NOT apply neosporin or peroxide or anything like that to the piercing. To clean the inside you can rinse with listerine or you can use the antibacterial soap and water for that as well. Be careful where you get pierced at and make sure the person is using sterile needles that were packaged.


Well-known member
Looks good! Piercings never last on me... I get bored with them or lose the jewelry lol. Good thing I don't get bored with my tattoos :p

I am redoing a couple piercings shortly though. Hopefully I enjoy them as much as you're enjoying yours


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MaskedBeauty
I worked at a tattoo shop and was training to become a piercer. When you get a piercing done the piercer is supposed to put longer jewelry in at first (with any piercing) because of the swelling. If the piercer didn't give you any cleaning solution that they have at the shop then regular dial antibacterial soap with water can be used to clean it. Just make sure you rinse good so all of the soap is off. Do NOT apply neosporin or peroxide or anything like that to the piercing. To clean the inside you can rinse with listerine or you can use the antibacterial soap and water for that as well. Be careful where you get pierced at and make sure the person is using sterile needles that were packaged.

exactly what she said..NEVER put neosporin...clean it and then keep it as dry as possible..


Well-known member
very cool!

i'm not into peircings myself (i get freaked out by the needles!) - i prefer my tattoos!
which yes is ironic because tatts use needles too!


Well-known member
^ Odd, I'm the opposite!. I guess I like the fact piercings can be removed. The two tattoos I have are very special to me, though.

That looks really cute on you!. I'm surprised it didn't hurt. Then again, I have 9 piercings total (all ear though -- 4 helix, 4 second/first lobe, 1 tragus) and everyone convinced me how painful tragus were to get pierced. Not only did my tragus not hurt a tiny bit, but it healed 100% faster then all of my others combined. I still have slight irritation after 3+ years with my helix but could directly sleep on my tragus the first night without a flinch.

Keep up the sea salt soaks. Even when it 'feels' healed, keep cleaning it -- months after.


Well-known member
With my tongue I started out with a 14g and I thought that was big, but now I'm down to the 4g after many years.

Belly ring I will keep at a 14g because it's really not necessary to go any bigger (that's my opinion).

I use antibacterial soap on my belly and my friend uses antibacterial soap and Lavender Oil or whatever you call it. I think her belly is healed, mine still has a little more time to go and we got it at the same time.


Well-known member
If you do start to get a bump, it will probably be hypertrophic scarring, not a keloid. I had some hyp. scarring on my industrial, and I just went and got some mild steroid cream from my doctor. It cleared up the bumps in two days. Just something to keep in mind!


Well-known member
ouchhhhhhhhhhhh... my first piercing was when I was 2 months old. Those were my ears and I have no recollection of pain. However as an adult having had a few run ins with surgeries, I am totally adverse to non necessary pain..

I wish you guys the best of luck tho!