I have a confession to make...


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Shimmer
Those shows? No. I don't 'get' them.

Other confessions?
I'm not a sushi eater. Mainly because I'm sick of hearing about it from all of my friends. On point of principle now, I'm the asshole who says 'no!' when they say OMG LETS GET SOOOSHIIIIII. Again. And again. And again.
I don't get girly shit. Female angst makes me uncomfortable.
So do tears.
I don't read Cosmo, Glamour, etc., and I think their 'super crazy secret sex tips he'll never know came from us!!!' are lame.
I hate wearing pants.
I'm not very good at 'I feel' statements.

Try online dating- I SWEAR every male profile between 27-40 on match.com for the Las Vegas area proclaims that their favorite food is sushi, sushi is delicious, I love sushi.... *gag*

You know what happened the first time I ate sushi? I threw up in my mouth - not exaggerating. My sister to this day won't let me live it down.


Well-known member
I actually like cooked sushi. They have a "crunch roll" at this place in my town and it's amazing. It's like crab meat wrapped in rice/seaweed with tempura on the outside and some kind of amazing sauce on top. BUT I've been eating/liking that since middle school? So I'm definitely not into the whole "OMG SUSHI!" fad. So dumb.

I'm actually pretty "anti-trendy" to a fault. A lot of time I won't even try something out if it's "the cool thing to do".

Oh, and I don't drink or smoke. And I've never been drunk. Ever.


Well-known member
I hate cleaning period....Although I am a SAHM I still have a cleaning lady!

I cannot stand for anyone to sleep on my pillow...Bugs the sh*t out of me if I smell someone elses hair on my pillow

LOL! me too...it was a lot worst when i was pregnant! i couldn't stand my husband using my pillow!

i hate wearing lipstick! i love eye make-up though

i have to have vaseline on my lips after shower

i like my bed sheets to be straight and i hate wrinkles!

and i have to have green tea before i go to bed


New member
I'm so glad I'm not the only bed sheet freak out there. I can't sleep if the bed sheets aren't perfectly tucked in and unwrinkled! My hubby kicks them out on purpose just to drive me insane. And I can't stand anyone else using my pillow either.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by frocher
I'm part Asian, and grew up on the stuff. Some may not like it, but I wouldn't say it's a fad, atleast not to millions of Asian folks.

Hehe noo thats not at all what I meant.
Its a huge part of your culture which is fantastic, I happen to like Sushi.
I just don't like the fact that a ton of Caucasian people, especially a lot of my friends, eat it to be fashionable and use it as a fashion statement.


Well-known member
^People don't do that with Sushi here, in my area at least, one word... 'Starbucks'...at least sushi tastes good...:::runs away::: lol I eat it everyday(I make my own)... back to topic though I wear makeup whenever I have to go to work and on my off days I don't wear ANYTHING and if I'm going out I wear everything but eyeshadow...I love the way it looks but it feels SO heavy on my eyes...


Well-known member
Originally Posted by aleksis210
^People don't do that with Sushi here, it's called 'Starbucks'...at least sushi tastes good...:::runs away::: lol back to topic I wear makeup whenever I have to go to work and on my off days I don't wear ANYTHING and if I'm going out I wear everything but eyeshadow...I love the way it looks but it feels SO heavy on my eyes...

haha omg I agree. Im such a starbucks whore too.
One of those stereotypical people who doesn't like to drink anywhere else and is totally lame about it

whatever, I love me some starbucks.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by blindpassion
whatever, I love me some starbucks.

Me too

What I don't like is being stuck in the Starbucks drive-thru for 20 minutes this morning...but when I got to the window the girl told me that the person in front of me had paid for my drink and said Happy Holidays! Isn't that nice? So I paid for the drink of the person behind me, she looked pretty irritated so I hope it helped her have a better start to her day.


Well-known member
Girls, these are great! I love confession time!

I am a little crazy because even little messes bother me, I am constantly organizing stuff and going behind people to make things square or in a proper pattern or whatever. However, being a biologist, I love bugs, bacteria cultures, and even mold, slime mold is the best!

I am a very emotional person, and cry at the drop of the hat, but I believe that work is a place of professionalism, and somehow am able to reign in all that emotion because I'm at work. Seriously it's like I'm a different person, very private and guarded with my coworkers, and my job is very casual and comfortable, but I can't help it.


Well-known member
I confess I am a slob. A huge one. I am currently in discard mode, to lessen my clutter. But my makeup drawer? The teeniest speck of dust drives me NUTS!!


Well-known member
my confessions:

1.Ever since I was like 11, I wanted to convert to become a Jew, from a Catholic

2. In the winter I sleep with all windows open, under a blanket, while eating ice cream

3. My middle name is 'Blaze' but I constantly tell people it was suppose to be "Blaise" after St. Blaise, but the spelling got screwed on the birth certificate because I hate the way my mom spelled it...


Well-known member
i cannot use public bathrooms, unless its life or death ... who knew some people are so messy and gross

it bugs me so much when people at school would ask to borrow a pen and never return it..


Active member
My confessions:

- I have five pillows. But I always end up throwing them off throughout the night and sleeping with one.

- I also have 10 or so blankets. And I do the same as above.

- I procrastinate. Badly.

- I cannot sleep with another persons pillow. It just smells WRONG. I'd rather lay my head on a slab of concrete and sleep that way.

- I cannot sleep on my back, only on my side or stomach. Mostly my stomach.

- I wear jackets/sweaters in the Summer.

- Sometimes, I don't shower everyday - out of pure laziness. But, I'm just lounging around the house. (I never go somewhere un-showered, LOL. That's just gross)

- My room is most often a mess. I only get around to cleaning it when I can't even think in it anymore.

- I have a spending habit. And a horrible time saving money.

- I have poor time management.

- I am Obsessive Compulsive about lists. I make a bazillion 'want' lists of things I want to buy.

- I listen to Christmas music in July. (I love the Andrews Sisters Xmas Album.

- I HATE talking on the phone. I only like to talk in person or via IM or Email with anyone.

- I am afraid of the dark.

- I don't cook, unless it's something I can stick in the damn microwave. LOL.

EDIT: Add on confession.

- I am also guilty of going to Wal-Mart/Grocery store in my slippers. =(


Well-known member
1.I hate girl drama. When my friends call me crying about how their man is doing the same thing they have been doing for months, it drives me crazy! Are they really surprised, because you really shouldn't be! And if they are mad at the "skank" who keeps flirting with the new guy they are dating, well guess what, chances are he is interested in her too. Especially if he doesn't give a shit that all of the PDA is happening right in front of you, so you may possibly be the skank whos hitting on someone elses "man" here. And don't even talk to me about how your "best friend" betrayed you. You met her when you were drunk 2 months ago, you should have never trusted her.

2.I hate slow walkers. I love to shop, and I love going to the mall and all of that but when people are all crowded around me and walking sooo freakin slow it makes me wish I stayed in karate class so I could roundhouse all of them over the balcony (i'm really starting to sound like a sweetheart, huh?)

Thats all for now, I will be getting back to you soon though haha


Well-known member
Casadalinnis, I can totally relate. I Have had a huge deep scar on my arm and my the inside of my hand since I was 8 years old, and another on my hip. I have never ever felt comfortable with either of them and I let them hold me back from a lot of things I have always wanted to do. I've lived my life around covering them up and now it's such second nature to me that I subconsciously do it without noticing. I guess this could somewhat be a confession of my own. Anyway, I have had some surgery on my arm, and it's taking a while but feel free to PM me if you would like to talk about it.