I like boys!!! girls!!!


Well-known member
Hi Specktrettes, I though it would fun and interesting to discuss what physical features or characteristics attract you from a woman or man. Be specific if you can. And I am not talking anything personality wise because who all want a nice attentive thoughtful mate, I am talking appearence only.

My answer: I think everyone is attractive really and am open to any race in any form but what really gets ignites my fire is a Black male with a goatee and tattoos. OMG! hothothothothot!
I don't like skinny boys or really muscular men, I been with both and thought ehh.
I like man with a solid build but a slight slight tummy. I love White males that are dirty like a headbanger from the 80's with out the hairspray, think Bo Bice!

I also love a define pelvic bone and little to no chest hair. I dislike taco meat hair too on the chest area.


Well-known member
intresting thread!

i HATE too skinny guys who look like you can break their bones by just touching them!
Musly guys, no thanks its too taky!


Well-known member
I like tall guys, with some muscle but not so much that you feel like they could break furniture or something. I also have a thing for long hair... I realise as I'm typing this that I'm describing my boyfriend.
I'm a sucker for arms, nice muscled arms. And long legs. I'd prefer a skinny guy to a meaty one. How's that for a summary?


Well-known member
I like tall guys that are muscular, but not too much (like all they do is lift weights). A guys smile and eyes are real turn ons for me. I like flat 6 pack tummys and a nice ass. I prefer white guys to any other preferably with dark hair. Facial hair can be good if it is done properly and it fits the person.

For girls I like slender, well dressed and a confident attitude. I don't really like massive behinds and breast size doesn't matter either. Curvy is great as long as she knows how to dress for them.


Well-known member
i'm not too picky, but i prefer dudes that are bigger than me. yeah nunu, skinny guys can be Really skinny. their arms and legs will snap off if u kick hard enough LOL especially asian guys... god.. what happened? most of them are so thin... i like my men bulky with broad shoulders.. meaty but healthy.

he Must be taller than me! i'm short but guys my height are automatically dubed taboo.

as for girls... uh.. lol... i guess i'd go for a girl that i would look up... maybe an older sister complex type LOL


Well-known member
Originally Posted by CaraAmericana

My answer: I think everyone is attractive really and am open to any race in any form but what really gets ignites my fire is a Black male with a goatee and tattoos. OMG! hothothothothot!

Mmmmmmm! Yummy

I haven't really been attracted to any other race except black guys. I love em. A black man, 5'10 or taller. Facial hair, big lips, muscles, tattoos, dresses regular (I dont like them dressing over the top, just regular, nice clothes) smells good........i don't want like a bodybuilder but big ass muscles and a really strong guy is sexy.

as for girls, I think a girl who kind of looks like me but with some opposites. Like I have really big boobs, I'd prefer a girl with medium/small boobs and a big butt. Long hair, doesn't matter what skin tone or anything.

Ahem. Thats just if I was in the market for a girl though.


Well-known member
I like guys that are 6'2, solid build, nice ass, tattoo's, ear's pierced, bald head (a la Vin Disel), goatee, deep voice, Nice teeth, caramel complexion.

hmmm.... I just discriped my honey

But seriously, I have always fallen for the kind of guy that when you look at him the first thing you want to do is run for the hills cause he looks mean (that is how my bestfriend described my bf when she met him, LOL) but in all reality they are kittins.

I guess is that whole bad boy thing and trying to give my parents a hard time cause they always want the clean cut, no tattoos, no piercing, good boy.


Well-known member
Funny thread...

I like in a bloke:
6ft or over (don't know why, but every guy i've ever fancied has been a foot taller than me, I'm 5ft n half an inch)
not too heavily built n muscly n bouncer-like

In a girl:
not so picky about height or build.

Either gender:
tattoos n piercings are always nice!
Not too fussed about hair colour, though i tend to go for brunettes n i have a weakness for ginger girls.

Think that's it really.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by CantAffordMAC
I haven't really been attracted to any other race except black guys. I love em. A black man, 5'10 or taller. Facial hair, big lips, muscles, tattoos, dresses regular (I dont like them dressing over the top, just regular, nice clothes) smells good........i don't want like a bodybuilder but big ass muscles and a really strong guy is sexy.

Oh yeah me too!!! lol ... that kinda describes my bf!! Except for the "5'10 or taller" part (he's 5'8 or 5'9 I think) and that he's not as muscular as when I first met him. He actually looks a bit like method man ... random ppl are always telling him that.
I used to like white guys but it wasn't long before I realized they didn't like me back ... I guess cuz my booty is too big for them lol!! And I don't like asian or south asian or european (ie. italian, greek, russian etc) guys either. Latino guys are alright tho.
And most of all I HATE pretty boys ... I like men that look like men!! Oh and I think Mos Def is hot ... my friends make fun of me for this but I think it's his intelligence that's sexy!


Well-known member
Well boys!
I have a mixed taste.

I like pretty boys but not too pretty that they are confused with their sexuality.

As well as bad boys... Some tattoo'ed, not covered in tatt's obviously and no piercings!! or other mutilations like.. those gap thingies in your ears.

Must have a good body... as most of you have mentioned; not too skinny/not too muscly/athletic... but not too muscly, that looks "tanky" if you know what I mean... something like AFL bodies....

Must have good facial structures........ some angles haha.

Taller than me.

Good fashion sense... doesn't have to be high end/trendy.. just whatever suits them and their personality.

Good hygiene... in saying that, I also like the boys who look a bit scruffy...... like indie style.

Beautiful eyes... windows to their souls haha.

I'm an asian, I don't like asians/heavily ego'ed wogs/black.......
Unless they are pretty boys... like the one I found on sat night.

Love brown haired/blonde haired... no red heads.


I think that's it for now....

No wonder I'm still single


Well-known member
Originally Posted by RaynelleM
Oh yeah me too!!! lol ... that kinda describes my bf!! Except for the "5'10 or taller" part (he's 5'8 or 5'9 I think) and that he's not as muscular as when I first met him. He actually looks a bit like method man ... random ppl are always telling him that.
I used to like white guys but it wasn't long before I realized they didn't like me back ... I guess cuz my booty is too big for them lol!! And I don't like asian or south asian or european (ie. italian, greek, russian etc) guys either. Latino guys are alright tho.
And most of all I HATE pretty boys ... I like men that look like men!! Oh and I think Mos Def is hot ... my friends make fun of me for this but I think it's his intelligence that's sexy!

LoL agreed! First off method man is sexy
. When I was a child I liked white boys, but like you said they didn't like me back. I guess its just my look. Its weird though how it works out, because whenever a guy has been attrcted to me or staring at me, its always been a black guy
I want aman that looks like a man too. Mos Def is cute too


Well-known member
I like guys that are tall (6" and over), big arms (I love them), and nice teeth. Bad teeth are such a turn off to me. He has to have good style and dress well, because there is no way I'm dating a bummy looking dude.

He also needs to have a sense of humour and have ambition in life.


Well-known member
Boys: I like buzzed hair (and the kind of stone-cut faces that look good with buzzed cuts), glasses (thick, nerdy ones), I like a muscular, meaty man with broad shoulders, big hands, nice feet (I don't know why this is a thing with me, it just is), no pretty boys (no brow waxing, hair straightening, that sort of thing), i love military boys, nerds and will go nuts for a guy who is a combination of both.

Girls: Muscular hourglass, buff arms and legs, wide hips, big breasts, kind of thick, round behind, alert eyes, doesn't look like I can easily break them, redheads are hot, but I like women from from all countries (yes, I'm bi).


Well-known member
My perfect guy:
5'10" - 6' 4"
tall and lean muscular build
loose, dark curls
gorgeous friendly smile
big, warm eyes (brown or haxel.greens nice too)
dresses laid back (skater style)
if he wears big dorky glasses, I'm in!

I'm not too into girls but if I did fing my perfect girl, she could'nt be prettier than me. I'm horrible, I know.


Well-known member
this is a funny post i cant believe no one likes really muscular guys, I LOVE THEM the bigger the better (of course not too big or when their muscles are so big that they look like they will pop) my soon to be husband lifts alot of weights he weights about 200 pounds he is a lot taller than me and has abs of steal and these big arms and legs and a NICE muscular butt... there’s something about this kind of body that really attracts me…something about feeling so small and vulnerable in comparison… (I’m like 5’ 1” and like 100ish pounds) haha weird huh?
He also has a handsome face and beautiful features like big eyes and a nice smile

Oh and girls well I’m not like attracted like sexually attracted to women but I surely can appreciate a woman’s beauty
In a woman I always seem to notice women with darker skin and dark hair and big eyes and like full lips (oh NUNU) hahah (don’t freak out)


Well-known member
Originally Posted by NutMeg
I'm a sucker for arms, nice muscled arms.

Me toooooo!!!! and shoulders!! i melt for a guy with nice shoulders and arms. *sigh*


Well-known member
I like guys who are opposite of me, I like girls who are similar to me.

I love a dark haired/dark-light eyes, tall, well-built guy. I've always been attracted to white guys, especially ones with freckles. My ex was my 'dream' guy physically. 6'1, dark brown hair, dark blue eyes (like night-sky blue, so gorgeous) and perfect calves. Sounds strange, but they were like the kind people get plastic surgery for.

He absolutely must not have caveman eyebrows. Those only work in Geico commercials.

In girls, I have a thing for redheads but it's gotta be auburnish like mine. It has to be 'natural' red- not burgundy, but auburn. I like average height, light eyes; I don't care about asses, I'm a fan of nice boobs, and I love hourglass figures.

Not all of them are necessary, but all of my exes have had at least one. I'm definitely one of those people with a 'type'.


Well-known member
- skinny guys, no!

- i love muscular guys but not like, OVERLY muscular (like they're on steroids or something). i'm not going to lie, my boyfriend has a VERY nice looking chest and really nice arms, which i love...and i LOVE his pecs. i'm mesmerized by them haha.

- tall is a must! but i'm pretty short (5'2") so it's not like trying to find someone taller me is a difficult task lol

- i'm a sucker for blue eyes
(and my boyfriend has blue eyes lol)

- blonde or dark hair. no redheads.

- nice teeth!

- i really love my man's hips (sounds weird, i know...hips usually aren't the first thing you think of in terms of a man...usually it's for girls lol) and his "happy" trail



Well-known member
i hate skinny guys, i used to be with one whos hip bones used to give me bruises
makes me sick thinking about it tbh

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