I lost my girl...


Well-known member
Wow, it's been almost a month. My cat, Gezebel, passed away September 11th. I don't know it's been weird... like trying not to acknowledge that it happened. But today I reverted back into habit and went to feed her only to remember that she won't be there.

She had started having a hard time eating but it was just finding a wet food that she liked. She remained healthy till the end. My vet finally acknowledged that she was probably the healthiest geriatric cat he had seen in a long time. She died peacefully in her sleep.

I miss her. A lot.

I know she had a good and LONG life (rough estimates by my husband and myself was between 16 and 19 years) but it's hard... We lost a member of the family.

How did those of you who lost pet children get through it. People keep telling me just to get over it but I can't. They just don't get it! Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Between my father-in-law's illness and complications and this, I feel like I'm starting to lose it a bit...


Well-known member
I have had to put three down the most recent in April its hard and I still see his furry white butt coming down the hallway out of the corner of my eye and am like oh there's Baby then just as quickly remember hes gone. It takes time but the loss eases after a while. Try to remember the funny things she did or the things she liked and focus on the fact that she wont suffer or be sick anymore but she will always be there in your heart and in your memories.


Well-known member

I'm so sorry for your loss.

First off, if you haven't given yourself a good cry, go ahead. It's allowed.

Next, if you haven't slapped all of those folks who say "Get over it" you have my permission to do so.

Now, take a deep breath and try to relax.

Just know that your kitty baby is in a better place and is doing quite well. She's probably chasing rainbows or rolling in catnip right now!

After you dry your eyes and have a few snuffles try to smile and think of all the good times you had with your kitty.

Keep a picture near by so you can remember what G. looked like.

And when you finally have a day when you aren't deep down in the dumps and you can smile and laugh you'll know its time to get a new kitty who needs a loving home and someone like you!


Well-known member
I'm so sorry for your loss. One of my cats is currently battling cancer and I don't know how much time she has left. I will be heartbroken when I lose her.

Your girl is at peace and in no more pain. I know that is a small comfort when you are hurting so badly. In my opinion, our pets are like family members, so the loss is devastating. It's not something you "get over" - you learn to live with it, which takes time.

I'm so sorry.


Well-known member
I'm so sorry about your loss
Losing an animal is always hard. I don't have any very helpful advice but I do hope you start feeling better soon. Getting over a loss takes time but you will get to a better point.


Well-known member
I am soo sorry for your painful loss,I know exactly how you feel.I lost my precious Sneakers cat 1 year ago this week.It was the most painful thing ever,she was my best friend and I had an extremely close bond with her.Your cat is in a better place,and you should take all the time you need to grieve.I'm sorry that people are being insensitive to you,cats ARE our children,again,I am so sorry.


Well-known member
i'm so sorry to hear what a bad time you are having right now. i completely understand just how upsetting it is to loose a pet like that - my cats are my babies so it really is like loosing a person. I think you should give yourself time. you'll be upset for a while. but just be proud that you gave the kitty a good home for her life and that you did everything you possibly could.


Well-known member
I'm so very sorry for your loss. I also have a "geriatric' cat who is 16 years old. I know the time is coming, and I can't imagine what I will do without her. I don't think there is a way to "just get over it." I hope that each day that passes gets a little better than the next for you.


Well-known member

I had to put down my girl one year ago, September 2009. You can see her in my signature. She was 17, had a weak heart in the end and could not eat and drink anymore. She had lost half of her weight.

I still miss her every single day - and somehow she is still here.

Your cat will stay part of your life - even if you can't touch and feel her anymore! And I am sure she had a great life with you!

I am still not ready to get a new kitten - there is no way she would come back.


Well-known member
I am so very sorry for your loss. I think that you have the right to be as upset as you want over it and I am sorry that people are being so insensitive by telling you to "get over it".

May your precious little girl rest in peace and take comfort in knowing that she is watching over you.


Well-known member
wow, this really got me teary eyed. im so sorry for your loss, i know exactly how you feel, and its rough. but it gets better *big hugs*. you gave her everything you could and she lived happily <3


Well-known member
So sorry to hear about your cat. Its never easy and it can take time to before you get past this stage. I lost my old dog in September 2009, he was 15 and we'd got him when I was 13 so he was always around while I was growing up, for a pet to share that time with you is always going to be difficult when they aren't around anymore

Really I didn't find there was anything that I could do that made this time any easier it was just a case of letting things run their course because it does get easier eventually. You need to allow yourself time to grieve and don't expect yourself to feel 'better' just because that's what others expect of you.


Well-known member
Thanks everybody. It's just weird walking outside and not hearing her yell at me like she always did. The most vocal and people loving cat ever. I swear she didn't know she was a cat. She had a good life and was lucky that my husband came into her life. He adopted her when she was probably 7 or 8 years old. He could have adopted a kitten but it was like they were soul mates so to speak. He took it surprisingly well, which sort of bothered me... but to each their own when they're grieving.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Dr_Girlfriend
Thanks everybody. It's just weird walking outside and not hearing her yell at me like she always did. The most vocal and people loving cat ever. I swear she didn't know she was a cat. She had a good life and was lucky that my husband came into her life. He adopted her when she was probably 7 or 8 years old. He could have adopted a kitten but it was like they were soul mates so to speak. He took it surprisingly well, which sort of bothered me... but to each their own when they're grieving.

How cute. My cat was like that too. She was very human-like, smart girl. I miss her so much. She died too young, 2 years ago @ only 9 y/o. It was the weirdest thing. She was very healthy and playful. One night we saw her playing with her toy on the ground, next thing we see is her gasping for air, unable to breathe, I picked her up, and noticed her tongue was literally hanging from one side of her mouth nd she had the saddest blank stare (I still have that image in my mind, hate it). I put her in my car on my sister's lap praying she'd be OK, and rushed to the vet, she was pronounced dead that night, I will never forget it. Saddest thing ever. I loved her, miss how she would follow me around like a dog, lay right next to my head every night and rub her little head on me and purr in my ear every morning (free alarm clock haha). I have her sister, her birthday was a little while ago, she's now 11 y/o. I feel like I have a piece of her since her sister and her were so close. Her sis misses her too, I can tell because she'll sometimes out of the blue, go to that very spot her sister loved to sit and just stay there for hours, weird.

A lot of people don't understand, but pets are a part of the family. She gave me a lot of laughs so I'll enjoy those moments I had with her when she was with me. RIP Fuzzy.

Sorry for your loss. I understand.


Well-known member

I am so sorry to hear about your cat. I know it's hard, but try to stay focused on all the funny times
How silly our cats can be! And how they make us laugh!

My "geriatric" cat Tammie is 16 now and I know how hard it will be for me when she's gone.

I hope you'll think of your special kitty often and it will make you smile and laugh


Well-known member
Originally Posted by bellaboomboom

I am so sorry to hear about your cat. I know it's hard, but try to stay focused on all the funny times
How silly our cats can be! And how they make us laugh!

My "geriatric" cat Tammie is 16 now and I know how hard it will be for me when she's gone.

I hope you'll think of your special kitty often and it will make you smile and laugh

I'm scared to death to even think about when it's time for my boys... I have 2 brothers that are 7 and another boy that's 4. Charlie, Mungo, and Babydude... I honestly don't know what I'd do since I've raised all of them pretty much from birth (Babydude was about 2 weeks old when my husband found him... couldn't even go to the bathroom himself...) They are my joy to say the least...

I need to get a picture collage going.


Well-known member
I'm so sorry that you had to say goodbye to Gezebel. Great name for a cat, btw. It's only natural for your day to day mood and memories to vary. I hardly think anyone who's been in your shoes can say something. Many hugs your way!

I've had to put down a dog who was very, very close to me. She was very sick and I know that I did the right thing for her, that makes it easier. It's been a few years since now and I still miss her from time to but the feelings aren't as suffocating.


Well-known member
Yes, a picture collage sounds perfect!

I have two boy cats too, age 9 and 5. The 9 yr. old is on heart meds so I worry about him. Hubby and I sometimes talk about it and reassure ourselves that we are giving them the best life we can in the time we have - no matter how long or short. And they are doing the same for us. Joy and love that cannot be put into words.
And awesome, great memories to last forever.