I never turn down a dare...


Well-known member
Originally Posted by urbanD0LL
what's the color in your inner corners though please?

That's the Nyx Yellow e/s over Mehron Clown White. I really don't recommend that shadow, though.. it's not pigmented at all and it's just really powdery and difficult to work with.

Originally Posted by lolli
It looks gorgeous! You are a master of blending. What's your technique?

I don't really do the same thing all the time... but one thing I always do is layer like crazy. I go back and forth with the same two colors tons of times before I move on. But idk.. thanks :]


Well-known member
Whoops, sorry this is still Heidi! I guess Mo was still logged in..
pppp... well I guess I'll thank myself while I'm at it LMAO ;D


Well-known member
Originally Posted by IDontKnowMomo
I don't really do the same thing all the time... but one thing I always do is layer like crazy. I go back and forth with the same two colors tons of times before I move on. But idk.. thanks :]

Thanks Heidi, I'll have to try that. You are an extremely talented makeup artist.
I'm so feeling that, I love makeup that is really out there, and thats a great color paired with the black. I might have to try that since I have lime lol. (won't look as good on me though, I have flame red hair.)


Well-known member
after seeing so many of your FOTDs - i have to say that your skin is freakin amazzzzing! i know a lot of people say that its just the foundation that makes skin appear so clear, but makeup can only do so much! i like that your actual skin shows through the makeup! =) another piece of art well done!


Well-known member
Thanks all! Sorry I confused ya, urbandoll LOL!!! ..And Samantha_mckay, I'm pretty damned sure the look would look even better with red hair! I just love quirky color palettes on redheads, though..


Well-known member
okay first of all your headline made my day. lol i love it.

and 2nd....you have mad talent. i feel like i can dare you to wear anything out there and you'll find a way to make it look fashionable and bold. you rock my socks!foreal foreal!