I physically cannot do it


Well-known member
OMG. I have so much shizz that I have collected and should sell and have actually said I would sell, but I physically cannot do it. What the hell is wrong with me? There is crap in there I have had for years and haven't even opened before. Dear God, please help me. Please give me the strength to sell some of my collection. I cannot move about in my bathroom anymore. I have no places left to hide new things from Mr. Rbella.


Well-known member
I think you should ask a friend to help you out. Get a box and put the things you do not need/use and ask the friend to sell it for you? Just spend an afternoon and go through everything and when you're not looking they can take it and you won't even notice it's gone =)

Hahah..easier said than done though.


Well-known member
I felt like this too when I was trying to sell some of my stuff. The moment someone wants to buy it, i'm like CRAP I kinda wanna keep it!!

What you need to do is lay out ALL your stuff. Go through all your stuff and think about whether

1) you really really like it
2) if you have similar colors. seriously we don't need 20 pink lipsticks yannoe? we don't have enough time to finish using up all the stuff.

think about all the money you can make back (even if you don't break even) but at least your items will go to someone who may really need them and put them to better use.

i did this and was able to get rid of like 20% of my collection. it makes me happy when buyers pm me and tell me how much they love the products they purchased from me.


Well-known member
I feel like that too sometimes. I know that by my stash just sitting there untouched won't do me any good. So i have finally decided on making a list of items that i know i definately don't want/need. These items are going to be sold.
Think of it this way, by selling these items you get money for buying other things that you really want.

I know it's hard but you'll get there


Well-known member
Originally Posted by rbella
OMG. I have so much shizz that I have collected and should sell and have actually said I would sell, but I physically cannot do it. What the hell is wrong with me? There is crap in there I have had for years and haven't even opened before. Dear God, please help me. Please give me the strength to sell some of my collection. I cannot move about in my bathroom anymore. I have no places left to hide new things from Mr. Rbella.

I agree about baby steps and asking a friend for help. A friend provides the necessary detachment.

Q: If your DH is Mr. rbella, is my DH then Mr. Whore?


Well-known member
It is so hard...I have so many MSF's I need to get rid of...I just can't ...But I hope to one day...Just try frocher's idea...that sounds like I plan I will try as well...


Well-known member
Originally Posted by frocher
Try putting what you are planning to get rid of in a box and put it away for a month. If you didn't need it or think about it in that month you can safely sell it, imo. I look at all my stuff, and don't want to part with it, but I realize that if someone took 10-20% and hid it from me. I probably wouldn't even notice.

This is a great suggestion. I was actually forced to do it when I moved recently, as I was going by plane and there was no way in hell I could fit all my makeup in my luggage. So I had to send any "non-essential" makeup to the new location several months in advance... By the time I got to the new place I honestly couldn't even remember what I'd sent over, and didn't even unpack it for weeks because I had grown used to being without it and just didn't need it. When I eventually unpacked it I ended up getting rid of some because I finally truly realised I didn't need it!

Perhaps you could give a box of stuff to a friend to "hide" for a month or so, if you feel you can live without it that long, chances are you can live without it indefinitely.


Well-known member
Definitely agree with the others regarding baby steps. You need to break this project down into manageable pieces so you are not overwhelmed. I wish I lived closer to you, I would totally help you with this. Having a friend there to help you also provides the needed objectivity and reality checks.

The box idea is a great one. Start with one box of stuff and see how it goes. You can do this!



Well-known member
I've done it...it's hard. What to part with, what to keep... But just think of how relieved you will be once you've cleaned stuff out.

I think the first thing you should do is organize everything and take an inventory. How can you get rid of stuff if you don't even know what you have? Then just start parsing through things. When I go through my stuff I make three piles: 1. Keepers, 2. Get rid ofs, 3. Maybes. Then I go through the maybe pile and and sort those things into piles 1 and 2.

Yes, it's a long and tedious process, but by doing it that way, I'm really certain of the stuff I want to keep and get rid of.


Well-known member
You guys have some great suggestions...So glad Danelle started this thread...Now if I can stop buying I will have a sure fired plan of attack !!!

I agree MzzRach having a friend help is great...someone who is not encouraging you to keep everything or to add stuff to your pile....It makes no sense to get rid of stuff just to replace it with other un-needed mu items no matter what brand they are...


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MAC_Whore
Q: If your DH is Mr. rbella, is my DH then Mr. Whore?

I believe it would either be Mr. Whore or Mr. "Ho".

You ladies have some great ideas. I need to do this. I HAVE to. I cannot believe how much crap I have. I put aside 3 lipsticks the other day and thought "Oh Hell No". Then I did a FOTD using one and decided it was a "must have" again. It feels like I'm trying to get rid of a dude I don't like, but I don't want anyone else to have him either. How pathetic!


Well-known member
You and Hilly should get all liquored up (of course to numb the pain), and just start throwing things in a box to sell. Have her take the box with her, and the next day you won't even remember what happened (if it was a good night).


Well-known member
^^^Ahahahahhaa! That is awesome, 'cept Hilly would probably put FiFi in the box and take her home instead of my makeup. FiFi + Nermie + Grover =


Well-known member
^^ I was thinking the same thing...Hilly the makeup Queen...her pockets would be stuffed by the time she left...and the sales thread would have one item on it...LOL


Well-known member
Originally Posted by TISH1127
^^ I was thinking the same thing...Hilly the makeup Queen...her pockets would be stuffed by the time she left...and the sales thread would have one item on it...LOL

Bah hahaha...now that is funny!


Well-known member
Well in the end if you can't bear to sell it, use it! Don't allow yourself to buy anymore makeup products and use up what you already have! If you can't help but buy things, try a Project 10 Pan approach, where you have to have 10 empties to buy 1 new thing. Products that went bad don't count! I hope that this helps you, good luck!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by rbella
I believe it would either be Mr. Whore or Mr. "Ho".

You ladies have some great ideas. I need to do this. I HAVE to. I cannot believe how much crap I have. I put aside 3 lipsticks the other day and thought "Oh Hell No". Then I did a FOTD using one and decided it was a "must have" again. It feels like I'm trying to get rid of a dude I don't like, but I don't want anyone else to have him either. How pathetic!

Mr. Ho. Nice. He'll laugh at that!

Man...I can't tell you how many times I have picked up a product to use, opened it and realized it was the first time I used it.....and I bought it months ago. lol

My beauty stash encompasses some serious real estate in my casa. I have the entire master bathroom cabinet, a 5 shelf closet in the bathroom, a 3-drawer dresser in the bedroom and two large plastic wrapping paper holders full of back ups and MAC collectibles (post cards/shirts/etc).

It really isn't too bad though, as it is all organized in an uber-anal fashion. Believe it or not, I have slowed down my purchasing. lol

I did recently kick around the idea of getting rid of some back ups. I realized that I may never get to them before I die at this rate! lol