I seriously NEED TO STOP


Well-known member
PURCHASING SO MUCH FREAKIN' MAKEUP...I think I posted this feeling on here before If I did sorry. But here goes again...I only have one face and don't have a back up. I only have one life to live. So Y in Sam's Hill do I keep purchasing so much makeup? I just went out today to UltA and bought some more makeup. I bought the Napoleon Perdis 15.00 palette it is so cute and the colors are awesome(that's just going to sit and not be used til whenever..) I also purchased Ulta's own 3 stack palette..same thing with this of sitting and not...) Ulta's Limited Edition Metallic Palette.Last week I purchased two Iman palettes, her bronzer and some more items I can't remember right now. I have so much here it's not funny. I say to myself 'Self u know when u pass away this stash will be here forever and ever and not a dent will be in all of this. I watch the youtube videos and think the same thing with those other female's..Y so much and all of that will never be used up at all..(Makeup Artist exception) The only item is mascara which I know one has to get every 3 months so right there is another exception..But the eyeshadows, blushes, lipsticks/glossesthat one purchases for themselves and then when a new collection comes out BOOM there goes some more money and more items.....

Can't compare me with a drug/alcohol addict at least their stuff gets used up RIGHT AWAY AND RIGHT THERE AND THEN...LOL...and off they go to buy some more 'ADDICT JUNK'...


Well-known member
Aww...to curb my makeup buying tendencies, I do it by going "shopping" online, I place the items in the cart, and before checking out, I close the tab. Then I tell myself I'll think about it, and by the time the next day comes, I won't really WANT want it anymore if that makes sense. The same with all these collections coming out, I try to pick the ones that I REALLY want, instead of what I think is pretty...b/c then I'll have mountains of makeup =p


Well-known member
Girl, I'm I'm the same situation. Just today I bought two Ben Nye palette today. I have almost 30 palettes in total. It happens to me in spurts. I wont buy anything for like 6 months and then I get "that itch" lol I need help too

Goat Goat Etc.

Well-known member
  • Ask yourself is it really that unique of a product?
  • Who really profits: Me losing that money for a simple product? Or the business who good and set up.
  • Have I met all priorities that sustain my most basic needs?
  • I have ____ just like or that can do the same job of this, don't I?
  • Take pics with your phone.
  • Ask and search for comparisons.
  • Tell yourself it will always be available (even if it's LE) and there's always a way to get it: call in an order, online shopping, going to the store in person, etc.
  • How often are you going to use this?
  • This one is powerful----->Carry around your checkbook/record book and mark down your total purchase and review all your recent purchases daily
  • Also tell yourself--YOU ARE NOT A MAKEUP ARTIST AND DON'T INTEND TO BE. As much as you like watching tutorials you're not gonna bust out exact looks you see that often.


Well-known member
I think our love of makeup can easily become a dangerous addiction. One while I was spending way more on makeup than I could afford, and it wasn't because I needed it, it was just cause I felt like I had to have it. It was kind of like emotional eating, except for me it was makeup.

I had to tell myself that most items are just a repeat, there really nothing so new and fabulous that I can't do with out. I have enough to dupe anything that may be released so there's really no point of constantly buying. Most of the stuff will go bad before I can even use it up, making it even more of a waste.
And if necessary, avoid sites like these (I hate to say it) that can just feed that addiction. I had to take a two year break from makeup sites to get myself back on track. Now I limit to maybe once a month and its usually a cheap (drugstore item)


Well-known member
next year will be my cut down year and i know it's going to eb stupidly hard. i'm going to make sure that each month i only buy one eyeshadow, one lippie, one gloss, etc. rather than buying 3-4 of each item each month. because i have so much make up i just cant use it all!


Well-known member
I've cut down my budget on buying cosmetics. I only buy something if I like it and I make sure I'll use it! Sometimes I look at my stash, I wonder when I'll use them all.


Well-known member
I feel your pain. I have been having trouble stopping the purchases lately too. Unfortunately, reading forums seems to feed my addictions--too many enablers and I really am easily swayed by the excitement. Which sucks because there are good threads to be digested.

I think GoatGoat has some good suggestions, esp about telling yourself you can always get something later (and usually @ a better price after the hype dies down e.g. Marine Life) when it comes to LE stuff. Most of the time if I can let myself get past the hype phase, I don't really want soemthing that bad and/or something else is coming along. Like a wise poster on the BPAL forums once wrote, LE's are like London buses, if you miss one, don't worry--another brightly colored one will be along soon.

I have been trying to get stuff used so I don't spend as much, but that can add up quickly too because you think how much you are saving by buying a bargain and don't add the cost.

I don't really have any words to be helpful other than putting yourself on a no-buy (or a modified no-buy) until you feel the money stops flying out of your account. I am typically on a no-buy the last 2 weeks of every month if that makes any sense.

Budgeting--forget about it. I am terrible at that. But I can self impose a no buy on certain things, like "no more lipglass until I actually empty one" or "no buy on lipgloss unless I really have no other color like it and no dupes whatsoever." (if only I could do that for every product!) This last strategy seems to work best for me. (If only I could do that with e/s and l/s--maybe I will force myself...)


Well-known member
oh i also make sure that i only ever make one mac order a month. so no going back for more from the collections for me! if i find something in the sales section of specktra that is great, but if not it is tough.


Well-known member
I know it's hard!!! I am in the same boat. Heck I went to drop off a perscription at CVS this morning, and was drawn right to the makeup - + they had a sale. I see buy one get one 1/2 off. I did not get anything....hopefully I'll still be strong when I go back to pick up my meds
I am planning to really cut down after VV. I have to.


Well-known member
OH MY...I have been feeling the same way! I know I have a makeup addiction..I need a group..lol. I look at my stash and I am filled with both happiness and sadness. Like am I ever going to use all this makeup?? But I still like to collect it. I try not to get into purchasing overly pricey products or ones I know I will never ever use..but I know I still have way too much for the average...

Goat Goat Etc.

Well-known member
I'd also like you to think in terms of something you really utilize more often than make up: For me gas money!

There have been sometimes recently I've just thought my purchase for something that can fit in the palm of my hand is =/= to gas money!

Okay for instance, recently I backed up my studio foundation and it came up to $30+ and later I thought I'm so fucking stupid! My last tube is getting close to done but it's NOT critical! This tiny bottle coulda been a a full tank of gas!!!!! One had more value than the other!

You can have all the pretty shit you want but if you have nowhere to wear it, you're a fool.

Goat Goat Etc.

Well-known member
Originally Posted by bellaboomboom
I know it's hard!!! I am in the same boat. Heck I went to drop off a perscription at CVS this morning, and was drawn right to the makeup - + they had a sale. I see buy one get one 1/2 off. I did not get anything....hopefully I'll still be strong when I go back to pick up my meds
I am planning to really cut down after VV. I have to.

That's the happiest Pitbull ever!


Well-known member
I purposely banned myself from the Clearance Bin because of this. I'm on MUA a lot more now, so its easier for me to pay the price of shipping rather than actually buy an item which will cost a lot more.

I still sell my stuff, but I don't go through every single sale thread like I used to - every single day. I don't post a whole lot anymore either - like in the collection threads. Too many enablers and too much hype. I have a Marine Life, a Ripe Peach and a Stereo Rose all BNIB and back-ups that I don't use. I'm trying so hard to talk myself into letting them go....its hard though.

Plus it doesn't help that I work in a drugstore and have a discount to loads of make-up. Rahhhh!

Case in point: This weekend, I bought 16 tubes of lipstick because they were $3.99 each. FML. I DID, however, take back 4 for a refund. Trying to talk myself into taking back another 4.

ms. kendra

Well-known member
I have recently gotten myself under control. I avoid Color Collection threads, and refuse to jump on bandwagons/hype. I wait, and wait, and wait until an item reaches a CCO then I know by then if I really want it. Also when you see people reselling overhyped items it makes me think it wasn't really worth it and I'm glad I didn't buy it.

Now I only buy something if I absolutely don't have anything like it, or if it's a staple. It's good to treat yourself, but also try to think about other things you need...clothes, shoes, purses, fragrance, hair or skincare products, nail polish, etc. This helps to balance things out.

I go through my makeup every couple of months and discard old stuff, or give away items I don't use to my little sister. This helps to keep down the clutter.

Shadowy Lady

Well-known member
lol, I know what you mean. I'm buying a lot less makeup since last year but I'm buying more expensive items. I no longer care for MAC but I love my Nars and Chanel items.

In general though, I'm still spending less. I'm past the collecting phase of my life and trying to accumulate more quality things rather than trendy items.


Well-known member
i try to limit myself to a budget, but i find, i tend to blow my budget if i go to the store, if i buy online, i tend to be more disciplined, i just hate it when multiple brand release LE stuff at the same time

i also go look at my collection and see what i have already

if you have stuff you dont use, and regret buying, why not sell it on here and you can reclaim some of your wasted money?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Goat Goat Etc.
That's the happiest Pitbull ever!

Thanks. That's Piggie. He was adopted into a loving home (from Petco - I worked w/ Animal Alliance for a bit). He is SUCH a good, happy dog.

Goat Goat Etc.

Well-known member
Originally Posted by bellaboomboom
Thanks. That's Piggie. He was adopted into a loving home (from Petco - I worked w/ Animal Alliance for a bit). He is SUCH a good, happy dog.

Ohmigosh he has such cute cheek-ins! I just wanna pinch and pull those jigglin-jowls!

Goat Goat Etc.

Well-known member
Can anyone tell me how to sanitize my shadows and blushes I've barely swept over?

I tend to give them to a friend or too.

But if possible I'd like to make profit

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