If you could suddenly be anything you wanted....


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Working at the CDC with my big hazmat suit on
. I'd be working with all the crazy bacteria and viruses even though they freak me out lol.


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Originally Posted by chocolategoddes
I'd be... everything!
a doctor
a teacher
a chef
a singer
an actress
a model
a talk show host
a comedian
an author
a makeup artist
a stylist
a journalist
a trophy wife

The only person I know who's been able to successfully be all those things is Barbie *sigh*

I also wouldn't mind being a trophy wife lol
! I think I'd like that more than working with dangerous bacteria and viruses at a lab haha.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by OfficerJenny
Gold Digger


I have to say honestly...I am still happy that I wake up as My husband's wife and my son's Mommy.... But if I woke up looking like Halle Berry I sure as hell wouldn't be mad or ask to switch back


Well-known member
I would love to be White House Chief of Staff, I'm addicted to the west wing, and that just seems like a really cool job!


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Originally Posted by persephonewillo
a lady who lunches. and has a pool boy (and the pool to go with it) and personal chef (i hate cooking).


change my mind...i want that!!!!!!!!!


Well-known member
Well I'm a Fashion designer and I'm starting my own clothing brand, so I would just love to be super famous and be like a world-reknown fashionista, and have stores in New York, Paris, Milano, London, Tokyo, Rio de Janeiro, Lima (my city), you name it! , also have my own high end- make up line, and perfume line with my brand over it!
I would love to have a gorgeous penthouse in New York and live there with my husband , and 3 kids Zoe, Demian and Bianca (i'm planning to call them like that).
on the other hand, I would love to be like rockstar too =( and be super hot, and sexy, and have many hookups with many celebrities. lol.

Also, I would like to be a Suicide Girl, and have Katy Perry's face and Britney Spears body when she sang ' Slave 4 you' at the VMA's (2003 I believe) yeah, I wouldn't feel so ugly if I had that. lol


Well-known member
I'd be a singer, but I'm beyond crap at writing songs and reading music (odd, since I play guitar and bass haha).

Second to that, I'd make and apply prosthetics and such for films. Or make robotic monsters. I'd love to be the second Stan Winston haha.


Well-known member
well...first off I would love to be taller. Like...seven inches taller. My husband is over a foot taller than me and sometimes it sucks.

Other than that, I would LOVE to be a singer/rockstar. I love to sing, act and be on stage, but also don't have the time/guts to audition. Plus, most people who seem to make it these days have to not only be talented, but know people in the industry, etc. So, I'm happy not being famous (plus, who wants to deal with that constant pressure anyhow??!? although the shoes I could buy *might* be worth it)

I think I will stick to my museum work. At least I get to be around *famous* pieces of art.


Well-known member
^^ Awww, I'm a shorty too so don't feel bad lol. I'm only a mere 5 foot and not even 2 inches even. Oh how I wish I was at least 5 foot 4 inches lol.


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I'd love to work at M5 Industries in the prototype development department. Failing that, talk my way into a job at Valve Software. I'd be happy to just be a front desk bitch if I was in either of those environments, to be honest.


Well-known member
Ooh! Fun topic! If I could be anything I wanted, I'd be a Kung Fu Master.

Backstory: I used to be a Kung Fu Instructor and absolutely loved loved loved what I did. But life takes over and you get a real 9-5 job that pays the bills. I'd love to go back to teaching Kung Fu and maybe even be a Kung Fu stunt double in movies. That be awesome!


Well-known member
It's hard to narrow it down to just one thing

In real life, I work in the world of academia . . . I have a Master's degree in English and currently teach at a university. My "realistic" goal is to eventually go on for a PhD in English and move up the academic ladder.

But . . . all that aside, if I could just go out and be ANYTHING I wanted, I'd be one of the following:

- A Hollywood makeup artist, working behind the scenes for film and TV
- An archeologist working in Egypt
- A librarian working for the New York Public Library system

Weird list, I know.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by CellyCell
I want to be the person who's banging Paul Walker.
But that's not a profession, is it?


Lol a girl can dream though can't she?


Well-known member
I'd love to work in Corp. Marketing for MAC.. oh man
Maybe one day.

Only in my dreams I would be a police officer who really kicked ass.. and get all of the people who street race and drive drunk off our roads and stop them from killing innocent people.


Well-known member
Hmmm, I'm going with Space Pirate. Just me, with a ton of cool outfits (and MAC of course) a bad ass space ship, and a small crew of lackeys, terrorizing the galaxy. Yeah.. that or Ninja!!


Well-known member
School work stresses me the fuck out. Lol.

Anyways, I would be the world's richest and powerful person. I'll make everyone share their wealth with poor people. :p


Well-known member
Originally Posted by OfficerJenny
Gold Digger

Love it

Add me to the lunching ladies group please.
I want to be rich, penthouse in NYC, Tiffany shopping rich thank you every much.