I'm A Celebrity - Get Me Out of Here


Well-known member
Am I the only one watching this?

Am I the only one that is ready to Bitch Slap Heidi & Spencer ?

Am I the only one that did not know Sanjaya (sp) was a Celebrity ?


Well-known member
I'm watching it and I'm totally getting bored already. I am so with you on that Heidi and Spencer crap. I am quite sure they knew what they were getting into before they got there. This is not the hills, stop that crying crap. Personally I think they have half celebs and half "E" listers (if that's such a thing).


Well-known member
I agree like that one show ...what was the name that had the Brat, Mini Me, all those has beens living in one stupid house


Well-known member
Oh it is so on the tip of my tongue....Oh the Surreal Life! At least with this one they have some sad sad challenges. Did you see Sanjaya just swallow that Iguana's tail whole?


Well-known member
LMAO! I can't believe we are the only people watching this! This is true entertainment! I can totally see Janice doing just as well as she did in the UK version.


Well-known member
Yup, she took his place which is weird. He said he wanted to be on the show to provide for his family. However I'm pretty sure this is for charity. So this is completely confusing me.


Well-known member
Maybe they do??? But like most celeb shows they say it's for charity. Whatever. Are you ready for the Trauma tank? I sure am!


Well-known member
Yes it is getting better as it goes on...But watch they show results next show and I'm gonna be pissed....I am so ready for Big Brother that is my fav reality show!!


Well-known member
I'm sure they get paid something.

I was tripping when Sanjaya volunteered to give Lou the daily foot massage. I howled! Lou is hot though. I really like him now that he's a little older.


Well-known member
yeah Azia I knew you would watch it with me....I honestly think he will win...There is nothing he won't do I don't think


Well-known member
I'm watching it right now. It pisses me off how the hosts focused soo much at being dumb cunts about spencer and heidi. Who fucking cares about their hills-ism, wrestlercunt is stupid and fug.

I love Janice


Well-known member
I couldn't continue watching it so I switched the channel after 3 minutes.

Spencer's creepy flesh-colored beard is really not playing around. It's out and ready for action.


Well-known member
^^^ LOL...yeah those are gonna be some blonde blonde babies...not to mention I don't think they should breed by any means!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by TISH1127
^^^ LOL...yeah those are gonna be some blonde blonde babies...not to mention I don't think they should breed by any means!

Luckily (for humanity), they're gonna adopt a tall,young African boy and name him Dunk Pratt. You know, cuz that's not ignorant at all.

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