Im thinking of going on Birth Control...any advice?


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Im not sure which brand of birth control pills to go going to see my doctor very soon...and want to ask her for it but I want to get some of your opinions and advice on birth control...I was thinking about YAZ and the patch. I keep hearing that the patch is bad for you but I dont smoke cigs or do drugs, and YAZ sounds really good but im not sure bleh. I get extremely bad cramps to the point that it effects my school and work. soo i dont know im very new to this...and i was wondering if its still possible for me to get pregnant when i am on the pill because my bf and I would like to not use condoms.

I just want to know what you girls are taking and what effects it has given you whether they were good or bad...​


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I know for the patch you have to be under a certain weight to be able to use it. I've always used the pill, and it has definitely helped with my cramps/lighter flow. There is still a very small percentage of failure with the pill...even when taken perfectly, but I believe it's like 1%. The percentage goes up if you do not take them properly...not on time/forget to take them etc. I've taken a lot of different brands of pills Yaz, Ortho Tri-Cyclen, etc and I found them to be the same for me. Although Ortho Tri-Cyclen has helped me a lot with my skin. I don't have perfect skin, but it's not as bad/as greasy as it used to be. Talk with your doctor though & I'm sure you can find what's best for you.


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According to what I have read about the pill, it is over 99 percent effective if you never miss a dose--92 percent if you skip a pill.


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I've been using Diane35, primarily for BC, but it's also great for my skin. My doctor recommended this because at the time I went for a prescription, I also had quite a lot of acne. The pill has really helped to clear that up, and I also didn't gain any weight on it.

For the patch, I don't know but some of my friends who used it did gain a huge amount of weight in the 6 months that they had it. But I guess it's a different reaction for different people.

Other types of BC pills, I've tried them but they make my period stop halfway then resume after like 2 or 3 days. I didn't like the erratic cycle so I switched back to Diane35.

I guess what is best is to consult your doctor, and to try out one or two boxes first to see if there will be any adverse side effects unique to you.


Well-known member
I just started the Nuvaring, and so far, I love it. Yeah, there's a bit of bloating, but other than that? For my first foray into hormonal birth control in eleven years, it's been pretty smooth.


Well-known member
I use the Evra patch and I have no complaints!
I'm a smoker, i've been using it for several months now and i'm still alive and healthy, so as a non-smoker you should be fine! =)


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I have tried various Pills and also the Ortho-Evra (The Patch). I liked the Patch method the most because sometimes I would forget to take a pill, making it much less effective, or I'd have to double up and take 2 at once, which made me sick and nauseous. With the Patch, you only have to change it once a week.

That said, I stopped taking all hormonal birth control years ago and much prefer it that way. Birth control made me bloated, extremely moody, and killed my sex drive.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by alien21xx
I've been using Diane35, primarily for BC, but it's also great for my skin. My doctor recommended this because at the time I went for a prescription, I also had quite a lot of acne. The pill has really helped to clear that up, and I also didn't gain any weight on it.

For the patch, I don't know but some of my friends who used it did gain a huge amount of weight in the 6 months that they had it. But I guess it's a different reaction for different people.

Other types of BC pills, I've tried them but they make my period stop halfway then resume after like 2 or 3 days. I didn't like the erratic cycle so I switched back to Diane35.

I guess what is best is to consult your doctor, and to try out one or two boxes first to see if there will be any adverse side effects unique to you.

I also take Diane 35 and its been the best for me since 5 years I think. My skin is clear, my cycle is now regular and the flow isn't too much. No cramps neither.

I use to take try (tri?) cycle.
I had nauseas each nights, too strong for me.

I never had problems with the pill without condoms.
Once, I forgot 2 pills during the months so when we had a little problem with the condom, I went to the clinic and got the other pill, in french we call it ''pillule du lendemain'' but I don't know in english, I'm sorry. But anyway it was just to make sure that I didnt get pregnant.


Well-known member
This is something your doctor will be able to help you with. Make sure you tell him/her your reasons for wanting the pill (to help with cramps, or acne, etc), if you know of any medicines that bother you, if you easily get an upset stomach (I couldn't take the pill because it made me throw up, so now I take Nuva Ring), whether or not you need a generic (if you don't have health insurance, getting something that has a generic version will save you a lot of money), etc.

A lot of people try a couple different kinds of birth control before they settle on what it best for them, so don't be disappointed if they first thing you try doesn't feel quite right!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by miss_dre
I use the Evra patch and I have no complaints!
I'm a smoker, i've been using it for several months now and i'm still alive and healthy, so as a non-smoker you should be fine! =)

Not to sound like someone's mom here, but I'm in pharmacy school and just did a huge project on the patch. Anyway, does your doctor know that you smoke? Because you really should NOT be on the patch if you smoke, in fact the drug pamphlet says they "strongly advise" that you don't smoke because it increases your risk of a blood clot so much (more than other forms of birth control).

Unlike other birth control, there have been a lot of people that have had serious, life threatening side effects due to the patch.


Well-known member
i had the Nuvaring for over 4 years and loved it. No forgetting any pills and it s a lesser dose than the pill anyways. Easy-peasy.

my sex drive was not very happy though... but i had that problem also with the pills i was using before...


Well-known member
i had horrible cramps interrupting my life (sick leave from work was near empty, a week or so in bed, etc.) i had fibroids and endo. now i'm on seasonale/(generic: jolessa)

pros: period once every 3months
little to no cramps

cons: the typical side effects of bc: bloating, moods swings, (i) gained weight, period has been typically a bit over a full 7 day week (mostly spotting, but it can be annoying!)... keeping up with taking a pill daily sucks!

good luck... i'd rather anything other than the pain i was going through. i've been through labor and my periods would be scarier =/


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Willa
I also take Diane 35 and its been the best for me since 5 years I think. My skin is clear, my cycle is now regular and the flow isn't too much. No cramps neither.

WOW I've been thinking on going on birth control myself not only to prevent pregnancy to to regulate my cycle but I've actually never heard of Diane 35 but from your description it sounds very goood...maybe with this i wont have to buy proactive Its pretty cool that it clears up your acne and you dont get cramps anymore but...

I was considering YAZ or SEASONIQUE and now Diane 35 but I cant quite make up my mind about any of these products...WHAT DO U GIRLS THINK???


Well-known member
I think you should see your gynecologist and see what her recommendation for your lifestyle etc. would be.


Well-known member
Thanks doctor did suggest the patch to me years ago...but my ex bf didnt want me to use it because of the serious risks...but i guess there are going to be risks in taking any birth control anyway. But yes i did see on tv once on a talk show about birth control killing your sex drive...haha i dont want that! but i guess it depends on the person i guess. I think im going to mention YAZ and Diane 35 to my doctor and will see what other suggestions she has


Well-known member
i have microgyan or something like that
and seriously apart from the period thing i wouldnt notice if i was on it or not
i seem to have ZERO side affects hmmm


Well-known member
I am on Portia...I love it! I have been on it for years. My period lasts about 2-3 days and light flow, my only issue is my bitchiness lol...


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I take Kariva. The very first month I used it, I had bad cramps and stomach aching, but every month after that has been a breeze. Everyone is different but I get my period by Wed/Thurs, and it lasts til Sunday, and I feel fine. I don't know if this has to do with the birth control or my body chemistry, but I will get bloated on the 3rd week of my pill pack for a few days, which sucks because that's the week I also feel like I need to eat EVERYTHING. Talk to your doctor though, only she can really recommend what is best for you.


Well-known member
I have been on Ortho Tri-cyclen Lo for more than half a year.
I didn't gain any weight. My sex drive was not affected.
I used to have bad cramps. It got to the point where I have to stay in bed. Menstrual pain killers were a must. My cycle is normal now. There are no cramps. My period lasts for 5 days and it definitely got lighter.
I can't tell if it helped my skin or not. I still get pimples, but they are the smaller types.
I've tried Alesse, but it made me nauseous.