in a room full of people but still alone...


Well-known member
Yes I do. I get very lonely sometimes, and I feel as though I am all by myself.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by underwater
occasionally, but quite often i feel crowded when i'm only around a couple of other people

Meeeeee too. Weird


Well-known member
No, because my husband talks incessantly. Even as I am writing this he is saying "What if you lived on a street named Deerbrook (a street he drove by today) and you were married to a woman named Brooke and you wrote her a letter. Wouldn't that be weird?" This is what I listen to all day......


Well-known member
Yes, all the freaking time. But I'm also the only foreigner in the room 99.9% of the time too. I feel like the elephant in the room. Lunch time can be especially bad in the big lunch cafeteria.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by rbella
No, because my husband talks incessantly. Even as I am writing this he is saying "What if you lived on a street named Deerbrook (a street he drove by today) and you were married to a woman named Brooke and you wrote her a letter. Wouldn't that be weird?" This is what I listen to all day......

was he seriously saying that?
that cracked me up!

i am a major social phobia. i don't like to be in large groups, even if i know most of the people. and i don't like being in any size group, even a few other people, if i don't know anyone else.
it was hard for me going to college everyday, being on a big campus not knowing ANYONE. i was like this all thru middle school/high school. i even remember when i was little being too scared to say "trick or treat" to people on halloween, and wouldn't get any candy.

its the total opposite for my sister, who's older, married, has a kid, and lives outta state. but when she comes home to visit and we hang out, i feel outta place cause she always wants to go places and i feel uncomfortable. kinda weird tho that my job (and all my previous jobs) involves customer service with the public.


Well-known member
i feel very often, im know im all by myself. Im afraid to feel very attached to people, cause they can leave me
I feel good with Mom


Well-known member
Originally Posted by rbella
No, because my husband talks incessantly. Even as I am writing this he is saying "What if you lived on a street named Deerbrook (a street he drove by today) and you were married to a woman named Brooke and you wrote her a letter. Wouldn't that be weird?" This is what I listen to all day......

Nooo he didnt, lmao. He probably makes you laugh all day long. That is too funny! (BTW, there is a deerbrook development right next to my house, too)


Well-known member
I know how you feel
If it wasnt for my bf, I'd be alone all the time
I used to be 24/7 with friends... but always felt like the lonely one. I'm just not a very social person, I love to listen to people, watch the crowd but I don't like having the attention on me so I guess it doesnt help on interractions.

And because of that, people arent attracted to come and talk to me and usually start with : hooo I though (sp??) you were a mean person...


I always look forward to make new friends, but it's hard. So I learned how to live with myself hahaha


Well-known member
Yep!! Especially if it's a large group of people that I don't know extremely well. Then I barely ever talk because I hate that feeling of as soon as you start talking everyone's focus shifts towards you. Makes me sooo nervous. So people think I'm really quiet and shy when I'm really not. Just in large scary groups.


Well-known member
yeah, i know how you feel, especially when you don't know anyone. I'm shy so it makes it harder.
Sometimes i think because i'm nervous or lonely i don't smile and people think i'm unfriendly, intimidating or a snob.
I prefer small close knit groups that can talk openly to each other.


Well-known member
I actually think that this played a major factor in my divorce. My ex is very much an outgoing person who thrives on being surrounded by people. I am the opposite-I tend to be a loner. In groups I am uncomfortible and usually sit back and watch. I have had the same experience as Willa...I will finally get to know someone and they will say they always thought I was mean/snobby/bitchy because I didn't socialize like my ex. Thankfully, my current BF and I are exactly alike (as I get older I realize that whole opposites attract thing ain't all it cracked up to be) and we enjoy doing things with people we are comfortible around, most times just another couple. We are also completely comfortible to sit in silence doing our own thing for a while.


Well-known member
Yeah I do a lot of the time. Though I suffer from depression and have difficulties connecting with people these days.


Well-known member
I do, but it's not quite as overwhelming as it used to be. Then again, it used to be an accomplishment to get out of bed (I'm in a long term relationship with depression and anxiety, but medication has helped me immensely. I can now actually function most days!

Feeling alone when surrounded by people is a miserable feeling, as is feeling extremely uncomfortable around people. When you are afflicted with both feelings, there's really no way to win.


Well-known member
Me too, specifically at work. Yesterday especially. It seemed as if all the woman (and men!!) in my dept. were on the same cycle and super crabby/catty. I tried hard not to speak or make eye contact with anyone as I was afraid I'd get stoned to death with Bic Pens or feminine supplies...scary.

Seriously, I don't mean to be anti-social. In fact I'm very sociable outside of my job. But my position is so different from my co-workers--I'm a graphic artist in a sea of financial analysts, accountants and basically suits. I feel like I can't be myself nor connect with hardly anyone because all they think I do is slap photos in documents and that's it. They are clueless. It can be a little disheartening *sigh* Corporate America at it's best...gah.

P.S. rbellla you are hilarious! I have a chatty hubby too
He's my noisy sunshine.

Girl about town

Well-known member
i used to feel like this all the time, i think it was because i was unfullflilled!. Sounds cheesy but now i have my fiance and my son i never ever feel alone, in fact i would love to feel alone. No matter where i am i always have this feeling that i have support and love , thats not to say i don't have bad days xx


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Willa
I know how you feel

And because of that, people arent attracted to come and talk to me and usually start with : hooo I though (sp??) you were a mean person...

Oh, if I had a dollar for everytime someone said this to me I'd be a millionaire. I'm just not comfortable walking up to a stranger and talking to them! This guy actually told my boyfriend that I'm stuck up because I didn't say hi to him specifically (there were several people in the room who I didn't know including him so I kinda said hi to everyone). Ugh