Interracial couple denied marriage liscense-


Well-known member
This man needs to come out from under the rock he has been living in. Hardly anyone today is just from one background. My mom is jamaican and my dad is puerto rican and i grew up to be fine. I want to know what his big concern for the children are?

Half N Half

Well-known member
I was JUST going to post this. I think this justice of the peace is an A-HOLE and should be fired. I am a proud product of an interracial marriage
and I can't believe this kind of stuff is STILL going on in 2009!!


Well-known member
I can't believe he hasn't been fired. I also can't understand how he has any authority to deny the liscnese to them?? wtf..


Well-known member
I think this man is nuts.

He has admitted he has done this previous 4 other times in a 2 1/2 year span. That means the other couples haven't complained and he thought he was going to get away with it again, even though he know he has no right to question anyone license.

It is going to be up to the this couple along with the ACLU to continue forward and try to get this man licensed revoked. This is appalling and disgusting.

And did y'all read where he said he has "piles and piles of black friends'. I immediately thought of cattle. He thinks his so called friends are cattle.


Well-known member
this surprised me, i do not even see how this is legal!! it is so disgusting and wrong

Half N Half

Well-known member
Originally Posted by BEA2LS
this surprised me, i do not even see how this is legal!! it is so disgusting and wrong

I'm pretty sure it's not legal. What an idiot. Who even has the audacity to tell people they shouldn't get married because their future children will have problems because of their "mixed-upness"? Apparently he's a psychic too.


Well-known member
It's definetly not legal; there are very few reasons that a judge can deny a marriage liscense, and the fact that the couple is interracial is not one of them. But this does illustrate that there are people who still have issues with race even in 2009.


Well-known member
it saddens me that we still have a society like this. i now that it's a minority now which is great. but i think this is heartbreaking for the couple. and what crap about 'thinking of the children'. this guy needs scaking as soon as.


Well-known member
The fact that he says he is not a racist makes me think he doesn't understand what racism is. It's not like you have to lynch someone to be a racist. I've pointed that out to other people who make racist comments too.


Well-known member
I didn't know you could be turned down for a marriage license unless there was some impediment, like already being married or something. That's just wrong! It's not his job to play God... who cares if a couple is interracial? It sounds like he's just prejudiced and doesn't know how things really work in the world...


Well-known member
Originally Posted by NutMeg
The fact that he says he is not a racist makes me think he doesn't understand what racism is. It's not like you have to lynch someone to be a racist. I've pointed that out to other people who make racist comments too.

Most people don't understand what racism is. or most other isms for that matter. This is just a more overt and direct example of modern day racism. Most of the time people aren't as stupid to say black/white and to think.. this judge was also an elected official

so he has the support of the people in his community i bet


Well-known member
This is quite sad... especially in today's world. I really don't know what else to say besides that... just the whole thing is totally pathetic and inappropriate.


Well-known member
1st off I am the product of an interracial marrige and proud of it!

2nd off if you have to explain yourself and claim "I'm not racist"... um you probably are.


Well-known member
I've never really understood who people opposed to interracial marriage think those of us of mixed backgrounds are supposed to marry??

Damned if I'm gonna find a half Chinese - 1/16th Spanish - 7/16ths English man out there to shack up with.


What a d-bag! Using the excuse that the children might suffer is a bold faced cop-out. I don't think its any of his business and I am surprised he got away with it before. His job is to provide a marriage license not to determine who is worthy of that license.
Also, if he is so concerned with how people will treat interracial children he would speak out against other people's behavior not try to brush interracial marriages and children under the rug like its some dirty little secret. What an idiot! I hope he loses his job.

And I completely agree with Strawberrymold....if you gotta explain yourself, you probably are.


Well-known member
the guy is an idiot the world is a global village interracial marriage is inevitable and i dont think anyone has a problem with the kids of interracial couples there are alot of mixed celebrities and people in political office.
Doubt that he would have any black friends after this.
He ought to be ashamed of himself