Is it time for there to be 2 teachers per classroom?


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Fidling with the genes is another thing altogether.

If you ever get the chance watch the movie Gattica. That's all about a society that corrects any gene flaws and so on even before the egg has been implanted into the womb. Very interesting film and very well written.


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Originally Posted by Shimmer
I hate the 'there isn't money' argument because I just got my property tax bill.
Over half of my taxes (which are substantial) went to the school district.
In a city with approximately 650,000 people, say for the sake of argument that 400000 of them are property owners, with the average tax being 2000 to go to the school. 2K*400K is a LOT of zeros. I realize our teachers need their salaries and all that but you can't tell me that a superintendent's salary should be approaching the half a million mark.

Most schools can barely afford to pay the one per classroom teachers let alone a second teacher in the classroom. If a pedophile wants get at a child, it's going to happen one way or another.

Slightly on/off-topic rant:

My husband hasn't had a raise in YEARS (he's a teacher, obviously). The last raise he received was .5% about 3 years ago. They're still working on last year's contract. In most jobs if you're up for a new contract, you can strike, but here in the "great" state of IN it's against the law for teachers to strike. That's not even cost of living...I work for the state as well (at a university) and even *I* received a greater raise than he did and I get one every year. I'm not sure what his superintendent makes, but somewhere along the way, the school corp fucked up royally and borrowed money from the general fund which pays the teachers. Schools squander the money and the teachers (and through this the students) suffer.

He'd go somewhere else, but no school corp would be willing to hire him. He already has a master's degree and, really, when you can hire some fresh out of college teacher to do the same job that he does, who are you going to hire? *sigh*


Well-known member
...our teachers are actually some of the best paid in the country, so I can't speak for other school districts. Considering the cost of living in my area, they actually make really decent money.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Shimmer
Minority Report was a horrible movie.

(Now THAT I disagree with!!)

I find it really hard to think clearly about paedophiles in terms of what the best way to deal with them is. When I was a child I was almost abused by one and my mum saved me. Later in life, I actually met one (long story) and was quite disgusted. He got beaten nearly to death the next day. I've also worked at a children's home for abused children (in the States too) and seen the victims first-hand.

I have too much compassion for them probably, but I can't agree with the pure hatred people feel for them. Over here (in the UK), a tabloid newspaper printed a government list of sex offenders and a mob went to beat up one of them.

It turned out he was a paediatrician, not a paedophile. He was hospitalised anyway.

I think secure units are the best way. I don't agree with releasing them into the community at all. I don't agree with death sentences either, I don't think it would be a deterrent. But then again, I don't have children. Ask me again when I have children and I'll probably say death would be too kind.


Well-known member
I think part of why they act on it, is because it's so taboo. So it makes it that much more of a turn on because they KNOW society frowns on it. I mean c'mon... How can you have any sympathy for those men who commit lude acts with a minor, and then murder them. Toss them into generl jail population with a orange jumpsuit that says, "CHILD MOLESTER/MURDERER" on it in BOLD. I have 0 sympathy for pedophiles who betray the trust of young children, or who commit rape with a minor (or rape at any age tbh).

I *might* be able to sympathize a little, with people who are branded a sex offender/pedophile and have done the act with a older teen who was a willing participant. At like 15 to 18, I think most of us (then again who knows, HELLO sex education, WRU) at that age know the difference between whats OK, and what's NOT ok. It's such a touchy subject when people get closer to the legal age of consent.


Well-known member
I have mixed feelings on the issues of pedophilia. Which I know this topic isn't really about, but you all started down a different road LOL

I firmly believe that a person cannot choose whom they are sexually attracted to, including pedophiles. I also FIRMLY believe that we have an accepted rule of law in our society that we all have to live by or face consequences. I believe it is possible for a person to be a pedophile and NEVER act upon those urges. I feel truly sorry for those people and hope that they can find some peace through some kind of counseling. Once a pedophile crosses that line though and molests a child, I lose all sympathy for them. We live in a society of rule and law and every functional human knows what society and law accepts from us in terms of behavior. They should be locked away forever where they can never, ever get near a child again. We should do the same with rapists. One strike and you are out.

RaeRae, I think there is a different terminology for someone that is attracted to teens. Ephebophile, maybe? I have mixed thoughts on "consensual" sex between adults and older teens. I think its a very grey area.

On topic, I have no idea how to broach the topic of inappropriate touches with my girls and they are starting to be at the ages where they go places without me, with other adult supervision. What the hell do I say to a 3 and almost 5 year old without confusing the hell out of them?


Well-known member
Use the bathing suit guideline. Or tell them the shorts and tshirt rule...
Maybe something like...
There are places that everyone has that are private. Those places shouldn't be touched by anyone else. If anyone else ever touches those places, tell an adult, tell me, tell gramma, whatever, because those are your places, and they're not for anyone else to touch.

That's how I handled it with my kids, and told them that anywhere that a pair of shorts and Tshirt covered was off limits to anyone else.

Beauty Mark

Well-known member
Or you could maybe tell them that if anyone says or does anything to them that makes them feel uncomfortable, that they should tell you ASAP. I think you should also emphasize that you don't want any secrets between you two.


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The part that I am having trouble with is that it is acceptable for their teachers, or relatives, or certain other people to help them when they are in the bathroom. How do I explain the difference between that and bad private touching? And how do I explain that bad private touching could in fact occur when someone helps them in the bathroom? I think I am overthinking this. It can't be this difficult, right?


Well-known member
Tell them that a bad touch will usually be accompanied by someone telling them to not tell anyone.
It's okay for someone to help wipe their bottom or whatever, but it's never okay for someone to do something and then tell them to hide it. It's also never okay for someone to do something that makes them (the kids) feel ashamed or bad about themselves.


Well-known member
Im a High School Teacher and head of faculty and have two angles on the subject...

First issue is that my staff never put themselves in a position where they are alone with a student and if you are always make sure you are visual reach of another member of staff. Interviews/Tutorials are conducted in an open space and the immediate vicintiy of the student should not be tresspasses with hand gestures or over familairity despite how well you know that student.

and Secondly where i work some of the students can be genuinely be affectionate and appreciative of support we give them. I called a boys home the other week to tell his mother what an aboslute joy he was to teach and about how his academic progress in History was so pleasing despite him having missed alot of school. The next day this boy who towers over me at 6"2 located me and reached out to hug me...the gesture was lovely but always puts you on guard about how such a scenario can be interpreted.

Where i work teachers are generally attuned to touching rules even when being friendly or supportive and physical contact is unavoidable (consoling bereaved or distressed students). I would most definately support two adults in the classroom environment rule but also for my own safety with more aggressive students with behavioural and emotional issues aswell as for theirs.