Is your significant other big on romance?


Well-known member
i'm really not into romantic type of guys..& my bf isn't all that romantic, i think? well, last week he did do something quite lovely..i leave for work at about 630am and sometime during the night he snuck out and placed a love letter he wrote to me on my drivers seat. when i saw it the next morning it totally made my day!

my bf & i were of course a little more on the mushy side in the beginning but as the years pass we know how and what we feel for one another.

*on another note i met this one guy who was just cool to be friends but i guess he wanted more..he sent me roses and flowers every week! and teddy bears! always sent them to my workplace. he always cooked food (great cook by the way) and brought me lunch or dinner. & that's one of the big reasons why i stopped talkin' to him completely..that's WAY too romantic/mushy for me.


Well-known member
My guy is definetly a romantic, but, ok, this is going to sound really weird, but I swear to God its true. For valentines day fo this year, my boyfriend decided that he was going to take me on a romantic date, but he wouldn't tell me where we were going. He picked me up at my place, and he had filled his car up with paper hearts and flowers, and then got me a small bouquet, I thought that it was so sweet and romantic. Then he blindfolded me, and he drove me around for twenty minutes, and when I took my blindfold off, we were in a resort town close to our city at an outlet mall. I had only casually mentioned it once, but he remembered and took me to the CCO for valentines day. He knew that I couldn't go by myself because I have no car, and he knew that I had been itching to go. I love him so much!


Well-known member
He's very romantic which I love cos I'm the same. He always meets me at the airport with roses, leaves me little notes, sends random lovey dovey emails and we never put the phone down without telling one another ' I love you. We're sickening romantic - lol

He surprises me all the time, buys me my fave chocolates on a whim - ahh he's just so lovely. I'm very lucky to have him.

Being in a long diistance r'ship you have to make that extra effort, which we do.

Shadowy Lady

Well-known member
my guy is much more of a romantic than I am, lol! But you don't want anyone less romantic than me, I'm always sarcastic on matters of love


Well-known member
Originally Posted by 06290714

*on another note i met this one guy who was just cool to be friends but i guess he wanted more..he sent me roses and flowers every week! and teddy bears! always sent them to my workplace. he always cooked food (great cook by the way) and brought me lunch or dinner. & that's one of the big reasons why i stopped talkin' to him completely..that's WAY too romantic/mushy for me.

lol wow, that's trying really hard. Someone was crushing on you hard


Well-known member
Originally Posted by gildedangel
My guy is definetly a romantic, but, ok, this is going to sound really weird, but I swear to God its true. For valentines day fo this year, my boyfriend decided that he was going to take me on a romantic date, but he wouldn't tell me where we were going. He picked me up at my place, and he had filled his car up with paper hearts and flowers, and then got me a small bouquet, I thought that it was so sweet and romantic. Then he blindfolded me, and he drove me around for twenty minutes, and when I took my blindfold off, we were in a resort town close to our city at an outlet mall. I had only casually mentioned it once, but he remembered and took me to the CCO for valentines day. He knew that I couldn't go by myself because I have no car, and he knew that I had been itching to go. I love him so much!

wow! he blindfolded you and took you to the cco for valentines
I am sure all the grls here including myself would love that.


Well-known member
my hubby isn't traditionally romantic. but he does do sweet things on occassion like make me dinner, buy me a random face cream that i mention i want. and if we're in a shop and he sees a cute toy that i'll likee he buys it for me.
he used to buy me flowers but one of our kitties used to bite the heads off!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by stronqerx
lol wow, that's trying really hard. Someone was crushing on you hard

tell me about it!!

i mean i'm already not so attracted to guys like that and this one just totally blew things over!

kinda creeped me out too


Well-known member
This thread makes me a little sad...

...but when I actually have a SO, I don't like them to be gushy romantic-y types. My idea of romance is a good steak (I mean giant ass rare, bloody steak, none of those girly small ones.) and a horror flick. ...or taking me somewhere for a tattoo...that's good too. Roses die. Candy either gets digested, or sits and goes to waste (LOL I guess either way it's going to "waste"
...sorry...that was uncalled for. Hehehe), not to mention it'll make me a fatty mcfat fat. ...but a nice yummy steak will fill my tummy with happiness, and a horror flick will play into one of my greatest loves of all...and a tattoo...well...have you seen me lately??

PS. No, I'm not talking about taking me for a tattoo so I can get his name tattooed on me. I'm not that dumb (no offense to anyone who has/had a SO's name tattooed on them)...only family, blood family, gets tattooed on my body.


Well-known member
My husband is overly romantic...He loves doing romantic things, dinners, gifts, holding hands, cuddling etc.......I am the one who is so so when it comes to romance ...I guess it is not an even match but it works for us...


Well-known member
I've never really dated traditionally 'romantic' guys, and my current bf is no different.. but he does do sweet things.
He's probably the most outwardly affectionate guy I've dated, we're always holding hands in public and doing other cute things. Nothing creepy or gross in public, we're not hanging off each other.
Errm.. I don't get flowers or chocolates, but he does surprise me with all sorts of other things I am into like books, little dopey figures I collect, video games (I know, it's lame.. but I never grew up haha).
Plus, he seems to genuinely listen to me when I am excited about a haul, and waits patiently while I shop. It may seem like nothing, but it's always the small gestures that make a big impact on me.


Well-known member
My bf is definitely not the romantic type. Occasionally he has his moments, but I think his quirky sense of romance is funnier to me. I would be overwhelmed by someone who was super romantic, I would feel uncomfortable and awkward. That doesn't mean I don't appreciate it when my bf has a random romantic moment... But they usually aren't traditional romance.

For example, he does it very rarely, but the best presents he has ever given me (both for Christmas) were handmade. The first Christmas we were together he made me a beautiful scarf, and this past Christmas he made me a wooden chest out of walnut (it was for our sex toys, which in my mind makes it even funnier). It was my birthday a couple of weeks ago, and my present was an absurdly large bag of Jellybellys (which I'm sad to say is mostly gone now). It's hard to explain, but he can make me laugh my ass off and feel special and loved all at the same time.


Well-known member
Not so much romantic in the candlelight and roses sense, but he's exceptionally loving and affectionate, and thoughful with little things, like bringing me ice cream or something like that. I guess I'll keep him.


Well-known member
Mr RR is romantic but in a very subjective way to me. He does things which I think are romantic but other women wouldn't which is one of the main reasons why I love him.

For example when I'm really tired he does everything for me. We had a family function at my cousin's house and all the girls were sleeping over at my grandparents house. I'd been at work since 6 am, come straight home, gotten changed and gone to where the function was (it was a three day thing) and we had gotten to my grandparents house at about 1 am, he carried me from the car into the house. My aunts were swooning over him doing it and I was there with this emotion on my face
. Also, whilst we were at my cousin's house he made me about 5 cups of coffee whilst my aunts were stuck making coffee for their husbands. People say that we're like Lois and Hal from Malcolm in the Middle

Another thing he does (which is romantic to me) is that when he packs stuff for me he gets into RR mode and packs backups and alternatives to stuff which is really really nice of him because he actually picks out stuff I would take myself.

When we have to drive long distance he always always takes me out to eat on the way back home regardless of whether or not we've had a car argument.

The thing I find the most romantic about him is twofold, 1)the way he gives me this look which I adore but have never been able to capture on camera, it makes me feel totally safe and invincible. Same as when he gives me a hug, I feel like nothing can touch me when does that. 2)The amount of patience he has for me and how he joins in my stupid reasoning, I think aloud a lot and many thoughts are dodgy, e.g. if you drink Tippex will your pooh come out white? He entertains these thoughts and doesn't call me stupid (despite it being a stupid question). He's a banker and I'm a finance lawyer and he explains some banking terms to me very well without getting on his high horse because he knows so much.

And he proposed to me whilst we were watching The Shining which to me was very romantic but would be unacceptable to many women. I remember making a throwaway comment about what kinda man would propose to a woman in the middle of The Shining and he just said
..AND he knew the ring I was lusting after despite me not saying a single word to him about it.


Well-known member
My hubby is way more romantic than I am. lol

I grew up in a family where my parents never showed "love" or "affection". So i guess that's where I get my "love habits" from.

The only romantic thing I would do is... suprise my hubby with random gifts (a t-shirt here and there, shoes, car stuff, food he loves, etc.). And I remember my mom doing that when I was a kid. I used to write "I Love You" letters (I used to do that to an ex a long time ago, but he never appreciated it). The hubby loves those letters, and I think that's one reason why I love him. lol. Also, he always wrote me love letters (whether it was our monthly anniversary, just to say I love you, etc).
My hubby likes to go out of town for a somewhat romantic getaway or going out to a nice/decent dinner. But with money problems lately (he was laid off), that doesn't happen anymore. Or sweet talking in my ear! EWW, I HATE THAT. I get chills like someone is whispering to kill me, lmao.

It's kind of sad how my parents didnt show affection. Then when I had my first real bf, he never appreciate it. And when I got married, romantic things kinda creeped me out. I'm so weird. lol


Well-known member
same thing as NernersHuman. my bf use to do those really romantic things to woo me when we first met, but it kinda died down....considering we've been together for 8 yrs this october. some men are romantic naturally, and some aren't. some do it to get the girl. to those who have been with their SO for a long ass time, and they are STILL romantic...awwww!

my bf is still romantic. not romantic in the traditional sense (chocolate, flowers and teddy bears) but when he thinks of me during the day and gets random things to surprise me that he thinks will make me happy, or calls me wifey, or the time he got 7 roses tattooed for the 7 years we've been together....that to me is romantic. it's sweet, thoughtful, and full of love.

Nutmeg: LOL on the wooden box


Well-known member
My boy's not really romantic to me at all. Hell, besides food, i dont think he's spent more than $100 on me since a year ago (when we got together). While you shouldnt measure your love with money, i would like a nice trinket or two sometime...

he's not really romantic, he doesnt consider things i like which really kind of sucks. when i bring up stuff i like, it goes in one ear and out the other. =/


Well-known member
Like many, my boy isn't traditionally romantic, I only ever receive gifts on occasions like Valentines day and birthday (if even, those are the only times of the year I get anything!)
But he is very affectionate which makes up for it. And he's insanely patient with me..I can just lie in bed and whine about being too tired to get out of bed and he would just wait for me, occasionally poking me saying 'I'm hungry..I want to go and get lunch SBB!'
