Just so scared right now.


Well-known member
I started a thread several months ago regarding a guy I was friends with and having sex with on a regular basis. I've known him for pretty much close to 5 years now. He's the only guy I've had sex with in over 2 years. In the last thread many of you ladies suggested that I should stop talking him. But stupid me, didn't take that advice. We continued doing our whole little routine and it was going good until tonight when we talked online.

This maybe TMI, but the convo first started out with me being really really horny and he was just playing along. It was too late at night for me to go out and meet him and have sex and spend time together. So we decided that he would come visit me either wednesday or thursday when my brother goes back to school and I can have the whole house to myself. Which is understandable. We kept talking and eventually he told me that he was basically horny and wanted to have sex now. Which is understandable cause the whole convo before was pretty much about sex. So naturally I tell him something along the lines of I wish you come over now and do me but I guess not cause we have to wait until my brothers gone.

And then he tells me that he is going to go have sex now. My jaw dropped, my heart stopped for a moment after reading that. Obviously he couldn't have sex with me at that moment so he had to of meant with someone else when he said that. This is one of those times where you just hate having convos online cause you can never tell the tone of voice the person is using. You don't know if there serious or not. So I said eww, and asked him if he was for real about that. He said yes. I was kind of lost for words and just said oh okay i guess then. He then tells me bye. I had to say something to stall him from getting offline so quickly. So I just told him that I couldn't believe that he said that to him. Which was the truth, I really couldn't. I'm sitting here still in disbelief. Then he msgs me telling me that he was just kidding.

This immediately leads into a whole other convo about how he feels uncomfortable when I tell him that I love him. And that because of it he has even considered stop talking to me in fear of "hurting" me. I told him that it had been a long time since I had told him that i loved him and meant it like that (LIE!). He then refers to the times when I tell him I love him during sex. I just told him that when I said it, it didn't mean I was in love with him it was more of the fact that I loved him for giving me great sex. And he's like I hope you meant it that way. Basically I told him that I know we will never ever be together in a relationship cause he doesn't like commitment or feeling tied down but that I can't help and feel that I do want to be with him. He says that if we were together not much would be different. We'd still talk, see eachother, hang out, and have sex like we do now but that there would be commitment though. Plus I want that acknowledgement as his GIRLFRIEND. Not a friend or a fuck buddy but his GIRLFRIEND. That would mean that I truly matter enough to him. We talk some more and then finally he tells me that he's leaving and getting offline and will talk to me later. Kind of abruptly. But then again it's online you can never tell.

I'm just so scared that he's going out and screwing some slut right now. Enjoying time with her, talking to her, and everything that we do together. I'm so scared that he's not going to speak to me again and that I'll lose him.

I know you can't force someone to love you back or want what you want. And I'm sort of content with how things were before. We were talking more and fighting A LOT less and things seemed really good. But I swear if he's with some other girl I don't think I can handle this anymore. I don't think I'd ever want to talk to him again or see him. But then again it's just so hard not having him around in my life. He is a friend, I've known him for so long. I would rather have him treat me like shit just the way every other guy I've ever been with has than be with some other girl and to tell me about it.

I just keep crying and feeling like crap and just so lost right now.


Well-known member
Wow - sounds like you are really being played by this guy... He is getting exactly what he wants but it seems that your not because things have changed for you. This is already at the point its hurting you so might be a good time to step back and be brutally honest with yourself about what is going on here - it doesn't look like your going to get anything you want out of this guy/relationship...

Sorry hun


Well-known member

I'm sorry if this comes out really blunt but... I'm about tough love.

This is a really unfortunate situation and, if I'm being completely honest with you, the worst part of it is your second last sentence:

"I would rather have him treat me like shit just the way every other guy I've ever been with has than be with some other girl and to tell me about it."


Come on. You deserve better than that. And if "better than that" means that he isn't in your life then you know what? THAT'S HOW IT HAS TO BE. You have to start feeling better about yourself and knowing what you deserve in a friend, in a relationship, in life etc. Nobody earns the right to walk over you unless you give it to them.

Now, as far as your "friend" goes, I'm not placing the blame solely on him. If you both went into this arrangement wanting casual sex then I can't actually fault the guy for wanting to continue with what you jointly established. But if you know that you're falling/you've fallen for him, then it's up to you to do what's right for you.

Personally, I see nothing wrong in enjoying casual sex with someone you trust if it's something you both want, but at this point, it's quite evident that his actions (and consequently your inaction) are detrimental to your mental and emotional health. Moreover, if he is sleeping around with other people, how much trust do you have that it isn't going to affect you physically?

You're an attractive girl. You just need the self-esteem to go along with it. Demand respect. You won't get it otherwise.


Well-known member
This is going to be super harsh, and I'm sorry for that. I had to come to a similar realization myself recently, and it is not an easy thing to admit to yourself.

Originally Posted by X4biddenxLustX
Plus I want that acknowledgement as his GIRLFRIEND. Not a friend or a fuck buddy but his GIRLFRIEND. That would mean that I truly matter enough to him.

You are not his girlfriend. He does not want you to be. You don't matter enough to him.

Originally Posted by X4biddenxLustX
I'm so scared that he's not going to speak to me again and that I'll lose him.

You don't have him. He is not yours to lose.

I feel like I should add something nice and comforting after this, but I'm feeling a little bleak about love myself right now. It's also very late and I'm too tired to be diplomatic. The reality is that this situation is going to continue to suck you dry and drain your self-worth until you do something about it. Finding the strength to admit these things to yourself is incredibly difficult, and putting yourself back together afterwards is even harder, but you aren't going to be able to be happy until you do. He will never be the person you want, and right now you are afraid of losing a relationship and a person that you don't have and doesn't exist.


Well-known member
The only way that you are going to feel better is to talk to him about this face to face, tell him how you feel and demand the respect that you deserve, or cut off this relationship. He is being a jackass and you are letting him do that. I feel like you know that it would be best to leave him, it would hurt now but it would save you a lot of pain in the future.


Well-known member
I hate to do this as well but tough love is the way to go. Don't let him walk all over you like this. You need to love yourself more. You may disagree with me but you really need to think about this. Move on. Don't hang on to someone that's using you and don't hope for something from someone who isn't going to give it to you.

I'm sorry to be so tough but you need to believe me that years from now you will look back and think what was I thinking!?!

Be strong *hugs*


Well-known member
It's hard right now, but in 2 years you'll think about it and tell yourself : how come I was so blind...

When I was around 20-21, I had this guy friend (we hanged out with 3 guys all the time) and I had a crush on him and refused the fact that he only wanted me as a f*ck friend... I would have loved soooo much if he took my hand in public, if he called me back when I called him during the week (we only saw each other on weekends) and such...

When I think about it now, I find myself pretty dumb to have fallen for him.
He was @ss with me.


Well-known member
I agree with all of the above. It's hard to face the facts about someone you care about... but you should care about yourself above all.

The point is if you want a relationship and he doesn't it makes for a really confusing and hurtful "friends with benefits" situation. Also, sometimes it helps to take away what he gets for "free" for him to perhaps realize that he has feelings too.


Well-known member
Thanks ladies. I spent at least an hour and a half crying last night and woke up this morning doing the same. It just hurts so bad right now. I just wish this horrible feeling inside of me and the tears would stop right now. I feel so embarrassed, ashamed, and like such a f*cking idiot. Cause I lead myself on for 3 years believe that something good would come out of this.

This is going to sound stupid and probably cliche but as messed up as some of the things he has said and done to me, he was one of my close friends. It's hard not to consider someone as a close friend after confiding in them and having them listen to you when times got tough for 5 years. I just can't make that disappear as much as I wish I could. I'm left here thinking, whose gonna be here for me now?! All of my other friends and I have sort of drifted apart because we've gotten older and we all have different priorities whether it's school or work or both to worry about. We just lost that closeness we use to have when we were still in school and saw each other on a regular basis. I have found that I have a hard time opening up and talking to them about really serious things that have been bothering me. So it was as if he kind of just took over the role of best friend for me. And knowing that that is gone makes me feel so alone.

To be honest I hate the whole friends with benefits thing. I was too blind to realize that this was all this was. I thought he was different from the guys I've been with, all the guys I've slept with. I guess not.

The part that was probably the most messed up was during the convo before we got all serious, was when we talked about trust. I told him that I trust him, and he said that it would be hard for me to not trust him after so many years. And then all of this happens? It's just like a slap to the face really.

Shadowy Lady

Well-known member
well, I think the friends with benefits works if you're more mature and have been down the roads of serious relationship before. Additionally, TBH I think friends with benefit just doesn't work well for most women as women tend to get attached to the guys once they have sex with them. Maybe if you did it once but sex on an ongoing basis with no commitment just ends up hurting most women.

Now, as hard as it is now, I would listen to what the other ladies have said before me. You need to distance yourself from this guy. I understand you guys were good friends but I think that kinda went our of the window once you became f... buddies :/ As harsh as it seems, he doesn't consider you his gf (and well, you never agreed to date each other) and you'll just end up being more hurt if you continue this way.

Hope you cheer up soon
Don't waste your youth over a guy who doesn't care about you. There are other fishes (more caring ones) in the see


Well-known member
Okay honestly, take a step back from the situation because your emotions are making you totally irrational.

If this was happening to someone else... what would you say to them?

Read over what you wrote!!! He's playing you, you know it, you're hurting, but you still sit there and let it happen. If this was someone else, I know you'd be in here with all of us going "Okay this is insane, you clearly deserve better and this situation clearly isnt going to get better".

Move on from it. We've all been there. You gotta let it go. Like Tish used to say to me all the time "ditch the zero, find your hero."

Oh and lastly, "friends with benefits" is really convenient for a guy... especially if he wants nothing to do with you relationship wise. It gives him a free pass to basically just fuck you over. Don't put yourself in that spot.


Well-known member
Yeah I totally agree now that for the most part friends with benefits only benefits the guy. They get what they want, free sex basically whenever they want it without having to go out and find some girl to screw. While for girls I guess it'll be okay for a while until you start getting too close to the guy. Only to find out that they don't give a shit about what her wants and desires are.

I'm starting to realize that I did so much for him to try to make him happy. And I even told him that too. I gave up so much all for him to the point where I feel like I don't have anything for myself anymore. Aside from this whole thing with him, my life sucks right now. I'm not happy. I'm miserable. This is not helping at all. I feel so drained of my youth, self worth and self esteem.

Now looking back, I was always okay with JUST sex with guys (won't lie I was quite promiscuous). We'd have sex, have fun and then leave it at that. And there have been times where I have had to distance myself away from the guy cause it felt like he actually wanted more from me than sex. As long as I distanced myself I was always okay. I actually felt okay about myself, I still had an inch of self-esteem in me.

As for men now I have no trust in them whatsoever. Romantically I'm completely done with them. I know it sound stupid since I'm only 18 still. But I've literally had enough of the crap. Before this guy I have been in some pretty horrible relationships, probably borderline abusive ones. This is the last straw. I can't do this to myself anymore. I'm young and I need to have fun and live my life. Not be dragged down by some guy.


Well-known member
alrighty then BlindPassion summed this up. I too believe you should go back and read what you wrote. basiclly read it out loud to yourself because your emotions are flip flopping. trust me when your hurt by someone you love (and yes you do love him) it hurts us to the inner core and its hard to function but based on what you wrote now and what you wrote before you do not have a relationship so if he goes out with someone else or lays with someone else he has not misguided you. Some where you have convinced yourself you have a relationship with him when in fact you dont. i am not trying to be cruel but i have been there before and know it takes a minute to regroup from hurt but you have to allow yourself to move forward. We can say over and over and over again, "You should leave him, he is retarded." etc and this actually makes you feel good when your mad and upset with him. but then when he is having sex with you on a consistant basis and you two have not argued then its okay and he is such a dear friend. so basiclly we can get upset for you and call him all kinds of names but YOU have to be the one to change the course of things. i hope you really go back and read what you have written and back up!


Well-known member
I agree with Alexa (BlindPassion) I mean find you someone that REALLY wants to be with you for more than just sex...If sex is all you guys ever do when you are together...thats a Hint that that is all he is with you for. We as women have to think more of ourselves than to be a man's humpmate ...They do what we allow...I also agree that if he has never committed himself to you as Boyfriend/girlfriend....then why are you shocked that he is sleeping with someone else that is just as convenient. Know you deserve better and then do and get better, when he calls you for sex again, which he will..Just say NO not interested

ms. kendra

Well-known member
Everybody isn't built for casual sex. I don't condone it at all actually.

Sex = emotion to the 10th power, and some just can't compartmentalize that into a casual thing.

You deserve better, you want better, so stop fooling yourself and letting this dude dance you around like a puppet.


Well-known member
The reason why I'm really upset about him being with someone else besides the fact that I'm in love with him. Is that I'm not suppose to be with someone else. There were times where he's asked me if I've been with other guys, which I haven't. But I felt like if I said I was with other guys, things would turn out very badly. He would tell me that he better bet he only guy I'm with, not sure if he was joking or what when he said that. It's like he can do whatever he wants and get away with it but if I do the same thing it's wrong. It's not fair at all. He gets to do as he please while I have to live and deal with it cause if I did the same I'd be "cheating". When really now that everyone's pointed out that there was no bf/gf relationship here there is no way of cheating on the other person cause your not really together =[

Almost black.

Well-known member
Originally Posted by X4biddenxLustX
He is a friend, I've known him for so long. I would rather have him treat me like shit just the way every other guy I've ever been with has than be with some other girl and to tell me about it.

No, he is not a friend. Beside the part where he's a friend with benefits, but if he were friend he would've at least be fair to you which he wasn't. That's not a friend. For a friend - he's treating you quite bad.

The thing that actually worries me is that you have such a huge lack of self-confidence and therefore you allow men to treat you like shit. The right thing for you would be to get some counsilling or to talk someone who could give you the right advise, to listen to you, while it's still early. I don't mean to offense you or anything, I'm really serious about this kinda stuff.

Later it gets only worse if you don't deal with things like this. Don't allow that to yourself. You deserve better. And there are better thing than those you've just described.

Originally Posted by X4biddenxLustX
To be honest I hate the whole friends with benefits thing. I was too blind to realize that this was all this was. I thought he was different from the guys I've been with, all the guys I've slept with. I guess not.

If you hated it then don't to it. Never again. Obviously you're not for something like that because you get involved emotionaly which is not the smartest thing when it gets to something like this.

Originally Posted by X4biddenxLustX
Yeah I totally agree now that for the most part friends with benefits only benefits the guy. They get what they want, free sex basically whenever they want it without having to go out and find some girl to screw. While for girls I guess it'll be okay for a while until you start getting too close to the guy. Only to find out that they don't give a shit about what her wants and desires are.

Actually not. If you're straight with what you're doing from the beggining and you don't get your emotions involved then both of you benefits from a relationship like that. But, if any side gets emotionaly involved - that side definitely don't get the best from something like that, no matter if that one is a man or a woman.

As for men now I have no trust in them whatsoever. Romantically I'm completely done with them. I know it sound stupid since I'm only 18 still. But I've literally had enough of the crap. Before this guy I have been in some pretty horrible relationships, probably borderline abusive ones. This is the last straw. I can't do this to myself anymore. I'm young and I need to have fun and live my life. Not be dragged down by some guy.

You're only 18 and you're not done with them.
You just have to learn to respect yourself, to have more confidence in yourself and then you'll know how to pick the right guy that will respect you too.

Trust me, there are much better relationships that the one you've mention here. Everyone deserves better, including you, but you gotta work on those stuff.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by X4biddenxLustX
The reason why I'm really upset about him being with someone else besides the fact that I'm in love with him. Is that I'm not suppose to be with someone else. There were times where he's asked me if I've been with other guys, which I haven't. But I felt like if I said I was with other guys, things would turn out very badly. He would tell me that he better bet he only guy I'm with, not sure if he was joking or what when he said that. It's like he can do whatever he wants and get away with it but if I do the same thing it's wrong. It's not fair at all. He gets to do as he please while I have to live and deal with it cause if I did the same I'd be "cheating". When really now that everyone's pointed out that there was no bf/gf relationship here there is no way of cheating on the other person cause your not really together =[

... Have you even confirmed that he is sleeping with other women or are you just assuming that he is? Either way, it is obvious that you need to do something about your situation - just the thought of him being with other women is making you sick.

Do you know for a fact that he would have a problem if you were with other men? Based on the above, it sounds as though this is also an assumption. (An educated assumption perhaps, but still an assumption.) Again, you really need to talk to him about what his expectations are, and in doing so, lay your own expectations on the line.

Overall, I think it's really easy for a group of women to say "oh this guy is an ass..he's just using you" but I don't think it's entirely fair as we only have your account of the situation. He very well may be using you, but if he is, at the end of the day, you put yourself in that position.


Well-known member
I'm so sorry to hear you are feeling this way. I understand and I feel so bad for you really
You should just realise that you deserve to be treted so much better, you deserve a guy being worried to lose you, not vise versa! You're a very attractive and hot girl! Girls above said it all.. I just wanna cheer you up too