MAC and Miss Piggy Discussion


Well-known member
I think I am slowly converting to liking the MAC frost finish most of all, as long as it doesn't veer into too metallic, fish scale, or disco ball territory as it is so easy to work with and really not too much fall out. I like a little bit of sheen, sometimes light glitter, so the frost finish is really, really winning me over. A year ago, I would have said I love Satin finish the best (well, save for Starflash, but there really weren't too many of those to choose) but now its really a close tie. So, even though Miss Piggy and Feather Pink are both blue based pinks that are pretty close in tone, I can see how you would justify having both. I think I will wait to pick it up at Clearance Bin or CCO prices, but I could see myself panicking and snatching it up from the MAC Goodbyes section too to even out an order for free shipping or whatever. All in all, I sort of felt a little like Miss Piggy was a me too collection since OPI and other brands have done muppet themed ones, but I like Miss Piggy and I really like Pink so I may still snatch this up.

I am really wondering what the follow up for Wonder woman is gonna be. Aren't we due for a special packaging collection with some cool graphics?
It's the S3/C3 but without the fancy packaging. Duh!