MAC Art of Powder Discussion


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Yes, a 239, just one stroke. The texture is really buttery - almost like a Veluxe Peal finish - so it's very easy to get a good swatch in just one stroke.
awesome! i shall be buying this shadow compact now - i can't get the orange out of my mind! :)


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The orange is so complementary to blue eyes


Well-known member
The orange is so complementary to blue eyes
MAC-Guy you are hyping that doggone palette thingie so much I am starting to believe you own stock in it. I can't afford to be enabled on this--wallet can't take anymore. And now I am wanting all of these products. I just hope I don't decide I really need them after they sell out and they are going for multiple times retail price all over the net...
I have to be honest, your swatches really do make me want the eyeshadows, they are gorgeous and meant to be used together. And yeah, they'd work great on blue eyes


Well-known member
MAC-Guy you are hyping that doggone palette thingie so much I am starting to believe you own stock in it. I can't afford to be enabled on this--wallet can't take anymore. And now I am wanting all of these products. I just hope I don't decide I really need them after they sell out and they are going for multiple times retail price all over the net... I have to be honest, your swatches really do make me want the eyeshadows, they are gorgeous and meant to be used together. And yeah, they'd work great on blue eyes
Hehehe. I wish. ;-)

But seriously, I only rave about products that I believe in and that work well on me. I wouldn't trash a product if it does not work for me, unless I have tested it extensively.

I find the palette surprisingly easy to work with: the gold all-over the lid, the orange as a contour from the inner corner up to 1/3 of the brow is a stunning way to lift the eye, some more orange in the outer V, the pale-pink on the tearduct, and a mix of the blue and green on the lower lash-line is my favorite combination (though I am sure there are many more). I didn't think that I would use the blue/green, but as they shimmer, I can really use them to brighten the lower lashline. I really love how natural, yet vibrant these colors look. They have more of a shimmer than a frost and are very easy to blend. I will get another BU this week

I hope that MAC ventures more into these palettes as I find them really easy to work with and they seem travel-friendly, which I find a big plus.

I'm surprised that despite the fourth day of using it, the palette still looks like new, thus the design will last much longer than I anticipated. The same goes for the bronzer, which also look like new despite the daily torture with brushes that swirl through it. I'm also getting another BU of the bronzer. I won't buy another BU of the highlighter as two are certainly enough for me.


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If blended well, you can give him a very natural look. You will be surprised, how subtle (or vibrant) you can apply these e/s, and how it would brighten his eyes w/o looking made up.


Well-known member
Street Art e/s and Optical Bronzer after four days of usage. The palettes really hold up well. You can see some slight usage on the right side of the bronzer, but given that I usually use a lot of pressure when I swirl the brush, the design is more or less fully intact. Same goes for the e/s, which I drag through the color rather than swirling it.


Well-known member
Street Art e/s and Optical Bronzer after four days of usage. The palettes really hold up well. You can see some slight usage on the right side of the bronzer, but given that I usually use a lot of pressure when I swirl the brush, the design is more or less fully intact. Same goes for the e/s, which I drag through the color rather than swirling it.
When I'd originally seen the bronzer, it was pretty obvious to me that it was designed in a way to keep both colors going strong in the right proportions for plenty of use. Digging away at it was a knife overlooks factors like firmness of how tightly the powder is packed into ridges, height of the ridges controlling the amount of the contrast color being picked up, etc. If you're buying these to use them, they do what they're supposed to do.


Well-known member
When I'd originally seen the bronzer, it was pretty obvious to me that it was designed in a way to keep both colors going strong in the right proportions for plenty of use. Digging away at it was a knife overlooks factors like firmness of how tightly the powder is packed into ridges, height of the ridges controlling the amount of the contrast color being picked up, etc. If you're buying these to use them, they do what they're supposed to do.
Absolutely, and I didn't expect any different.

It also seems that the pink is slightly firmer than the brown (which is more like the Careblend), so that the color pay-off is more bronzed with a slight hue of pink. As much as I appreciated the blogger who used a knife to show how deep the color goes, it has very little to do how the product wears (and wears off), which is the most important IMO.

Liba, you are my bronzing twin.


Well-known member
Street Art e/s and Optical Bronzer after four days of usage. The palettes really hold up well. You can see some slight usage on the right side of the bronzer, but given that I usually use a lot of pressure when I swirl the brush, the design is more or less fully intact. Same goes for the e/s, which I drag through the color rather than swirling it.
awesome! good to see they are holding up well :)


Well-known member
I was trying to be somewhat sacarstic lol... meaning I'm valuing survival of this article and how neglected AoP is.... As if there was no other topic.

NOne of these guys r sold out... it's impressive... but I expected it.

So lightscapade survived 12.5 hours so far... this cant be real! :O


Well-known member
The funny thing is I've usually disliked bronzers, but the tech advances in the past couple of years, and especially this year with the gorgeous LLB Careblend and Goldstone (which should be renamed Godstone) have made them finally make sense with my coloring and style (I'm the opposite of Kardashian in that dept.)

I WILL be getting this bronzer tomorrow though, no doubt about it.


Well-known member
I have been re-considering the bronzer. I don't need the highlighter b/c I have bu's of PP & LC on the way. They should last me a long time. The eyeshadow is pretty swatched, and I agree that it seems more like a tropical summer palette than something for fall. I can't get the Cosby sweater/Saved by the Bell images out of my head, however, so I will probably still pass on the shadows.

If the bronzer is still available after my wallet has recovered from my massive haulage from mac me over, mac fall colour, and posh paradise, then I may get it.


Well-known member
Mac-Guy's eyeshadow swatches are definitely pretty, but I can't be doing with a palette that has no dividers between the colours.


Well-known member
Mac-Guy's eyeshadow swatches are definitely pretty, but I can't be doing with a palette that has no dividers between the colours.
LOL. Each section is almost as big as a regular pan (except for the orange which is in two smaller stripes), but it's very easy to use IMO.