MAC - Brunette Blonde Redhead Collection Discussion


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Re: MAC - Brunette Blonde Redhead Collection Discussion (Hair was WN)

nadiay - Definately , I like the MSF and the blonde lippies, but I think the shadows for brunette are great. But I'm a bit of a shadow-whore


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Re: MAC - Brunette Blonde Redhead Collection Discussion (Hair was WN)

Well I was at the mall to do pics of Santa and my girls so I stopped my MAC of course. I spoke withe my 2 fav MA and both told me to basically wait for this collection to come out instead of dame edna. That it would be more workable. And HK was to die for!!!!!!!!!!! I can not wait.


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Re: MAC - Brunette Blonde Redhead Collection Discussion (Hair was WN)

Originally Posted by snowflakelashes
nadiay - Definately , I like the MSF and the blonde lippies, but I think the shadows for brunette are great. But I'm a bit of a shadow-whore

Yeah I'm a bit shadow whorish myself lol. I'm waiting to see them IRL before I make up my mind.


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Re: MAC - Brunette Blonde Redhead Collection Discussion (Hair was WN)

I only WISH I had that option. Sometimes living far far and away is not so convenient. (But I wouldn't trade my life for the anonymity and disconnect I feel in the city... but not having to take a plane to get to a MAC... that would be nice) I feel like if I could swatch some shadows I could talk myself out of them by comparing them to what I have (as if, I'd probably buy MORE because an M.A. could show me something I would have never thought of myself hehe... )

Miss QQ

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Re: MAC - Brunette Blonde Redhead Collection Discussion (Hair was WN)

Originally Posted by panther27
I'm sorry,I couldn't help it lol.i was hoping it wouldn't be that great either,but it's amazing.

I'm all ready to indulge in BBR!


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Re: MAC - Brunette Blonde Redhead Collection Discussion (Hair was WN)

Originally Posted by rbella

Wow do these come in all colors and in sets of sayyy 6 ...So sexy!!


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Re: MAC - Brunette Blonde Redhead Collection Discussion (Hair was WN)

Originally Posted by Miss QQ
I'm all ready to indulge in BBR!

Me too,I want it all now!Definately save your money for this,you won't be disappointed


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Re: MAC - Brunette Blonde Redhead Collection Discussion (Hair was WN)

Originally Posted by Divinity
Cheers for Xmas booty!!

I think that's what Mr. Elegant hopes he'll be sayin'

not *big snickers*


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Re: MAC - Brunette Blonde Redhead Collection Discussion (Hair was WN)

Originally Posted by Susanne
Just a personal note

I know what is going on in the US and worldwide economy right now and that many of us have spent a lot on MAC during the last months.

I work with mentally handicapped children and used to work in the elderly care in a nursing home for five years during my time at university.

If I learned one thing: Enjoy your life every single day! Don't be irresponsible, but enjoy your life. You can have a car accident tommorrow or whatever. And I don't want to be 85 years old one day sitting in a nursing home and ask myself: Have you really made the best of your life? I can say from today's view: Yes, I did

Just a note.

Oh Susanne...I couldn't agree more!

That's my life philosophy - now. When our son was just a year old, I was in a terrible car accident (someone went through a red light) that left me injured for a long time. I picked myself up out of my son's car seat. Fortunately, he was not in the car with me that day.

I healed up over the years...but it was a very very long haul for me physically. I thank God it was not worse. So I live life to THE fullest - everyday. I laugh at just about everything...& I love being a little crazzzzy. Well, ya'll know how I am

Thanks hun for posting that!


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Re: MAC - Brunette Blonde Redhead Collection Discussion (Hair was WN)

Originally Posted by TISH1127
Wow do these come in all colors and in sets of sayyy 6 ...So sexy!!

HAHAHAHAHAHAHA....I couldn't find dear rbella's post with those

(those granny panties (it didn't post the pic) )

rbella stole those out of my underwear drawer!!!


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Re: MAC - Brunette Blonde Redhead Collection Discussion (Hair was WN)

^^^^ OMG ....the thought that they could be stolen...I really want some now...they must be in demand!!!


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Re: MAC - Brunette Blonde Redhead Collection Discussion (Hair was WN)

Originally Posted by TISH1127
^^^^ OMG ....the thought that they could be stolen...I really want some now...they must be in demand!!!


They're my favorites for jumping on rbella's blow-up furniture


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Re: MAC - Brunette Blonde Redhead Collection Discussion (Hair was WN)

Originally Posted by MzzRach
Erine, you wouldn't be enabling me, now, would you?



Originally Posted by snowflakelashes
Question girls, how would a very pale cool toned girl like myself use the brunette MSF, I can't see it working, since it has shimmer, I can't see it working for real as a bronser...I'm clueless. I'm talking myself out of it. I am brunette but I think I'd rather get the Blonde MSF... ?

everyone should have shimmer in their life! and, they aren't bronzers, and aren't meant to be used as such. you can use them wet or dry, as a cheek highlight, brow highlight, shadow, body shimmer, you name it. and just cuz you're a brunette doesn't mean you can only use the brunette.

that's the one thing that sucks about this collection-now people are gonna think that there are rules to makeup and that you can only use the colors that correspond to your hair color. i'm gonna get tired of hearing, "i'm a blonde. can i only use the blonde colors? i really like this color but its in the redhead section."


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Re: MAC - Brunette Blonde Redhead Collection Discussion (Hair was WN)

Originally Posted by panther27
I got to see this collection today,and,OMG!!!!!!!!I have not been this excited for a collection in a while,This is even better than dame edna.

Th blonde one is
.The lippies are HOT.My fave was probably B babe,gorgeous!

Henna is bautiful,a light sorta olive green color.

Thank you for this! These were two of the items that really stood out for me, and now I'm even more excited! Especially with your description of Henna, sounds back-up worthy from a person that doesn't often get back-ups.

This is going to be the last collection I splurge on for a while, so I've got to make it count!!!


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Re: MAC - Brunette Blonde Redhead Collection Discussion (Hair was WN)

Originally Posted by stv578
Thank you for this! These were two of the items that really stood out for me, and now I'm even more excited! Especially with your description of Henna, sounds back-up worthy from a person that doesn't often get back-ups.

This is going to be the last collection I splurge on for a while, so I've got to make it count!!!

I'm sure you'll be very very happy with this,i'm still all


Well-known member
Re: MAC - Brunette Blonde Redhead Collection Discussion (Hair was WN)

Elegant, TISH and Susanne:

You can borrow my grannys anytime. I'll even wash them first.

I feel blue. I want BBR & can't get it.


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Re: MAC - Brunette Blonde Redhead Collection Discussion (Hair was WN)

Rbella, I will start taking off my clothes & dance around if that will make you smile!!!!!


Well-known member
Re: MAC - Brunette Blonde Redhead Collection Discussion (Hair was WN)

Originally Posted by rbella
Elegant, TISH and Susanne:

You can borrow my grannys anytime. I'll even wash them first.

Thats Mighty *** of you!!
Don't feel know where there is a Will, WE will make a MAC, I mean a WAY! I am saving all my Mac GC that my parents are giving me for X-mas and my B2M to make the blow a little softer.
Then you know I will have to do that one thing for the rest...


Well-known member
Re: MAC - Brunette Blonde Redhead Collection Discussion (Hair was WN)

Originally Posted by rbella
Elegant, TISH and Susanne:

You can borrow my grannys anytime. I'll even wash them first.

I feel blue. I want BBR & can't get it.

rbella,I'm soo sorry
I hope you eventually can get your hands on some.


Well-known member
Re: MAC - Brunette Blonde Redhead Collection Discussion (Hair was WN)

Originally Posted by snowflakelashes
I only WISH I had that option. Sometimes living far far and away is not so convenient. (But I wouldn't trade my life for the anonymity and disconnect I feel in the city... but not having to take a plane to get to a MAC... that would be nice) I feel like if I could swatch some shadows I could talk myself out of them by comparing them to what I have (as if, I'd probably buy MORE because an M.A. could show me something I would have never thought of myself hehe... )

I totally know how you feel, I lived in the middle of nowhere in Canada this summer (Yukon Territory!!) and it was SO frustrating ordering online and things arriving that didn't look like how I'd hoped. Even swatches here can sometimes unfortunately be off, so sometimes it's hard to gage. But MAC isn't everything in life, I think the trade-off is worth it sometimes.