MAC Divine Night Collection (October 17, 2013)


Well-known member
Here's my opinion. Unfortunately, there is no legitimate way to perform some sort of "background check" on members/new members to see if they're going to use this thread for the wrong reasons, it's just not gonna work. It's too easy to lie on the internet. Honestly, I think we're doing things right the way they are right now. MAC will always be a race, and it's definitely growing in popularity over the years, this is just inevitable. I see it sort of like ticket scalping. You're never going to get rid of it completely. I think most of the responsibility for Ebayer's marking up prices on an abundance of MAC items is mostly up to MAC to solve, how, I don't know. We're all on our toes though and know when we smell something suspicious.

If this thread hadn't of been public, I would have never found it. I joined when I was 17 years old, I was so happy to find a thread dedicated to something that is a HUGE passion of mine, and is my future. Without this thread... I honestly feel like I wouldn't know half the things I know today about MAC. Specktra dives into the details, the business end of MAC, the artistic end of MAC, the creativity, the economics of MAC. Specktra has always been love for me. I think we're mostly all here for pretty innocent reasons, because it's something we cherish and adore. I love Specktra and would be heartbroken to see it change.


Well-known member

So glad I got all 3


Well-known member
I like coming on here to see how other people are using their items since I'm not that creative, lol. Plus I'm still such a novice at makeup but hearing about how good certain products are I end up buying it and trying it out myself. Never really looked into finishes and what kind of product it is and what it can be used for. But being on here I'm becoming more aware of items I'm buying. Not just purchasing cause its "pretty". Lol. Anyway, my packages are coming a day early so hell ya!!! :)


Well-known member
If the site needed money to stay open, I would pay. But I don't think that's going to curb anyone from stealing pics or info for their financial gain. If you sell Mac stuff for 2x-3x the price on eBay you'll see it as an investment for your business. It should be about legitimate community involvement.
I understand this to, but IMO if you are caught as a reseller or are caught stealing swatches from Specktra you should be banned. I guess people don't get that a lot of our info used to come from employees that trusted us. They were risking their income, reputation, and livelihood for US. Then they got burned. Many have been burned by lurkers and leeches here. Having them back helping us and being safe would make it worth it for me. I know a lot of people have no clue what I am talking about but many will know exactly what I mean.


Well-known member
People aren't taking horoscopes and selling them on ebay. That is really the issue here. Yes there are other places to find launch information but when there are 1,000 lurker/guests here it's safe to assume many of them are ebayers. We simply want the real mac lovers to be able to buy what they want w/out fear of coveted items selling out. No one's trying to be moronic, ridiculous or absurd, just looking for a good solution.

On another note, MAC didn't do anyone any favors handing out pro cards to anyone that wanted one at IMATS a few years ago. They definitely had a hand in this mess too.
I'd wish I was @ IMATS when they did that
No seriously I do agree with you but I don't think that people who sell for $$$$ on ebay will ever quit doing this and they always find ways to continue unfortunately no matter what we do or can come up with here on specktra.


Veteran Moderator
Staff member
Here's my opinion. Unfortunately, there is no legitimate way to perform some sort of "background check" on members/new members to see if they're going to use this thread for the wrong reasons, it's just not gonna work. It's too easy to lie on the internet. Honestly, I think we're doing things right the way they are right now. MAC will always be a race, and it's definitely growing in popularity over the years, this is just inevitable. I see it sort of like ticket scalping. You're never going to get rid of it completely. I think most of the responsibility for Ebayer's marking up prices on an abundance of MAC items is mostly up to MAC to solve, how, I don't know. We're all on our toes though and know when we smell something suspicious.

If this thread hadn't of been public, I would have never found it. I joined when I was 17 years old, I was so happy to find a thread dedicated to something that is a HUGE passion of mine, and is my future. Without this thread... I honestly feel like I wouldn't know half the things I know today about MAC. Specktra dives into the details, the business end of MAC, the artistic end of MAC, the creativity, the economics of MAC. Specktra has always been love for me. I think we're mostly all here for pretty innocent reasons, because it's something we cherish and adore. I love Specktra and would be heartbroken to see it change.
Very well said.


New member
Hi guys,

I have been lurking Specktra for a long long time and only recently made an account. I do not have a blog, I don't come here to steal content and I am definitely not an ebay seller....I come here only to get information about upcoming collections because I love makeup and am addicted to MAC
... I also come here to look at swatches so that I kind of know what to order on launch dates.

I do not post much because:
a) Most of the time, I have absolutely nothing useful to say :p
b) The fact that most of you all know each other and have been here for years + all the posts about making stuff private is kind of intimidating...

I would also like to mention that the few times I have posted some simple questions, no one has ever answered me or acknowledged the fact that I asked a question...

Finally, as a *not so frequent Specktra visitor*, I can assure you that there are other ways of finding out when a collection launches online and people who really want to know will definitely find a different way of getting their information...

This is the Internet...and the Internet is a double-edged sword.
I just wanted to say the same. This is my first post, but reading for a while. I love MAC and I'm curious about upcoming collections, love to see swatches and reading your opinion. I'm not a blogger, nor a seller, I even can't buy anything until November, cause I live in Europe. Would be sad if these threads were made private.


Well-known member
Quote:Originally Posted by CiaoBellaa

PP does seem to look like Strong Woman... hmm 

Strong Woman looks nothing like that on me!


Well-known member
Hi everyone... well I've been a member since 6/13 and have been posting in diff forums. I can say that maybe new people may be slightly intimidated but its nothin to worry about I say just jump in and keep up. I do also agree that the ebay thing is ridiculous!! There needs to be some type of members only forums because the guests vs members ratio is horrible. Everyone won't get a PM some may fall thru not on purpse so I do agree that there should be more regulators which would reault in more answered questions and etc. We need people/information for all skin tones . I don't think the fee will stop the ebay people it just may be something that comes along with the territory so maybe we should have some type of damage control people that can limit this. But thanks to everyone that answers questions and etc. As for the people who want to start drama take it elsewhere its just makeup! If u have a issue send someone a pm so its solved everyone shouldn't kno all the tea.. its too easy to get side tracked...I can't wait to see swatches and I can't wait to post my swatches once my items arrive.