MAC Early Buzz - News for Upcoming Collections in 2014


Well-known member
Thx for the info, erine! Interested in the pink NR primer and the gold MES. The 15x palettes sound pretty nice, I especially like the cool one, I don't have any of those colours yet. Don't think I will buy it though. But I think they'll be great for someone who is just starting to build their collection.
I know! If only they made refill pans of the new colours. The warm colours sound so good!


Active member
I hereby have promised myself that I will no longer by and Quad with Carbon in it, I hate the shadow and own like 5 of it...


Well-known member
Thanks Erine! I think i pick up the warm palette. I own two of the colors but that's ok haha! It sounds too good to pass up!


Well-known member
Edit: they aren't the same my dear. They are regular quads, just with mineral shadows in them. Hence the $44 price tag.
Thank you for clarifying, Erin!

That makes me kinda excited for them.Hopefully they will have a nice texture.


Veteran Moderator
Staff member
Edit: they aren't the same my dear. They are regular quads, just with mineral shadows in them. Hence the $44 price tag.
Oooh, now I'm excited, I have always wished for MES quads/palettes. Thanks for clarifying!
Glad they're perm. Maybe we'll see some LE ones in collections instead of regular e/s quads in the future, that would be cool.


Well-known member
Launch 1 - MSO & PRO Jan 9th-North America Mar-international Launch 2 - PARTNERED LOCATIONS (optional) Feb 6th-North America April-International
PRO DISCOUNT DOES NOT APPLY Edit: Forgot second launch date
For someone (me) who doesn't have a lot of eyeshadows, these sound like a great investment! Thanks for the info :)


Well-known member
Thanx!!! i can pretty much stay strong for now n say i'll be....
  skipping!! ERINE...DNT EVEN TRY IT!!! :fight:   im stickin to NOT gettin anything!! and that dmn CARBON 
  that shyt is like a roach that played dead n soon as u thought it was a goner...ITS BACK!!
 i mean sheesh...can it at least be BLACK?? is that too much to ask for mac?? the quad aint even exciting. i swear carbon should be discontinued or phkn beat in the head like the zombies on Walkin Dead to merely rot n never be seen again....DEATH TO PHKN CARBON!!!
p.s. im at work more tired than a porn stars ballz so excuse my rants! im not in the right mind frame after 12hrs!!
MAC should make a better black.


Well-known member
Launch 1 - MSO & PRO Jan 9th-North America Mar-international Launch 2 - PARTNERED LOCATIONS (optional) Feb 6th-North America April-International
PRO DISCOUNT DOES NOT APPLY Edit: Forgot second launch date
The warm one sounds so pretty but I think I'm gonna pass.


Well-known member
Why,... i don't know. But I like to look at it from the bright side: more time to see swatches....
Yeah that's usually how I spin it hehe It's just that feeling that you would like to join in the ooooh and aaaaah but you can't, and when you do many people have already worn those items to death XD

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