MAC Early Buzz - News for Upcoming Collections in 2015


Well-known member
I'm thinking that since it hasn't been mentioned in a collection outside of rumors that people just don't know if it's truly coming back as of yet. 
I will never lose hope... But for now I'll give it a rest and obsess about the upcoming purple lipsticks LJ and the one from Prabal


Well-known member
So excited about Reel Sexy! I missed out on that one


Well-known member
Glad to see that collection didn't completely fall off the face of the earth. Crossing my fingers for the beauty powder!


Well-known member
Fingers crossed that Oxblood is actually Oxblood coloured! And if Whisper of Gilt comes back, I promise to buy three, because the e-bay prices are atrocious. :getyou:


Well-known member
Oxblood lipstick
Yay and super excited about Reel Sexy!
If it's in Chen Man style packaging, then I'll be super excited! :D

Inb4 that the oxblood lipstick is red-pink, red-brown, or red-orange toned. Any word or rumor about Dodgy Girl ever coming back? That one haunts me to no end.


Well-known member
Maybe T is getting her own lipstick.

Might be something for Valentines Day?

Somehow I picture it as a collection along the line of the Chen Man one (already forgot the name of that one) and Year of the Snake. If it's the same size like the mystery collection, and because the names are asian themed. Both of them had special packaging as well (I think the sleeves/boxes count as that as well).
Taylor Swift?
She likes her reds.