MAC Early Buzz - news on products for 2012


Well-known member
I may be crazy, but I can't wait to go to my local MAC counter and pick out the prettiest veining for the mineralise collection! The only issue I have with going to the store rather than ordering online is that they look at me like I'm mad for getting so much (they did that for Naturally hehe)


Well-known member
The one in the middle looks like awesomeness--I know I will need it.

Same here lol Along with that bright green one....and the blue one....and the dark purple one xD

and this is totally random but I would die if the 3D Lipglasses came back anytime this year. Me and a coworker were talking about them recently and he said that they were like Dazzleglasses without the glitter. And in that moment, i decided these need to come back not only because the tube they came in was really freakin pretty but because they sound amazing lol


Specktra Bestie
Perhaps it's just me, but I want less LE and more permanent. I find that I'm suffering from LE-fatigue. I'd rather just get excited about trying out something that I'll have the opportunity to buy again in a couple of years. Maybe if Mac did semi-permanent seasonal collections, like there were certain shades that were only available at certain times of the year, but that stayed in rotation for a few years, or had colours that stayed around a while, the way that the Viva Glam shades do. It's possible I'm just getting old and grumpy.


Well-known member
^ he`s right, the older satin formula is much drier than the new one, the new satin bluches blend and apply like a dream. But still i can`t let go of the older one ( meaning 2-3 yrs) because overwhelmed by so many new collection i have items i haven`t used yet. Can you believe i just started using mac fafi fashion frenzy? I thought it won`t suit me and i didn`t use it for more than 3 yrs!!! For me is not having one in each color ( pink, coral, beige etc) but having one in each color and texture (ex pink mate, pink satin, pink shimmery and pink cream blush), love to juggle the textures.

i guess i don't have enough blushes yet to have duplicate colours...but it's getting close!
i'm not big on sparkly blushes on myself, so i tend to limit my purchases to matte and satin, and then i have a few random cream blushes.


Well-known member
Perhaps it's just me, but I want less LE and more permanent. I find that I'm suffering from LE-fatigue. I'd rather just get excited about trying out something that I'll have the opportunity to buy again in a couple of years. Maybe if Mac did semi-permanent seasonal collections, like there were certain shades that were only available at certain times of the year, but that stayed in rotation for a few years, or had colours that stayed around a while, the way that the Viva Glam shades do. It's possible I'm just getting old and grumpy.

I was thinking that the arrangement looked like 3 color stories with 4 shadows, a fluidline and a blush in each color story. I guess time will tell.


Well-known member
Love your ideas MrsB

The facial jewels would be great!!!

And that foundation too!

Jewel like colors sound awesome....but I hope that there will also be some cool colors like dark navy blue or dark purple.

Not that I've thought about this you understand!


Well-known member
Can not wait for this either!!!

I can never have enough lilac/lavender/purple stuff

And we need lipsticks in particular....

It is really great that Mattenes are coming back



Well-known member
Perhaps it's just me, but I want less LE and more permanent. I find that I'm suffering from LE-fatigue. I'd rather just get excited about trying out something that I'll have the opportunity to buy again in a couple of years. Maybe if Mac did semi-permanent seasonal collections, like there were certain shades that were only available at certain times of the year, but that stayed in rotation for a few years, or had colours that stayed around a while, the way that the Viva Glam shades do. It's possible I'm just getting old and grumpy.
I do hope it's not more "dynamic duos" - I'd much rather buy individual colours as I tend not to like both in a duo so don't buy them.

I'm with you on wanting less LE and more permanent. Being able to repurchase a colour later, or save up to be able to afford something would be great, rather than having to buy on my credit card before a LE product sells out if I really want it


Well-known member
I don't buy the duos either. I think if those were duos, they wouldn't be in their individual pots already. Just my guess though.

I'm excited about the mattenes too, I have 3 of them from the latest release and they are really nice, my favorite is Rare Exotic.

I do hope it's not more "dynamic duos" - I'd much rather buy individual colours as I tend not to like both in a duo so don't buy them.
I'm with you on wanting less LE and more permanent. Being able to repurchase a colour later, or save up to be able to afford something would be great, rather than having to buy on my credit card before a LE product sells out if I really want it


Well-known member
I prefer quads, but wouldn't mind a duo either. Though, if there is special packaging involved, I'd like to see a come back of the metal compacts a la Wonder Woman or Arora Manish.


Well-known member
I haven`t used once my Manish Arorra palette, i swatched them a couple of times, it doesn`t help i have dupes for the shadows in the larger palettes, but is nice to look at :)


Well-known member
The MA palette is really neat, I mean design-wise, though the shades were not super exciting as most of them were perm anyway.

It's time to bring back some "ethnic" collection. The last one we had was Mickey Contractor, right?


Well-known member

and I believe you are right about the last one being Mickey Contractor's collection.
The MA palette is really neat, I mean design-wise, though the shades were not super exciting as most of them were perm anyway.

It's time to bring back some "ethnic" collection. The last one we had was Mickey Contractor, right?


Well-known member
Do we think Mineralize collection will have some duofibre brushes? I missed the 1st time around but have been on a brush kick lately...