mac face and body


Well-known member
i know that Temptalia and Dusty said they didnt like the creams because they were too warm but on me i feel like CB and RH look really natural. Maybe im the only one?
Pure Sculpture is warm, but I'm warm too. I see where they are coming from, still I like the effect. Really, that's all that matters to me. I'm sure you look fab in yours too.


Well-known member
T just posted "10 MAC Products I Love"

I'm sure it is extremely difficult to have an uber-popular beauty blog that has the high traffic that Temptalia receives. It is a large responsibility to stay true to your own opinion and review while at the same time satisfying the fans of a particular brand. I for one appreciate the hard work T puts into her blog. And like many have said, I take her opinion with a grain of salt. I allow it to ADD to my knowledge of a purchase without forming my opinion FOR me. If you look at any beauty blog in this light, you can't go wrong. Again, I appreciate her honesty. Whether I agree with her opinion or not. She obviously feels the pressure to deliver positive reviews, from both the companies that send her products and the fans that love them. So, I'm guessing that is what's prompted her recent blog post. She acknowledges that MAC has MANY high quality products that she loves while addressing the issue of recent disappointments. I applaud her for sticking to her opinions and delivering an honest review (albeit sometimes from her personal tastes and perspective), while also taking the time to bring things full circle and highlight some fabulous products that make MAC great and why we all keep purchasing from this brand despite some bumps in the road.

Dreaming Dancer

Well-known member
Well, it sounds like she hated them. Anyone else notice the fall out she is describing? I was wanting to use these as eye shadow, but if there really is fall out, and I am sure that is accurate, it will irritate the crap out of my eyeballs and so not be worth it. I think these will be a skip for me. I love glitter and neutrals with lots of glitter are appealing to me, but not if there are ninja glitter stars of doom decimating my eyeballs and making me look like a disco ball explodes on my cheeks...
Perhaps someone tried a base like TF glitter glue and this neutralized the fall out???
mine had horrible fall out. it was just as T described for me. I had glitter all over my face and IN my eyes... i have really sensitive eyes anyway so i had to send mine back. My eyes got really red and puffy from it.


Well-known member
T just posted "10 MAC Products I Love"

I'm sure it is extremely difficult to have an uber-popular beauty blog that has the high traffic that Temptalia receives. It is a large responsibility to stay true to your own opinion and review while at the same time satisfying the fans of a particular brand. I for one appreciate the hard work T puts into her blog. And like many have said, I take her opinion with a grain of salt. I allow it to ADD to my knowledge of a purchase without forming my opinion FOR me. If you look at any beauty blog in this light, you can't go wrong. Again, I appreciate her honesty. Whether I agree with her opinion or not. She obviously feels the pressure to deliver positive reviews, from both the companies that send her products and the fans that love them. So, I'm guessing that is what's prompted her recent blog post. She acknowledges that MAC has MANY high quality products that she loves while addressing the issue of recent disappointments. I applaud her for sticking to her opinions and delivering an honest review (albeit sometimes from her personal tastes and perspective), while also taking the time to bring things full circle and highlight some fabulous products that make MAC great and why we all keep purchasing from this brand despite some bumps in the road.
It was definitely the right move to update her blog with a MAC favorites post. I know T does try and keep the general tone of her blog as upbeat as possible, and lately there have been a lot of products (not just MAC) that she's been unhappy with, so doing something to elevate the mood is just a wise choice. Heck, it's good judgement just in general for anyone, when things are a little rocky.

I still love my pressed pigments and am going to wear one today!


Well-known member
T just posted "10 MAC Products I Love" I'm sure it is extremely difficult to have an uber-popular beauty blog that has the high traffic that Temptalia receives.  It is a large responsibility to stay true to your own opinion and review while at the same time satisfying the fans of a particular brand.  I for one appreciate the hard work T puts into her blog.  And like many have said, I take her opinion with a grain of salt.  I allow it to ADD to my knowledge of a purchase without forming my opinion FOR me.  If you look at any beauty blog in this light, you can't go wrong.  Again, I appreciate her honesty.  Whether I agree with her opinion or not.  She obviously feels the pressure to deliver positive reviews, from both the companies that send her products and the fans that love them.  So, I'm guessing that is what's prompted her recent blog post.  She acknowledges that MAC has MANY high quality products that she loves while addressing the issue of recent disappointments.  I applaud her for sticking to her opinions and delivering an honest review (albeit sometimes from her personal tastes and perspective), while also taking the time to bring things full circle and highlight some fabulous products that make MAC great and why we all keep purchasing from this brand despite some bumps in the road.


Well-known member
Mine had terrible fall out too no matter what I did. Finger placement, brush, TF Glitter glue, UDPP, Paint Pot, crushing, everything I tried would have fall out in 10-15 min alllllll over my face and chest. I even found some in my hair when I tried it again yesterday with the finger placement and only used a tiny bit of product. They are pretty and would be awesome for great editorial or fashion looks, but not for an everyday look.


Well-known member
T just posted "10 MAC Products I Love" I'm sure it is extremely difficult to have an uber-popular beauty blog that has the high traffic that Temptalia receives.  It is a large responsibility to stay true to your own opinion and review while at the same time satisfying the fans of a particular brand.  I for one appreciate the hard work T puts into her blog.  And like many have said, I take her opinion with a grain of salt.  I allow it to ADD to my knowledge of a purchase without forming my opinion FOR me.  If you look at any beauty blog in this light, you can't go wrong.  Again, I appreciate her honesty.  Whether I agree with her opinion or not.  She obviously feels the pressure to deliver positive reviews, from both the companies that send her products and the fans that love them.  So, I'm guessing that is what's prompted her recent blog post.  She acknowledges that MAC has MANY high quality products that she loves while addressing the issue of recent disappointments.  I applaud her for sticking to her opinions and delivering an honest review (albeit sometimes from her personal tastes and perspective), while also taking the time to bring things full circle and highlight some fabulous products that make MAC great and why we all keep purchasing from this brand despite some bumps in the road.
Very well said. I can't say it any better, but I will do a little bit of a ramble: I sometimes disagree with her reviews, but I still appreciate them. I know there's a lot of items I would've skipped or wasted money on without the help of blogs, Temptalia in particular. Just the pictures alone are a help. I can tell instantly if I'm interested in a product just due to a picture and when it comes to pictures, that site is the best for me. She covers so many brands outside of Mac, too which I greatly apprectiate. I never find her reviews to be "shady" in the sense of having some ulterior motive and I know that if she ever shut down her site I'd be pissed.

Audrey C

Well-known member
T just posted "10 MAC Products I Love"

I'm sure it is extremely difficult to have an uber-popular beauty blog that has the high traffic that Temptalia receives. It is a large responsibility to stay true to your own opinion and review while at the same time satisfying the fans of a particular brand. I for one appreciate the hard work T puts into her blog. And like many have said, I take her opinion with a grain of salt. I allow it to ADD to my knowledge of a purchase without forming my opinion FOR me. If you look at any beauty blog in this light, you can't go wrong. Again, I appreciate her honesty. Whether I agree with her opinion or not. She obviously feels the pressure to deliver positive reviews, from both the companies that send her products and the fans that love them. So, I'm guessing that is what's prompted her recent blog post. She acknowledges that MAC has MANY high quality products that she loves while addressing the issue of recent disappointments. I applaud her for sticking to her opinions and delivering an honest review (albeit sometimes from her personal tastes and perspective), while also taking the time to bring things full circle and highlight some fabulous products that make MAC great and why we all keep purchasing from this brand despite some bumps in the road.
Hear, hear. I couldn't agree more!


Well-known member
Well, it sounds like she hated them. Anyone else notice the fall out she is describing? I was wanting to use these as eye shadow, but if there really is fall out, and I am sure that is accurate, it will irritate the crap out of my eyeballs and so not be worth it. I think these will be a skip for me. I love glitter and neutrals with lots of glitter are appealing to me, but not if there are ninja glitter stars of doom decimating my eyeballs and making me look like a disco ball explodes on my cheeks...
Perhaps someone tried a base like TF glitter glue and this neutralized the fall out???

I only got Light Touch, but the fallout was terrible - all over my face in a very short space of time, yet I only put it on my eyelids. I also seem to have a tiny white spot inside my eye now , near the tearduct, which wasn't there before I used the pigment, and I wonder if it was due to pigment getting in my eye.


Well-known member
Well, it sounds like she hated them.  Anyone else notice the fall out she is describing?  I was wanting to use these as eye shadow, but if there really is fall out, and I am sure that is accurate, it will irritate the crap out of my eyeballs and so not be worth it.  I think these will be a skip for me.  I love glitter and neutrals with lots of glitter are appealing to me, but not if there are ninja glitter stars of doom decimating my eyeballs and making me look like a disco ball explodes on my cheeks... Perhaps someone tried a base like TF glitter glue and this neutralized the fall out???
I got tons of glitter on my eye without any real color. I tried it with a fluffy brush, stiff brush and my finger. I used my trusty Nars and Mufe primers and on bare lids and it was still a giant fail. Even with a makeup wipe and cleaning my face, I had glitter everywhere. It was just a massive, massive miss for me.


Well-known member
Mine had terrible fall out too no matter what I did. Finger placement, brush, TF Glitter glue, UDPP, Paint Pot, crushing, everything I tried would have fall out in 10-15 min alllllll over my face and chest. I even found some in my hair when I tried it again yesterday with the finger placement and only used a tiny bit of product. They are pretty and would be awesome for great editorial or fashion looks, but not for an everyday look.
When I tried these in the store I really liked the darkest one but noticest glitter everywhere too when I swatched it. It reminded me of a Stila e/s I have that I always use wet but still glitter everywhere. Yet I still kept thinking of getting one because I can imagine the effect. Now that you posted this I think I am done wanting this. It would be a disaster for my eyes.


Well-known member
They're so beautiful, but still my absolute #1 favorite this year is Early Morning!!

I think my top 5 up till now have been: Early Morning > Modern Mandarin > Fresh Honey > Immortal Flower > Lovecloud, but I think for the rest of the year, it's going to be: Early Morning > Ring of Saturn > Fresh Honey > Hidden Treasure > Supernova

Wow, it was just blush paradise this year!
Yes! This has been the Year of the Blush for Mac. I can't begin to figure out which are my favorites this year. Love so many.

As far as the 215, I haven't noticed any issue with mine.

Pressed Pigments. I haven't noticed any fall out as of yet. I used it over paint pot with a shadow on top. Then I pressed a small amount on top of the shadow with my finger.


Well-known member
I really don't think these pressed pigments are made for the eye area. I could be wrong though. I think it's for contouring the face and body hence a lot of things,

1) The name of this collection
2) The other products in this collection are made for sculpting and contouring

and lastly,

3) Notice how these pressed pigments are only a certain color range? Complexion color? Yeah, I think the idea is to HIGHLIGHT with these piggies for various skin tones.


Well-known member
I really don't think these pressed pigments are made for the eye area. I could be wrong though. I think it's for contouring the face and body hence a lot of things,

1) The name of this collection
2) The other products in this collection are made for sculpting and contouring

and lastly,

3) Notice how these pressed pigments are only a certain color range? Complexion color? Yeah, I think the idea is to HIGHLIGHT with these piggies for various skin tones.
As a highlighter, they are equally as impossible to use for daily use IMO. I got the matching part but they are just too glittery for wear as a highlighter anywhere on the body, face, eyes, etc. On the face for me there was not much difference between these and tossing glitter randomly on my face.


Well-known member
As a highlighter, they are equally as impossible to use for daily use IMO. I got the matching part but they are just too glittery for wear as a highlighter anywhere on the body, face, eyes, etc. On the face for me there was not much difference between these and tossing glitter randomly on my face.
I believe you are supposed to use a very light hand with these on the upper part of your cheekbone and with a smaller brush, like the 215 they included with this collex so that your whole face isn't a glitter bomb. That is my take on it. I tried it and it worked but I don't do a whole lot of highlighting as much as I like to sculpt and contour.


Well-known member
I believe you are supposed to use a very light hand with these on the upper part of your cheekbone and with a smaller brush, like the 215 they included with this collex so that your whole face isn't a glitter bomb. That is my take on it. I tried it and it worked but I don't do a whole lot of highlighting as much as I like to sculpt and contour.
I tried that too. It is awesome that it worked for you but it was still a glitter bomb x1000. The glitter just migrated everywhere.


Well-known member
From what I was told at my MAC Pro store, they are for the eyes. I only got Deeply Dashing and have used it two times as just a single all over eye color and I have not had any problems. I know Temptalia gave them an F, but the one I have has worked great on me. I did use Painterly as my base, then used Deeply Dashing all over the lid. I also plan on using it as a contour shade for one of my client's performances in early October. She's into dramatic over the top makeup looks, so I know I can make it work. I definitely wouldn't use the pressed pigments as highlighters for every day use, though, or even outside of a shoot or performance, for that matter. I could get one of the lighter shades and try it out, but I feel like, if used as highlighter, you'll end up looking like you just came out of Studio 54.