MAC - Flighty Discussion


Well-known member
I wished for a flight attendant kind of thing when I first heard this title. Like the old fashioned chic, elegant, feminine and natural look.


Well-known member
I don't know what to expect really...just wish we'd get more info soon. All this suspense is killing me


Well-known member
that would've been awesome! kind of like 40's - 50's chic with sheath dresses and the like...
I wished for a flight attendant kind of thing when I first heard this title. Like the old fashioned chic, elegant, feminine and natural look.


Specktra Bestie
That's actually exactly what I pictured when I heard this name. Not quite sure how they'll tie it in, but I supposed "flighty" doesn't even need to refer to planes... (although it would be an ideal place to repromote Jet l/s!!!)


Well-known member
by the sound of it these are a bit more liquidly than a cream. so who knows! maybe they will be like the boujous liquid shadows that we have in the uk?

I was thinking exactly the same thing. I quite like the liquid shadows, especially as a base, though find they settle in the crease by the end of the day.

I'm always excited for another liquidy shadow.

Also - hello fellow UK person *wave*


Well-known member
I was thinking exactly the same thing. I quite like the liquid shadows, especially as a base, though find they settle in the crease by the end of the day.

I'm always excited for another liquidy shadow.

Also - hello fellow UK person *wave*
hee hee! hello fellow uk lady! :)


Well-known member
I was thinking exactly the same thing. I quite like the liquid shadows, especially as a base, though find they settle in the crease by the end of the day.

I'm always excited for another liquidy shadow.

Also - hello fellow UK person *wave*
me too. Liquid eyeshadows usually crease on me, but Estee Lauder has some that last and are just as good as paint pots. Since they are the mother company, maybe these have potential to last and not crease so bad. Anyone else think of Balloonacy when they hear the name Flighty???


Well-known member
me too. Liquid eyeshadows usually crease on me, but Estee Lauder has some that last and are just as good as paint pots. Since they are the mother company, maybe these have potential to last and not crease so bad. Anyone else think of Balloonacy when they hear the name Flighty???
oh well lets hope that these take afterthe mama brand then! :)


Well-known member
everyone on this thread is talking about the big bounce shadows like you already know about them, have these been launched before or something??

i found one pic of them, they look VERY creamy, and they're in fluidline-sized containers. they look like they'd crease instantly

not sure how this girl got a couple already, or if they're even authentic, but here's where i saw them:


Well-known member
everyone on this thread is talking about the big bounce shadows like you already know about them, have these been launched before or something??

i found one pic of them, they look VERY creamy, and they're in fluidline-sized containers. they look like they'd crease instantly

not sure how this girl got a couple already, or if they're even authentic, but here's where i saw them:
That's the picture I saw of them too Lauren. I'm not very interested in them, that might change once I can feel them, but it's unlikely.


Well-known member
oh they are authentic Lauren. That site actually stole the images from a French bloggers site and she gets lots of items ahead of release. Before i spend my money on them i need to make sure that they don't crease quickly. if they do i shall skip. if they last a while then i shall get one or two perhaps. :)


Well-known member

me two! even when I know it will probably be a skip because of the crease effect of the shadows and I don't do cream blush--it gets all over my face not pretty. but I thought I would skip the Peacocky because I don't like metallic finish too much and ended up getting almost every shadow. so I never know until it comes out and I hear reviews

But i DO want to see some more pretty pictures


Well-known member
The best way for me is still to go in-store and swatch but it helps to have an idea from seeing swatches on here first.