MAC live chat.. a sometimes abused resource for customers


Well-known member
Before using live chat for something little about what collection a lippie was from whats wrong with checking out specktra? we have loads of ladies on here with more knowledge then ever
I cant stand people who HAVE to be correct and in the process put other people down


I completely agree with everyone. It seemed to me she was being confrontational from the beginning, why would you say something like that (the first reply to jennifer) unless you were trying to start something. She was very polite throughout, and I am sure it wasn't easy for her to do. Customer Service peoples job is NOT to be polite, it is to assist you in any way they can. Obviously they are supposed to be polite, but not to the extent that they should just be quiet and take any treatment/language that the next customer that wants to provoke them gives out. As someone asking for assistance, it is your job just as much as hers to be polite. Almost every job I have ever had was customer service to some extent, and some customers are just impossible to please and want to argue with you. I for one, and know most people on here would agree, appreciate the fact that MAC gives us such a wonderful option and fantastic customer service, and it is not fair to those people to abuse them, and then possibly cause them trouble in their job.


Well-known member
I think that MAC has some of the best customer service that I have ever come across in any makeup counter I have visited. This is one of the reasons, besides their cutting edge & fantastic products, that I always go to MAC for my cosmetics.

Even though I know that thread was closed about the MAC chat I agree with most of you that the customer in that situation was being a little unreasonable.

I am glad that we have a community like Specktra where we can ask/post these questions/comments to each other instead of wasting a MAC chat artists time asking "When parrot will be back?" etc.
I just think that some people just don't know what MAC chat is meant for.


Well-known member
I feel really bad for some of the CS people at MAC or any counter that is abused like that.

I mean (and I will ask this to ANYBODY)
#1) It's embarressing for them. They aren't trying to make YOUR life hard so why you trying to make their life hard?
#2) It's totally unneccessary. What do you plan on accomplishing? I mean seriously I've often wondered when people do something like that-what does it accomplish? It makes you look like a jerk. It really doesn't impress that many people.
#3) Why do you feel the need to put someone down to make yourself feel better about yourself?

I mean I have been online and asked them many times about looks and how to accomplish them. I've been helped by Jennifer (and I LOVE HER), and many others.

Quite frankly-the more I've lived the more I've realized that people who like to argue and think they know everything-usually dont know squat.

All the time they are arguing little points-they are doing nothing more than revealing more and more ignorance.

I mean it's stupid.

I have a friend like this and I can't stand to be around him. Whatever I say he has to argue with me and be right and finally one day I just told him I was surprised he had any friends because all he did was argue.

I guess it just makes them feel all important and stuff.

Now if only they would get their heads out of whatever they are arguing about and get a life then maybe they would actually become important and be the people they like to try to pretend they are. *shrugs* Sorry - it is only because I have a friend like this that I have to be so critical.

Now some questions-like if you truely do not know the answer and ask even though the MA's get the ? a million times a day-I think its OK. But not to show people up and be all arrogant and what not.


Well-known member
This thread is like a god-send to me. I agree with what Shimmer said (different thread) that everyone should work retail or customer service at some point in life.

These customer service employees (myself being one of them) are well trained for what we are paid to answer. We are encouraged to get rid of people who are phishing, complaining, having a field day, etc. A client pays to have legitimate questions answered, not for someone to have 15-20 minutes of entertainment making someone go out of their way to do their dirty work. As a customer service employee that answers emails... I sometimes answer questions that took 20 seconds of my time googling....all the person did was made a customer who really needed help wait longer for her legit concern/problem.

Generally, whenever someone asks to speak to our supervisor, we gladly hand them over because we know how ridiculous they will come off to them and we will not be reprimanded at all. All we can get reprimanded for is for using foul language or tone of voice... in reality, I'm not going to get fired for doing what I was trained to do and reciting our policies to a customer. If the customer don't agree with our policies, unfortunately, we dont change them for the customer, they should have read them or agreed to them before they chose to purchase.

It just astounds me how many people call customer service as if they expect the world to revolve around them, no one else has needs, there are no other customers.... etc.

The truth is, most customer service people are nice, they do want to help you... but they can only help you with what they have the power to do and if you let them. (you is to no one in particular, just universal) I bend over backwards to help a nice person.... I make it so easy for them, for the mean irate person, I let them do it themselves so they have somewhere to go disperse all that negative energy.


Well-known member
Seems to me the person was just trying to find a reason to complain, hoping that her complaint would prompt MAC to send her a free lipglass or something as an apology.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by lara
It's the same as comic book geeks 'testing' the person who works at the collectables store, or the hi-fi nut trying to out-smart the chick at the Bose store. Everyone considers themselves an expert and everyone else is merely a pretender.

Sometimes I feel like making myself a shirt that reads "One person does not represent the whole."

Well said.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by jenii
Seems to me the person was just trying to find a reason to complain, hoping that her complaint would prompt MAC to send her a free lipglass or something as an apology.



Well-known member
Here's the funny thing...the MA's on Live Chat know EXACTLY when someone goes on there and tries to show them up...can you imagine the comments they're making (that the person who contacted them will never hear) while trying to maintain some sense of civility during their replies?? Some people just need to find better things to do with their time...


Well-known member
Original post made me cringe with anger.....

I saw that Crystal wrote something to the effect of 'Even if a customer is rude, the customer service person should still be nice to the customer' or something to that tune...... just in time for the holidays people (in general) are very unhappy with themselves, their life, etc...

And I think that it begs a question... Because MAC has such high customer service standard, does that mean we can shit all over our customer service and support whenever we want??? Is that the standard now, if you don't get what you want from someone...then are they being rude ???


Well-known member
Originally Posted by idreamincolor
I saw that Crystal wrote something to the effect of 'Even if a customer is rude, the customer service person should still be nice to the customer' or something to that tune...... just in time for the holidays people (in general) are very unhappy with themselves, their life, etc...

And I think that it begs a question... Because MAC has such high customer service standard, does that mean we can shit all over our customer service and support whenever we want??? Is that the standard now, if you don't get what you want from someone...then are they being rude ???

I totally agree with idreamincolor. that's like those people who continuously write in complaints to MAC just to get freebies (and then complain about the freebie)


Active member
Originally Posted by lara
the hi-fi nut trying to out-smart the chick at the Bose store. "

Oh I do that at PC World... It's practically a sport with me and my dad. Not to all of the SA's only the ones who act like they know better when they couldn't tell the difference between a USB and a Firewire port...

I love my MAC SA's down in Plymouth tho... they don't always have the latests news on the collections so I tell them any gossip when I hear it... but its not one upmanship... just that I'm an MU addict and well its their job, not their life!


Well-known member
I don't get why some people are so arrogant and mean spirited, starting fights out of nothing, or jumping to conclusions. Maybe it's the way I was raised, but I was taught to be respectful to everyone. They need to get out more. Especially in this case, it's just makeup. Get a life, seriously. It's all about fun and they take it way too seriously.


Well-known member
Hmm... I was talking to some MUAs at my counter yesterday about upcoming collections and rumors... I certainly hope that they don't feel like I'm trying to one-up them... xD I just like being able to talk to people about my obsession.


Well-known member
I think it's silly to "test" an MA. I don't really see the point in that but I have come across quite a few MAC artists who have NO idea what I'm talking about. That really bothers me. Sometimes when I ask a question about a color from a new collection they literally have no idea what I'm talking about. I feel like they should know what's out with limited collections.

I went to Nordstroms and was asking if they had the Colour Forms powder. The girl had no idea what I meant. She kept directing me over to the mineralize blushes. I had to keep telling her that wasn't what I was talking about. Finally she asked someone else who told me they were sold out. I mean, come on.

Miss A

Well-known member
oh those sad little people who love to prove their sad little points, you know why I think that is? they have nothing else in their sad little lives ya know? like oh yay i made this girl look dumb now i can have a happy day since im shallow. or yay i argued with a ma and "won" let me go call my friend so she can know what a badass i am

now i am not talking about the innocent clueless customers, i used to be one but i was NEVER ugly or demeaning in fact everything my mac ladies said to me i held onto and remembered! and now...


Well-known member
I agree it can be annoying when a MA doesn't know something about a permanent item, or a current LE item, especially when it's something they REALLY should know. But you know what? I don't give them attitude, or complain, or act like an ass because everyone has their days. Not everyone can know everything. Or maybe they just came back from vacation? Who knows.

I also get irked when MA's talk to me like I don't know things as well. But again, I keep my mouth shut, smile, and say "Oh really?". Especially since a lot of MA's DO like talking about new stuff and why would I shoot them down when they're being helpful? Even though I know "that" already. How are they supposed to know I live on Specktra?

Since I work in a CCO we don't have to know anything about a product beyond what's WRITTEN ON THE BOX. People ask me what things do all the time and I'll go read the back of the box and tell them. Some of them look frustrated when I do that but I'm like...

1. If you want specific details, visit your counter.
2. We're not trained to know the whole line, lineup, etc.
3. As a matter of fact, we don't carry the whole line of ANYTHING.
4. And a lot of the times we don't have the same thing twice.
5. Sorry, I'm not allowed to color match you or suggest colors/products because we're not TRAINED to do so, and therefore, I don't want to give you an uneducated suggestion.

A lot of people think that's us being incompetent, but really... I'm not allowed to do some things, or required. For instance, with Clinique, we get new crap all the time. I may be gone for 3 days, come back, there's something new I've never seen in our store before. Someone will pick it up, ask me what it is, and I have NOOO idea what the product is at all. So I'll read the back to them - because, after all, that's the MOST information I am ALLOWED to give them. If I know something "extra", I'll throw that in sometimes, but I stay away from comments like, "that did wonders for me, blah blah blah", because if it doesn't do wonders for them, it all comes back to me.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Beauty Mark
I had a friend... who got off the few times I mispronounced something or was wrong.

Ugh, I have a friend who is exactly the same.


Well-known member
Lol...I never knew people do this.

I personally love live chat. You get genuine help without the pressure of buying a bunch of things. I'm sure there's honest MAs at the store, but others I feel only recommend things just to hit numbers.

So far, I used it twice...once to try and find a dupe for 1N LG, and other time was for her to recommend 15 pro colors. They were absolutely friendly, patient, and helpful.

Out of curiosity, are people employed specifically for this, or is this like hours that they are required to put in as part of their job? Do they work from home?