MAC & Marcel Wanders - Luxe Couture Discussion


Well-known member
Originally Posted by LMD84
i'm sure last year the lippies were about £16.50 or something stupid!

seriously? i thought they were like £14, shows you how much attention i pay to these collections! what a con!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by LMD84
i am rarely impressed by these collections. crazy prices for no difference in product. that said i was highly tempted by the BB collection last year because of the packaging

Originally Posted by laylalovesmac
I feel the same! Unless it is something I HAVE to have, I will be skipping.


I had to have the BB compact last year, but since the size isn't right to transfer my blot powder into it (it's blush-sized), all it is doing is collecting dust. With my combination skin, I don't like using the sheer mystery powder that came with the compact... ugh... such a waste of money...
I secretly hope that I won't like the packaging this year...


Well-known member
Originally Posted by spunky
seriously? i thought they were like £14, shows you how much attention i pay to these collections! what a con!

yeah i'm sure they were £16.50 because i said to myself that i'd pay no more than £16 on one of the lippies! and therefore ididnt buy one!


Well-known member
I usually buy a lipglass from the couture collections, but I think I might skip it totally this year.

As Lou said more money for the holiday mini sets!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Susanne
I usually buy a lipglass from the couture collections, but I think I might skip it totally this year.

As Lou said more money for the holiday mini sets!

i have a feeling they will be awesome this year!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by LMD84
i have a feeling they will be awesome this year!

I am a bit afraid to be honest and so is my wallet.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Susanne
I am a bit afraid to be honest and so is my wallet.

hee hee! indeed! my wallet is contantly running from me!
in a way i see this Luxe collection as a 'greedy' collection from mac. no need to charge extra for the same thing wrapped up nice right?!


Well-known member
Aww, so much hate for these collections!

That's ok...I totally understand what you all mean! If it wasn't a special birthday thing for me from the hubby, I'd probably pass these all together too. I look forward to seeing what the packaging looks like this year.


Well-known member
I'm really excited to see this collection - I know I'm in the minority, but I loved Flourish and All Mine from the Monogram collection - the colours are beautiful and the smell and texture of the lipsticks is heavenly, imho. Having said that, I didn't pay full price - as the collection didn't sell sell there were plenty available on ebay

I didn't get anything from BB as I thought the colours were boring and I don't buy cosmetics for their pretty packaging, unless I also happen to like the contents.

I hope this year's collection will have beautiful colours and packaging - then I'll have an excuse to visit Harrods


Well-known member
Originally Posted by LMD84
i have a feeling they will be awesome this year!

Originally Posted by Susanne
I am a bit afraid to be honest and so is my wallet.

Agree with both! Think they'll be awesome, but I am really scared!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Camnagem
Aww, so much hate for these collections!

That's ok...I totally understand what you all mean! If it wasn't a special birthday thing for me from the hubby, I'd probably pass these all together too. I look forward to seeing what the packaging looks like this year.

awwh! well that's a great reason to get something

Originally Posted by Cerydwen
I'm really excited to see this collection - I know I'm in the minority, but I loved Flourish and All Mine from the Monogram collection - the colours are beautiful and the smell and texture of the lipsticks is heavenly, imho. Having said that, I didn't pay full price - as the collection didn't sell sell there were plenty available on ebay

I didn't get anything from BB as I thought the colours were boring and I don't buy cosmetics for their pretty packaging, unless I also happen to like the contents.

I hope this year's collection will have beautiful colours and packaging - then I'll have an excuse to visit Harrods

do you need an excuse?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by tamarindi
What is the mystery powder anyway? is it like a beauty powder? it sounds mysterious...

it's just a face powder which is quite light. nothing that fab. i prefer using revlon face powders!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by LMD84
it's just a face powder which is quite light. nothing that fab. i prefer using revlon face powders!

Thank you! so a definite skip!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by tamarindi
Thank you! so a definite skip!

yeah. they usually come in lovely looking compacts. but that is pretty much what the money goes on. i have the one from the hello kitty coutoure collection and the powder is ok. but no different from a rimmel one i can buy for £3!


Well-known member
The whole thing has always looked like something for the desperate husband or boyfriend to buy for a Christmas gift. And it could be really nice; remember The Sophisticates from about 2005? Or The Somethings... Started with S. Stunningly beautiful things! I couldn't afford the compact, which is incredible quality and has wonderful translucent powder in it. It's Old Hollywood Star Glamour stuff. Had to stalk it on Ebay for two years, and totally worth the effort!

But the rest of the group was pointless. A compact should have a refillable matching lipstick case, but MAC's lippies are welded into the plastic. And any woman who does her eyeshadow in public, pretty cases or not, needs a copy of Emily Post 1947. So why all the stuff? I used up most of an eye shadow and finally emptied it out for a pill box; a common companion to a compact in something like an Evans set. (1930's and amazing!)

Monogram was unforgivably cheesy! Poor smash in your purse quality, tags on a big blush brush to wave around and drive you nuts, Nothing you'd want. That Boudoir set didn't impress either.

For a bunch of make up designers to not understand the whole allure of the compact is absurd. It's the twentieth century answer to the fan and and has a form to it. Like being refillable, high quality, and either for public use OR dressing table. MAC can't get it straight. Sigh...


Well-known member
Originally Posted by eidetica
The whole thing has always looked like something for the desperate husband or boyfriend to buy for a Christmas gift.



Well-known member
Originally Posted by spunky
we've already had product names for that one. it's going to be lipsticks and lipglasses apparently

We've already had product names?

As for the Luxe collection, I'd love to see new Matte Squared (or Starflash; I'll do either) eyeshadows, some deeper colors of Dazzle lipsticks, and some new Dazzleglasses.
Some new pigments would work, too.
I don't ask for much ...


Well-known member
Originally Posted by xKiKix
Oh boy anytime I hear couture associated with Mac I immediately think of those mystery powder compacts... Definitely skipping this collection.

what is so mysterious about the powder anyway (noob here)

Originally Posted by LMD84
hee hee! indeed! my wallet is contantly running from me!
in a way i see this Luxe collection as a 'greedy' collection from mac. no need to charge extra for the same thing wrapped up nice right?!

I have kinda been thinking the same thing. I like blingy packaging as much as the next chick, but if I am shelling out more cash, the product better be something special...not something I can dupe at the five & dime

Bella Mac

Well-known member
Originally Posted by LMD84
i am rarely impressed by these collections. crazy prices for no difference in product. that said i was highly tempted by the BB collection last year because of the packaging

I agree. I just don't think the packaging is worth the extra cost.