Mac Pro Palettes discussion

Audrey C

Well-known member

That is unbelievable....maybe I should really get some of the old palettes as long as I can.
It is unbelievable. It's enough to make my buy another brand's e/s and to call MAC up and tell them why I'm doing that. I don't mind paying for a palette, but this is ridiculous. I don't know what the Canadian price will be, but I'm sure it's ridiculous.


Well-known member
I `m so not getting any more mac pallettes!!! Does any one knows what brans were the palettes that fit mac larger es, were they ben nye or mufe, or both? those are like 12-13 $
I think the Ben Nye ones fit the larger shadows. The La Femme palette I got for my La Femme blushes fits the larger shadows too - it's a cardbord palette, but quite sturdy. There are others too, but I can't think what ones they are (apart from Z palette etc).


Well-known member
Seeing this makes me glad I stocked up on empty palettes when I first heard about the new ones. I did it because I want all my palettes to look the same, but it looks like it may have been a good choice financially, too. I've just checked on the UK site and the blush palettes are showing as 'out of stock' while the 15 palette is still available.

I do think it's very unfair of MAC if they are indeed discontinuing these palettes just to introduce much more expensive ones. They may well lose out to companies like Z palette as a result of this.


Well-known member
This sucks! I hate that they are getting rid of the old and then the news ones are more expensive and don't have clear lids..... that really isn't fair!


Well-known member
The price increase is ridiculous. I'm not buying one of those, from now on just the MUFE magnetic palettes for me. Only downside to them, they are really large and dent easily.


Well-known member
Has it been officially announced that they're phasing out the old style palettes? I know that things might have changed, but I remember paparazziboy saying that they were keeping them.

Hold on a sec, I'm live chatting w/ a MAC rep right now....I'll be back w/ the transcript


Well-known member
(deleted the banal chit chat at the beginning) So, it looks like I'll be placing an order ASAP.

Tiffany: I had heard that MAC would soon be releasing new Pro Palettes (the ones with separate inserts)
Tiffany: and I was wondering if you knew whether or not MAC would be phasing out the old style (15 eyeshadow and 6 blush pan)
Brandy: Thanks so much for your patience, Tiffany! Yes, we anticipate new Pro Palettes! We will continue to carry the PRO Palette Eye Shadow x15 and PRO Palette Blush x6. However, all of the PRO Palettes will reflect the new improved design.
Tiffany: Thanks, will the prices for the new designs go up significantly
Tiffany: ?
Tiffany: And I'm not exactly sure what you mean by new design. I understand that there will be empty palettes where we can buy inserts. So you will still offer palettes what already include the 15 pan / 6 pan?
Tiffany: meaning, it's built in?
Brandy: Sure! One moment while I explain....
Tiffany: I'm just trying to visualize, thanks
Brandy: There will be two palette sizes: Large with a single level and Large with a Duo level (big enough to hold two levels of product).
Brandy: The single level will cost $18 US and the Duo level will cost $25 US.
Brandy: There are additional inserts that you can purchase to put in these Palettes.... the Pro Palette Eye Shadow insert x15, the Pro Palette Blush x6, the Pro Palette x12 (MAC PRO ONLY) and Pro Palette x24 (MAC PRO ONLY).
Tiffany: Ah I see, so basically to match what I have now, I would have to purchase a large single level
Tiffany: and one insert
Brandy: Yes, the single level will be similar to what you have now.
Tiffany: It will no longer come with an insert included.
Tiffany: Ok, thanks. Do you happen to have an estimated release date for these units?
Brandy: One moment while I check on this for you.
Brandy: At this time we do not have a specific launch date available. We do anticipate them to launch in September.
Tiffany: Thanks, I will check back in September then.
Tiffany: I appreciate your help in clarifying the differences.
Brandy: You are very welcome! I hope this information has helped!
Tiffany: I may just stock up on the old style, they seem to be a bit more cost effective.
Brandy: I think that you will really like the new design as well!
Brandy: It was great chatting with you today, Tiffany! I would also like to offer complimentary Standard shipping with your next MAC Cosmetics Online purchase. Please enter the one-time use offer code during the checkout process. If you would like a copy of this transcript, simply click on the "Print" button within your chat window before clicking on the Exit Survey.
Tiffany: Thanks, have a good day.
Brandy: You too!


Well-known member
I'm really confused as to what these will look like. I like the idea of the top being clear (if that is the part that is clear), but so confused as to why they are so expensive. do you need the insert? Will it be magnetized?


Well-known member
Have any of you guys heard about the Stars Makeup Haven empty eyeshadow palette? It holds 28 eyeshadows and fits MAC, Urban Decay, Inglot, NYX Nude Matte and many other brands of eyeshadows. I purchased the palettes from the company directly, but they are currently closed. You can still get it at Suite7Beauty for $15 USD. This might be a good alternative for those who are not happy about the MAC price increase.



Well-known member
Hmm. Do I stock up on the old ones while I can or transition into another brand (Z palette or something from Etsy)? Too bad UNII is pricey for the size.


Well-known member
How sturdy are these palettes? Do they have a company logo on them anywhere, or are they just plain black?

Have any of you guys heard about the Stars Makeup Haven empty eyeshadow palette? It holds 28 eyeshadows and fits MAC, Urban Decay, Inglot, NYX Nude Matte and many other brands of eyeshadows. I purchased the palettes from the company directly, but they are currently closed. You can still get it at Suite7Beauty for $15 USD. This might be a good alternative for those who are not happy about the MAC price increase.



Well-known member
How sturdy are these palettes? Do they have a company logo on them anywhere, or are they just plain black?
I have travelled with these in my purse and in my luggage, and I have never had any of my eyeshadows crack when I had my purse/luggage in my possession. I definitely wouldn't place these in my luggage if I was checking it in at the airport because the workers throw the luggages around and don't handle them with care. I made the mistake a few years ago and placed my MAC empty eyeshadow in my luggage and checked it in at the airport, and a few of my eyeshadows cracked.

Also, the Stars Makeup Haven empty eyeshadow palette does not have a logo on it anywhere. It is completely black.


Well-known member
I have travelled with these in my purse and in my luggage, and I have never had any of my eyeshadows crack when I had my purse/luggage in my possession. I definitely wouldn't place these in my luggage if I was checking it in at the airport because the workers throw the luggages around and don't handle them with care. I made the mistake a few years ago and placed my MAC empty eyeshadow in my luggage and checked it in at the airport, and a few of my eyeshadows cracked.

Also, the Stars Makeup Haven empty eyeshadow palette does not have a logo on it anywhere. It is completely black.
Thanks. I like that there's no logo. I find I only want to put the brand that goes with the logo into the palette for the sake of organizing.


Well-known member
Thanks. I like that there's no logo. I find I only want to put the brand that goes with the logo into the palette for the sake of organizing.
No problem! I wouldn't want the logo on my empty palette either. It looks better without it and it's customizable too. You can decorate it however you want. I have 6 empty palettes and I added a sticker on the corner of each palette so that I can distinguish them.