MAC shadows: put in palette or leave in pots?


Well-known member
I just went to MAC a few days ago and used B2M with no pan.
I guess it is at their discretion.
I haven't had any problems what so ever.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Twinkle_Twinkle
I started depotting today, and it was going well until I sliced my thumb with the xacto knife and nearly ruined my Sushi Flower (it is just kind of chalked up, the majority if still there, but I am sad) so I am done for a little while. I think I will do a couple more just so I can have a multiple of 6 empties for B2M, but then I am done, and I am def NOT touching my C-Shock shadows.

A question for you all who depot and buy pro pans (I buy pro pans when I can) - How do you organize your colors?

Nominally by colour, but I keep one pan seperate that contains my daily/regular use colours.


Well-known member
from my experiences with depotting....using the candle versions worked better for me...bc i have a skinny flat iron and i ruined my big t and chipped my passionate...but used the candle for my going bananas and wondergrass and they were the easiest ever!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by BinkysBaby
I just went to MAC a few days ago and used B2M with no pan.
I guess it is at their discretion.
I haven't had any problems what so ever.

i have 12 pots without the pan and the macys mac took them back without even batting any eye and helped me pick out two lipsticks (im a die-hard lipgloss girl) so my bestie and the ma helped me pick rebel and russian red..i love them soo much..wear flashmode lusterglass with rebel and need to get russian red..


Well-known member
Palettes. Easier to travel with, takes up less space, and much better for organizational purposes.

I depot everything. LE/Special packaging and all. A different colour pot is still just a regular old pot to me. No need to "save" it. Also, I get more use out of my eyeshadows when I depot them and place into my palettes and quads.

Randy Rose

Well-known member
Twinkle -

I arrange my pans as closely as possible to the color spectrum, with neutrals and warms on one palette, and cools in another.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by BinkysBaby
I just went to MAC a few days ago and used B2M with no pan.
I guess it is at their discretion.
I haven't had any problems what so ever.

Before I started depotting, I called my local store to make sure that they would accept pots without pans. They said they would, as long as I didn't try to use those same pans for another B2M. Makes sense. I think it does depend on the store because I know from reading others' posts that some people were having trouble using pots without the pans.

I got my first 15 pan palette and my first free lipgloss yesterday. I was pretty excited.
I only have 12 MAC shadows right now, so I just arranged them by colors (pinks/reds, then blues/greens, then browns/neutrals). I really like seeing all of the shadows together in one place. Maybe I'll come up with some new color combinations seeing them all together like that.
Im *relatively* new to mac so i love all the individual pots but just for the sake of saving space and for travel im thinking i should dept my shadows in a 15 palette. Since ive never done it before i want to do it with a 'crappy' eyeshadow but since none of them are crappy i dont know if im brave enough! I dunno..i find me C-Shock colours in their individual black pots quite pleasing


Well-known member
I just depotted all of my eyeshadows the other day for the first time. They do look better in the pan but the pros to using the palettes are 1) Space-saving 2)Easier to look at (I follow the colour spectrum on their website) and 3) Back 2 MAC

However quite a few of my depotted eyeshadows are starting to crack =( I'm not sure if it's the way I depotted them, it's so annoying.