MAC So Reel / Reel Sexy discussion


Well-known member
I bought four sheen supreme's last year....ehh I don't like the gloss effect. When I asked a Nordie's MUA...he said that Reel Sexy was the perfect mix of Morange and Vegas Volt...which is fine by me

reel sexy will be coming home with me then lol freakin love vegas volt!!!


Well-known member
hmmm. on that... I just looked at the swatches from the link and I have ever hip and have not worn it you guys think I could skip!?!?!

maybe just get watch me simmer


Well-known member
Thanks for the swatches!

I went from MAYBE wanting just Pink Popcorn, to wanting them ALL! i hope that they look that good on my lips as well!


Well-known member

Thank you so much for the link!!! I love allura's swatches!

I've been wanting only Reel Sexy l/s from this collection. Now I'm wondering if I should skip the whole collection. Reel Sexy looks kinda similar to Ever Hip which I have with a backup. I love Ever Hip, but I rarely wear it alone. (I love wearing it with True Babe l/g.) Can anyone convince me that I need Reel Sexy?


Well-known member
Previewed this collection along with two others today...

I ended up skipping everything I thought I was going to order from this collection and pre-ordered only a creme sheen l/g,[FONT=Verdana, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]Color Saturation. I thought I was going to really [/FONT]*need* Reel Sexy but it was so much more orange than I expected.

[FONT=Verdana, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif] [/FONT](I also preordered love cloud blush from Tres Chic, and Modern Pewter from the Extra Dimension collection).


Well-known member
Oh yay, Iove alluras swatches! Hmmm PP and BL do look a lot alike. To me BL looks more bluebased and more like a sheen then PP, and PP looks like it has more shimmer. Not too sure bout it yet.
I like Heroine, but mattes, even the new ones I've been having problems with, my lips just dont take it very well. I exfoliated and did chapstick before and used a lip brush and it still caked on my lips after a few hours. Violetta will prob work better for me. Does anyone have any other pointers to stop mattes from caking on lips?
I missed out on WMS so I'll be getting that.


Specktra Bestie
Funny, now that I see the lipsticks, I feel like I have pretty close matches for them already. I still think they look nice, but I don't know if I really need them personally...


Well-known member
I'm feeling that way too! Craziness.
I have Ever Hip and dont wear it much, could I do without WMS?

Funny, now that I see the lipsticks, I feel like I have pretty close matches for them already. I still think they look nice, but I don't know if I really need them personally...


Well-known member
OMG look up I!! i was wondering the EXACT same thing... crazy!

Funny, now that I see the lipsticks, I feel like I have pretty close matches for them already. I still think they look nice, but I don't know if I really need them personally...


Well-known member
Oh yay, Iove alluras swatches! Hmmm PP and BL do look a lot alike. To me BL looks more bluebased and more like a sheen then PP, and PP looks like it has more shimmer. Not too sure bout it yet.
I like Heroine, but mattes, even the new ones I've been having problems with, my lips just dont take it very well. I exfoliated and did chapstick before and used a lip brush and it still caked on my lips after a few hours. Violetta will prob work better for me. Does anyone have any other pointers to stop mattes from caking on lips?
I missed out on WMS so I'll be getting that.
Have you tried Mac Prep + Prime lips? I love that stuff and it works really well under mattes.

princess sarah

Well-known member
I agree!!!! I use it under every lipstick now

And I have also discovered that exfoliating straight after fooundation applied and applying a thick lip balm to moisterise lips while you are doing the rest of your face, wipe off the remaining lip balm that hasnt soaked in, and apply prep and prime, then lip liner and then lipstick... WORKS WONDERS with mattes and even lipsticks with Satin and Amplified finishes.
Have you tried Mac Prep + Prime lips? I love that stuff and it works really well under mattes.


Well-known member
so, you know you're a mac junkie when you fall asleep, wake up in the middle of the night, and immediately grab your phone and check the site to see if the new prods are up. haha. darn it mac! ;)


Well-known member
Yes you're right. Applying lip balm is the first thing i do when doing my make up. When i get to my lips they feel so nice and soft.



Well-known member
Dammit, the swatches have convinced me that I need all 3 lipsticks! Luckily I already have WMS.

I can't wait for this collection.


Well-known member
I love Pink Popcorn's name but the lipstick looks so sheer. I have decently pigmented lips so light colors don't show up as well as I want them to, so I'm trying to decide if I should skip. I do want Pink Cult and Reel Sexy, and I'm wavering on Heroine since I have Violetta.