MAC - Sonic Chic Discussion


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Re: MAC Cosmetics Sonic Chic Discussion

The early release of this is bad news for me but it means that I need to beg for more hours at work so that I can afford to get a couple pieces. I haven't been particularly wowed by anything so far, it's the MES that will do me in for sure.


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Re: MAC Cosmetics Sonic Chic Discussion

Originally Posted by sleepyhead
OH NO! 1 day before color form is realsed?!
i'm gonna be broke beyond the imagination...

You and me both! I was all excited in the Colour Forms thread but now knowing that Sonic Chic and Electroflash will be released the day before is making me anxious. I might just get the advanced brush set from Colour Forms, get as much as I want from Sonic Chic and Electroflash, and pray the rest of items I want from Colour Forms eventually make its way to my local CCO.



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Re: MAC Cosmetics Sonic Chic Discussion

Originally Posted by Colorqueen
That is ridiculous!

I don't know why they can not do updates for you guys sooner- it would stop the frustration of MAC addicts calling and so many MAC MAs not knowing what the heck anyone is talking about!!!


Didn't they used to do updates a month or more early once upon a time?

update is usually at least 2-3 weeks before the next collection comes out, except for last years spring update, when raquel came out and we hadn't even been yet. we had no idea what the collection was about.


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Re: MAC Cosmetics Sonic Chic Discussion

Originally Posted by elegant-one
...but, but...I mostly LOVE....Everything (almost)

I know! Especially blushes!

I want Pleasanty, Gleeful, Dainty, Gentle and maybe Warm Soul. Tell me what you think about them and how they compare to the Beauty Powder Blushes! I think I shouldn't pick up more than 3 or 4...


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Re: MAC Cosmetics Sonic Chic Discussion

Originally Posted by darkishstar
I want Dainty so bad I'm going to pee my pants!

*hands darkishstar some toliet paper while saving some for herself and her excitement*


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Re: MAC Cosmetics Sonic Chic Discussion

Omg it is true! I just did a live chat and its said that both- Sonic Chic & Electroflash will be available online on July 8th and in stores/counters on July 10th!!!

This is bad. I was hoping I would have at least a paycheck in between the collections. lol But nonetheless, its still exciting!!!


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Re: MAC Cosmetics Sonic Chic Discussion

Originally Posted by panther27
I just did a live chat as well.Electroflash is being released July 10th too!!!!!And she also told me that that Starflash is being released July 31st,just like someone else on here had said

DAMN! This is WAYYY too soon, like my bank account is barely holding on, I needed more time for it to recover from Neo Sci Fi, Cool Heat, and F&F stuff!!!!
Well, at least I just started my summer job, and thank goodness for babysitting!!!


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Re: MAC Cosmetics Sonic Chic Discussion

I am just going to get Pleasantry and then I am going to walk away, no run away, from the counter. I have so much blush it is ridiculous and I bet they come out with more of these again in the future since this is so popular. People still talk about stereo rose! I never saw that IRL. That was before my mac habit got started.


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Re: MAC Cosmetics Sonic Chic Discussion

Let's not Forget Colour Forms just one day later... that is SIXTY new products in a 24 hour period! I am excited and frustrated at the same time!


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Re: MAC Cosmetics Sonic Chic Discussion

Oh my I am excited but sheesh I am still recovering from Cool heat and Neo sci fi......... I must be very picky and only buy what I will die without


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Re: MAC Cosmetics Sonic Chic Discussion

Originally Posted by AudreyNicole
Let's not Forget Colour Forms just one day later... that is SIXTY new products in a 24 hour period! I am excited and frustrated at the same time!

Me, too...not necessarily because of the money being spend at once - it was gonna be spent one way or another - but because it just means longer between other collections. Annnnd, that means I go through withdrawl and spend more in the long run. I swear it's some evil plan MAC has to get us to spend more! Grrr...

In an effort to be "good" and also keeping in mind I just got two new Pro blushes, I will severely limit myself in this collection. I will only get two, yes, you're reading that right, blushes: Pleasantry and either Gleeful or Dainty. If none of those work for me (and I sincerely doubt that will be the case), then maybe Nuance and Warm Soul.


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Re: MAC Cosmetics Sonic Chic Discussion

Well there is no Nordies anywhere near me so I will not have to worry about running into trouble with that at least!So I can just spend on electroflash and sonic chic all I want,but it does suck that colour forms are being released the day after.


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Re: MAC Cosmetics Sonic Chic Discussion

And New View is launching July 10 as well.Forgot about that cause it pales in comparison to all the rest!lolAlso Starflash is being released July 31st,I know i mentioned this already,and Live Chat also told me that Overrich is being released middle of Aug./end of Aug.The MA told me that could change tho.


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Re: MAC Cosmetics Sonic Chic Discussion

Then they either a) must have some perm line/smaller launches coming up in August/September, or b) they are going to do one big one and then it's the holidays. I am glad that I only possibly want two of the blushes since I am not a blusher girl...have we figured out how much that 181SE will be?


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Re: MAC Cosmetics Sonic Chic Discussion

Originally Posted by AudreyNicole
Let's not Forget Colour Forms just one day later... that is SIXTY new products in a 24 hour period! I am excited and frustrated at the same time!

SIXTY NEW PRODUCTS!! HOLY CRAP! That is a lot to try and budget for! BTW I love your new avatar Audrey! You look gorgeous!


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Re: MAC Cosmetics Sonic Chic Discussion

Good thing I'm probably only going to pick up 2 of these blushes, 3 of the MES, and like.. 4 lipsticks from Colour Forms. That's 9 things. GAH.

I haven't hauled more than 4 items at a time since Heatherette!
Well.. I guess I'm technically not getting more than 4 items from each collection... but still that's 9 things! And I'd probably get the MES and blushes same time I go get Colour Forms..


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Re: MAC Cosmetics Sonic Chic Discussion

Is anyone else crossing their fingers like me hoping that the 181se will be permanent? I always feel so pressured to buy brushes that are LE, and I know I want this one, but if it is permanent, I can get more makeup instead since there is so much coming at once.


Well-known member
Re: MAC Cosmetics Sonic Chic Discussion

Originally Posted by AudreyNicole
Is anyone else crossing their fingers like me hoping that the 181se will be permanent? I always feel so pressured to buy brushes that are LE, and I know I want this one, but if it is permanent, I can get more makeup instead since there is so much coming at once.

Nope, I'm praying for it too. But since brushes usually take a while to sell out online, I'm planning out holding out for it. *Prays to MAC gods*