MAC Strength Collection Discussion (December 2012)


Well-known member
If I get Firm Form and nothing else from any of the other winter collections, I will be very happy. I'll be able to indulge in at least just that since I got that holiday job at Macys! ;D I start at the end of November. (I can't bring myself to buy makeup regularly anymore until I get a permanent job.)
YAY!!! congrats :)


Well-known member
If I get Firm Form and nothing else from any of the other winter collections, I will be very happy. I'll be able to indulge in at least just that since I got that holiday job at Macys! ;D I start at the end of November. (I can't bring myself to buy makeup regularly anymore until I get a permanent job.)
This is great news! Congrats!


Well-known member
Yes....I have to get all the lipsticks too!!!

These colors are sooooo right up my alley

All the lipsticks will be mine!!!!!!!!!


Specktra Bestie
My pink pigeon is nearly finished from IA and hearing what's coming with this collection, I'm in big Trouble
I can't remember the last time I finished a lipstick. Actually, I think it was my previous tube of "O", which got used up chiefly because I was using it on a film shoot. I don't think I have anything else that's remotely close to being used up. Does that mean I shouldn't buy any more lipsticks until I "make some room"?


Well-known member
Same with me katred. I really should just stop, but I can't. I am so interested in Jet, Firm Form and those purple mattenes coming out. I just can't help myself when it comes to lipsticks. I need a Lipstick Anonymous meeting and soon.

I can't remember the last time I finished a lipstick. Actually, I think it was my previous tube of "O", which got used up chiefly because I was using it on a film shoot. I don't think I have anything else that's remotely close to being used up. Does that mean I shouldn't buy any more lipsticks until I "make some room"?


Well-known member
I can't remember the last time I finished a lipstick. Actually, I think it was my previous tube of "O", which got used up chiefly because I was using it on a film shoot. I don't think I have anything else that's remotely close to being used up. Does that mean I shouldn't buy any more lipsticks until I "make some room"?
Maybe you can B2M some old l/s that didn't work for you as an attempt to make more room?


Well-known member
This sounds like a very smart move. Thank you! I just need to find the time to go through my millions of old lipsticks to see what I want to keep and what I should get rid of. Augh!

Maybe you can B2M some old l/s that didn't work for you as an attempt to make more room?


Well-known member
I cannot wait to snatch up Pink Pigeon & Party Parrot

Ok so looks like we have a name for the Violet lipstick "Strong Woman" (I've also been told its a great dupe for Heroine)
"Strong Woman" is described as a bright Violet matte, to be released with the Strength collection.

I hear all the lipsticks in that collection will me matte. (not 100% sure though)
Bright Violet matte AND dupe for Heroine? I'm in

They'd better bring this collection to greece otherwise I'm going to hunt them down for eternity!


Specktra Bestie
Maybe you can B2M some old l/s that didn't work for you as an attempt to make more room?
That was actually exactly what I was thinking of doing. I have a few that looked amazing swatched, but just don't suit my colouring. (Thrills, from To the Beach a couple of years back was a heartbreaker that way.)


Well-known member
I got Party Parrot when it was out with the IA collection, but I skipped Pink Pigeon since I felt it could be duped. Don't really remember which color I thought it was close to though. Any thoughts?
Same here. I got Flamingo and Party Parrot but skipped on Pink Pigeon. I feel like I have plenty of bright pink lippies (Viva Glam Nicki, Force of Love, Chanel Genial and Hyde Park) that hopefully I can skip it again!


Specktra Bestie
I found that Pink Pigeon and Party Parrot were like matte versions of Show Orchid and Fusion Pink (I can't remember offhand which is which.) I have both of those, so I passed on these ones last time, but now I'm feeling like I should get them. What's truly funny is that I don't feel like I could get just one of them. If I buy, it will have to be both. Or, most likely, all four of the lipsticks we've heard about from this collection.


Well-known member
I found that Pink Pigeon and Party Parrot were like matte versions of Show Orchid and Fusion Pink (I can't remember offhand which is which.) I have both of those, so I passed on these ones last time, but now I'm feeling like I should get them. What's truly funny is that I don't feel like I could get just one of them. If I buy, it will have to be both. Or, most likely, all four of the lipsticks we've heard about from this collection.
I love Party Parrot. It is so pretty in person. On me I have nothing else like it.


Well-known member
I got Party Parrot when it was out with the IA collection, but I skipped Pink Pigeon since I felt it could be duped. Don't really remember which color I thought it was close to though. Any thoughts?
It seems like it should be dupeable but I don't have anything quite like it and honestly of all the lippies from IA, I wore it the most. I know everyone went apey over Flamingo but I fully recommend Party Parrot. It is simply


Well-known member
Oh yea have fun at the event today : ) I wish I could go I have a friend that works there she'll be working tonight her name is Ashley she invited me to go but I cant't ugh mommy duties; and I'm the team mom too lol so team mommy duties ugh!
I know I think I will be getting Strong woman too. I have heroine and LOVE it. so would be nice to add another purple lippie to the collection.

I was not able to go =( BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
I too am team mom for my daughter's softball team and they needed me there. SO I missed out =(((( I will have to get my butt to Bayfair and hope I can get my stuff next week. Crossing my fingers it wont be as mad as MM release was. LOL


Well-known member
Not sure how I missed this, but thank you mrsdee! Strong Woman is a definite for me. Purple, matte and a dube for Heroine plus the name alone. YES!

I cannot wait to snatch up Pink Pigeon & Party Parrot

Ok so looks like we have a name for the Violet lipstick "Strong Woman" (I've also been told its a great dupe for Heroine)
"Strong Woman" is described as a bright Violet matte, to be released with the Strength collection.

I hear all the lipsticks in that collection will me matte. (not 100% sure though)

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