MAC Styledriven Discussion


Well-known member
those were awesome, but didn't last very long on me.

I love the lipglasses though, I put it on on the train about 745, ate, had a meeting, been drinking coffee and it is still going strong. I find the stickyness wears away after awhile for me, but the color remains. *doing my happy dance*
I like the colors of the glosses, but unfortunately i didn't like how they felt on my lips. Way too sticky for my liking. It's even stickier than the lipglasses :( Will give the glosses a pass.

I would haf like the colors in the kissable lip color texture from Peacocky though.


Well-known member
Final thoughts... I`m skipping this, the eyeshadows I was most interested in but they don`t convince me

That sux girl. Maybe in the future you'll change your mind about the eyeshadows. I think not all of them are must have but the color I ended up with I actually love. Good thing they're permanent that way if you change your mind you can always get a few later =)


Well-known member
I'm returning all eyeshadows except one to watch. So returning 9.... I know its make up butchering but its a lot of money and they are so dupable IMO plus the size turns me off.


I know I am lucky because I have access/can swatch these in person before buying, for this reason- I just couldn't bring myself to return so much/find out later that I don't need it. It makes me sad to think of all the product wasted. That said-- no judgment, you have to do what you have to do.


Well-known member
I am still SO in love with Endless Drama l/s. Aside from the color, the texture is perfect and so much smoother for some reason than other l/s from the collection? At least on me? I have a sort of rule against buying backups but if this collection were LE , I would!


Well-known member
I'm returning all eyeshadows except one to watch. So returning 9.... I know its make up butchering but its a lot of money and they are so dupable IMO plus the size turns me off.

What happens to all the makeup that gets returned? What does MAC do with it? Throw away? Put them up for sale at the Warehouse sales, CCOs or the Estee Lauder Company Store? Do they recycle them like melt/dissolve them in the manufacturing factories and make products out of them?


Well-known member
Quote: Originally Posted by XxMoOmOoxX
What happens to all the makeup that gets returned? What does MAC do with it? Throw away? Put them up for sale at the Warehouse sales, CCOs or the Estee Lauder Company Store? Do they recycle them like melt/dissolve them in the manufacturing factories and make products out of them?

I think they throw them away for hygiene purposes - it makes me sad to think of a big bin full of brand new MAC :(


Well-known member
yeah it all gets tossed even if you haven't opened the box, as they have no way of proving it wasn't touched.


Well-known member
yeah it all gets tossed even if you haven't opened the box, as they have no way of proving it wasn't touched.

Yup that's true. I once saw a MA carrying a huge bag of wasted products in their boxes to throw away. I hate to think about all those products going to waste because the customers didn't like it =(


Well-known member
It's kind of hard to believe that MAC throws away all returned items because of sanitary reasons because makeup artists share their makeup with clients and they usually sanitize the makeup with alcohol. So, why can't MAC just sanitize the returned items with alcohol and put them out as testers or dissolve/melt them and re-make different products with them in their manufacturing factories?


Well-known member
It's kind of hard to believe that MAC throws away all returned items because of sanitary reasons because makeup artists share their makeup with clients and they usually sanitize the makeup with alcohol. So, why can't MAC just sanitize the returned items with alcohol and put them out as testers or dissolve/melt them and re-make different products with them in their manufacturing factories?
i really hope that's what they do, otherwise it just makes me sick thinking of so many products that are brand new or barely used going to waste


Well-known member
I must respectfully disagree for two reasons:

1) When I buy "new," I expect new. Not "gently used."
2) That's like getting served someone else's uneaten dinner rolls at a restaurant. You don't know if they've been touched, licked, sneezed on...or what kind of germs/viruses they have. If a tattoo shop says they reuse needles, even after allegedly sanitizing them, I'd still walk out. I don't want the risk.

At least the packaging is recycled.

i really hope that's what they do, otherwise it just makes me sick thinking of so many products that are brand new or barely used going to waste


Well-known member
I wore One to Watch today and I loved the way it brightened my eyes and blended into my skin. It was very pretty and very natural looking. One to Watch is a very different texture than any shadows I've tried before. Its not buttery, but its smooth. The fallout was minimum. I'm backing it up down the road, even though its perm. Been loving the perfect neutrals lately so I can play up my blusher colors.

I am going to check out Bittersweet as well. Looks like a great alternative to Chestnut.


Well-known member
I fell in love with One to Watch too when I swatched it this weekend, so I'll be ordering it. Does it give much color on?

I wore One to Watch today and I loved the way it brightened my eyes and blended into my skin. It was very pretty and very natural looking. One to Watch is a very different texture than any shadows I've tried before. Its not buttery, but its smooth. The fallout was minimum. I'm backing it up down the road, even though its perm. Been loving the perfect neutrals lately so I can play up my blusher colors.


Well-known member
Hello my dear!!!!
Hope you are doing well.

So many pretty colors to choose from - hope you find something when you get to see them :)