MAC Temperature Rising Collection (May 2013)


Well-known member
Since I'll be out of school by the time this launches, I think just try to get everything at the counter. This way I can try to make better decisions than just buying online and hoping for the best. I'm hoping this will help me save money (but I know I'll be tempted, so this could backfire!

So far my list includes:
RFL and HN blushes
FMP l/s
altered state l/s (big maybe)
BMS quad
167 brush (depends on quality)
Sun dipped

And of course I may consider the fatties and lipglasses once I see them in person.

I'm going to try to do some trimming since I've been buying way too much from MAC lately.


Well-known member
Hmm, I'm not sure if I'm going to get anything. BMS is the most likely thing that I'll pick up, but I just went on a slight binge at Chanel...


Well-known member
I was playing around with the bronzers I have (Soft Sand, Sun Dipped and the Optical Bronzer from AOP), I feel like Soft Sand suits me best colorwise. I know everybody and their momma is raving about Sun Dipped, and while I kinda like the texture, the colour does look a little ''dirty'' one me (and kind of yellow-ish?!). At least that's what it looks like to me. But on the other hand it's less shimmery than SS, which is what I prefer, so I don't know which one I should get a BU of. Or maybe none at all, and I should save my cents to one day buy that pricey Guerlain bronzer that I want. But I don't think I'll ever be ready to spend more than 60€ on a bronzer. Or just forget about bronzers and get Hot Nights instead, hmmm...I can't seem to forget about that one. I'm secretly hoping we'll see really bad reviews of it, so that I won't be tempted anymore. I was going through my stash, because since the weather is getting warmer I'm moving the majority of it in the basement, and the amount of blushes I have is getting out of control. So I need another one like a hole in my head.
I like Soft Sand. :nods: I haven't used it much but I like it.


Well-known member
Today I ordered ripe for love blush, feel my pulse lipstick, rich glance, copper strip and life's luxury. Decided to pass on BMS despite the lovely When in Rio. I can dupe the other three colours, so I figured I could get both Art of the Eye quads instead

Really thought about getting NoB and SD backups, but I do not use bronzer frequently enough to see the usage on the HS ones. The packaging and pro longwear formula tempted me though...

Miss Dynamite

Well-known member
I'm pretty sure I'm addicted to looking at pictures and swatches of this collection. I haven't been this excited over a summer collection since To The Beach.


Well-known member
I put Feel my Pulse into my basket and took it out again several times before finally deciding to leave it until I can look it at the counter. I couldn't make up my mind whether it was something that I absolutely had to have, or whether I'd prefer one of the lipsticks. Is it dreadful that I really want to like (and therefore justify buying) at least one of the lipsticks from this collection just because of the packaging?

In the end, I came away with Ripe for Love blush (along with Ablaze lipstick and Farasha eyeshadow). I kept thinking I should wait to see it in the shop too, but I just coveted it too much to resist. Also, I'll find it easier to justify buying one of the ED blushes next week if I'm not getting RfL as well.

Now I'm going to sit down with a cup of tea and redraft my wishlist for going to the counter next week.


Well-known member
Quads and bronzers from the summer collection always show up at my CCO so i am going to stick to one blush and one lip product. i have so much makeup that i dont wear, i am limiting myself a lot with the collections this year.


Well-known member
So far I'm just thinking Feel My Pulse l/s & the Temperature Rising quad (though I may try to wait for it to hit the CCO) I'm glad this is going to be a small haul!


Well-known member
Last week I picked up the Spring highlighter, the new retractable kabuki and the foundation brush. Today I came home with Rubellite l/p, Antigone RCS, Santal SYW and Les Beiges powder in no. 10
The highlighter looks gorgeous.


Well-known member
What is the Strobe stuff's purpose? Haven't been keeping up, but I'm in trouble between this & Art of the Eye...ugh. I was good & decided not to Oder from AOE sight unseen. What is the recommended Bronzer for NC20's, please? Does anyone think that the pink blush looks similar to NARS Boys Don't Cry. Being a Cure fan since elementary school I could not pass up BDC. Hope everyone is doing great.


Well-known member
What is the Strobe stuff's purpose? Haven't been keeping up, but I'm in trouble between this & Art of the Eye...ugh. I was good & decided not to Oder from AOE sight unseen. What is the recommended Bronzer for NC20's, please? Does anyone think that the pink blush looks similar to NARS Boys Don't Cry. Being a Cure fan since elementary school I could not pass up BDC. Hope everyone is doing great.
The Cure :bigheart: But the blushes are nothing alike, BDC is a bright coral and Hot Nights is a (berry?) pink. You can use Strobe Liquid under your foundation, or mix it with your foundation or use it as a highlighter. I want it but I have enough illuminators so I'm not gonna buy it.


Well-known member
Hope everyone is doing great.
I love my Strobe Cream. I am a little longer in the tooth than most of you (50), so it is a great way when added to foundation; to give that extra bit of dewiness (as well as keeping the foundation sheer enough). You can always just add it to places that you want to highlight. It's a great product. I love the stuff! Anything that helps reflect light and give a dewy appearance, is my best friend.


Well-known member
Hope everyone is doing great.
I think Sundipped if you want a slighty reddened tone (which looks more natural than the yellow tones for NC's IMHO) but Nude on Board is good too. I have both and use both. If you have to have only one, I think Sundipped looks better.


Well-known member
:wavey:   I think Sundipped if you want a slighty reddened tone (which looks more natural than the yellow tones for NC's IMHO) but Nude on Board is good too.   I have both and use both.  If you have to have only one, I think Sundipped looks better.
So if I am a bronzeraholic and wear bronzer daily, I need both right?