MAC X Ellie Goulding (Dec 14 / 17, 2015)


Well-known member
Did anyone get the Halcyon Days palette? I don't have those CCBs and was curious how they are...

Otherwise, i'm skipping this collection. Just here to watch ;)


Well-known member
I got pressured to buying Halcyon Nights Palette and it's gorgeous. I think the palette and the blush duo are the stars of this collection. The lipsticks while boring are okay but easily duped and skipped. I did buy Without Your Love and it's lovely paired with Spice Lipliner.


Well-known member

WYL Lipstick - love it:cloud9::dogdance:! I want back ups! No pigmentation issues, it was full pigmentation after a few swipes.

It's a warmer pink than Creme Cup.

I've worn it with Estee Lauder double wear liner in Pink (lined not filled).


Well-known member
Picked up my Nights palette in-store.

That makes the Nights palette, blush duo, Only You lipstick, 217SE and 129SE for me from this one. I thought I was skipping until a couple of weeks ago!

Contemplating BUs of the blush duo and Only You (which I've been wearing with Lip Erase, then Subculture liner).... and the Lustre Drops. I have an e-GC to spend, too.....


Well-known member
I hate to reply to myself, but I hope you'll all forgive this.

Just did a full face with the Nights palette, blush duo, and Only You (paired with lip erase/Subculture on lips, and did a brown liquid liner under the darkest shade in the quad plus Chanel Ultra Noir mascara, and the cream base under Laura Mercier's Matte Highlighter, and Cork as eyebrow powder).

MAC and Ellie Goulding hit this collection out of the park. I look lovely,understated, and glowing. I'll be getting some BUs because this is a perfect look for any office. Or any time. I'd smoke it out for night, but.... I'm going to have to force myself not to wear this every day now!


Well-known member
I've seen some really nice looks with it so, against my better judgement, I ordered Halcyon Nights :eek:
The packaging is so lovely; I hope it shows up well on me.


Well-known member
I hate to reply to myself, but I hope you'll all forgive this.

Just did a full face with the Nights palette, blush duo, and Only You (paired with lip erase/Subculture on lips, and did a brown liquid liner under the darkest shade in the quad plus Chanel Ultra Noir mascara, and the cream base under Laura Mercier's Matte Highlighter, and Cork as eyebrow powder).

MAC and Ellie Goulding hit this collection out of the park. I look lovely,understated, and glowing. I'll be getting some BUs because this is a perfect look for any office. Or any time. I'd smoke it out for night, but.... I'm going to have to force myself not to wear this every day now!

I agree! I went from not wanting anything to getting backups ;) You look sounds perfect.
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Well-known member
I agree! I went from not wanting anything to getting backups ;) You look sounds perfect.

It makes it so easy- I've got my new go-to!

So in love with this collection- and so glad I'm used to Tom Ford's glitters to know what to do with the glitter shadow in Nights.


Well-known member
Well... Initially, I wasn't into this collection - at all. But damnit - I've watched one tutorial too many. :jawsdown: Now I really want the lipsticks, the pink/peach Plushglass, the bronzer and the Lustre Drops. And maybe Halcyon Nights. Where's my lottery ticket when I need it? :hahaha:


Well-known member
I hate to reply to myself, but I hope you'll all forgive this.

Just did a full face with the Nights palette, blush duo, and Only You (paired with lip erase/Subculture on lips, and did a brown liquid liner under the darkest shade in the quad plus Chanel Ultra Noir mascara, and the cream base under Laura Mercier's Matte Highlighter, and Cork as eyebrow powder).

MAC and Ellie Goulding hit this collection out of the park. I look lovely,understated, and glowing. I'll be getting some BUs because this is a perfect look for any office. Or any time. I'd smoke it out for night, but.... I'm going to have to force myself not to wear this every day now!

A. I KNEW you'd get it!! And it's sooo great!

B. I'm glad you're loving it like me! I NEVER back up palettes, but strongly thinking about it for this one because I am wearing the heck out of it. Like you said, it's perfect for work and just looking pretty without anything super obvious going on.

Is the duo really different/worth it? To me it doesn't look like anything unique versus the corals and bronzers I already have.


Well-known member
I hate to reply to myself, but I hope you'll all forgive this.

Just did a full face with the Nights palette, blush duo, and Only You (paired with lip erase/Subculture on lips, and did a brown liquid liner under the darkest shade in the quad plus Chanel Ultra Noir mascara, and the cream base under Laura Mercier's Matte Highlighter, and Cork as eyebrow powder).

MAC and Ellie Goulding hit this collection out of the park. I look lovely,understated, and glowing. I'll be getting some BUs because this is a perfect look for any office. Or any time. I'd smoke it out for night, but.... I'm going to have to force myself not to wear this every day now!
Ok, I'm getting Nights. Still staying away from teh lippies.
Were there any dupes to the lippies?
I've seen some really nice looks with it so, against my better judgement, I ordered Halcyon Nights :eek:
The packaging is so lovely; I hope it shows up well on me.
It well. My MACMUA said he LOVED it on WOC.
A. I KNEW you'd get it!! And it's sooo great!

B. I'm glad you're loving it like me! I NEVER back up palettes, but strongly thinking about it for this one because I am wearing the heck out of it. Like you said, it's perfect for work and just looking pretty without anything super obvious going on.

Is the duo really different/worth it? To me it doesn't look like anything unique versus the corals and bronzers I already have.
Good question about the duo.