oh come on no baby hating
putting cat in every single post is 2544524 worse
oh come on no baby hating
putting cat in every single post is 2544524 worse
oh come on no baby hating
putting cat in every single post is 2544524 worse
her blog is not just about beauty -reviewing products like temptalia
she always had her cat, farmers market, her garden, food etc.... since she just had a baby its completely normal for that to overtake her whole world
if temptalia suddenly starts having baby in every post i would be surprised but for karen i think its completely expected
Yeah, I can understand that there are baby updates now, it must be an exciting time for her. Personally I'm just not interested in reading about that. I didn't mind the cat content, that was already there when I started following her.
Who knows, the same thing happened when she posted swatches of the Star Trek collection...she had 2 lipglass swatches switched around. But I tried to make a post asking about it and she denied my post, then I was banned from posting for 2 days. So Idk what happened with it.
I think another reason she is pushing the baby thing is that she created new brand Connor Claire
also having posts about hallmark cards that are paid is MUCH WORSE (being beauty blogger wth do you need to write about hallmark and your experience buying cards at walgreens?)
I think another reason she is pushing the baby thing is that she created new brand Connor Claire
also having posts about hallmark cards that are paid is MUCH WORSE (being beauty blogger wth do you need to write about hallmark and your experience buying cards at walgreens?)
Oohhh missed that one---good for her. An entrepreneur. But yes, those lighter MSF swatches are duplicated for sure.
No love for Tabs the cat or Connor Claire?- tough crowd
I like the fact that her pictures seem much clearer than Temptalia's. I also appreciated the fact that Karen let other, less well known bloggers write on her blog when she was on maternity leave ( I found new blogs to check out).
I am still trying to make my way through the Star Trek items that I bought while on vacation- I picked them up on Saturday but had to much post vacation things to catch up on. I am going order from this collection online but is this collection going to be at most stores or as another person put it- only the stores in 'urban' areas?
I think another reason she is pushing the baby thing is that she created new brand Connor Claire
also having posts about hallmark cards that are paid is MUCH WORSE (being beauty blogger wth do you need to write about hallmark and your experience buying cards at walgreens?)
No love for Tabs the cat or Connor Claire?- tough crowd
I like the fact that her pictures seem much clearer than Temptalia's. I also appreciated the fact that Karen let other, less well known bloggers write on her blog when she was on maternity leave ( I found new blogs to check out).
I am still trying to make my way through the Star Trek items that I bought while on vacation- I picked them up on Saturday but had to much post vacation things to catch up on. I am going order from this collection online but is this collection going to be at most stores or as another person put it- only the stores in 'urban' areas?
No love for Tabs the cat or Connor Claire?- tough crowd
I like the fact that her pictures seem much clearer than Temptalia's. I also appreciated the fact that Karen let other, less well known bloggers write on her blog when she was on maternity leave ( I found new blogs to check out).
I am still trying to make my way through the Star Trek items that I bought while on vacation- I picked them up on Saturday but had to much post vacation things to catch up on. I am going order from this collection online but is this collection going to be at most stores or as another person put it- only the stores in 'urban' areas?
That's a thing?! That sounds like Instagram shilling techniques.
I liked some of the other bloggers posts too. They were all unique and charming in their own way. Karen definitely evolved into a lifestyle blog. Speaking of bloggers, I miss Sarah from Color Me Loud, Sunny, and Messy Wands.The only beauty blogs that I check consistently now are Temptalia, Ommorphia, Beauty Lookbook, Silverkis, and Non Blonde (more about perfume).
That would have been nice. The past two VG spokeswomen have repulsed me. If it must be a pop star can't they come up with one not known for atrocious behavior?the lipstick looks very similar to both persistence and taupe on T. but I think I need it anyway! I would have loved if Taraji was the spokeswoman for viva glam.