magnets on depotted shadows- necessary?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by TISH1127
If you depot....and put them immediately in the palette I have found you do not need magnets because the glue is still warm on the back and it sticks instantly...I do use magnets for the ones that I depot and fill at a later time because the glue has dried & there is nothing to adhere them to the palette. You can buy magnets actually off Ebay...Can't hardly get a counterfit magnet! They are so cheap on there..I bought a bag of 100 pre-cut magnets with labels for less than $10.00 HTH

Yea, if you don't plan on moving your pans around you can just put them immediately in the palette like Tish said. This amounts to you gluing them into your palette, and then it is a BIOYATCH to remove in my opinion. So be sure you're not going to want to do a lo of that before you go the gluing route.

If you do want to be able to move them around, I would say use the magnets.


Well-known member
I put magnet's on the back of my depotted e/s. It helps them to keep in place and not rattle in the case. I would never ever glue them in! Like carandu said sometimes I like to move them around, for example I have two empty quads for travelling purposes so when I got out of town I don't have to bring the whole or multiple 15 pan palettes if I don't want to. You should also consider that if you glue them in that when you ran out of some colour then you have the empty pan in the palette and you can' put a new one there.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by xxManBeaterxx
Hey, half of my eyeshadows i have are self depotted, and since i was too lazy to make the magnets i just popped them in my 15 pan pallette no glue or tape necessary and never touched it since. I mean unless you drop it, they will all come falling out while open, but other than that they never fall out since its always on some kind of counter 24/7. And if you drop it while closed, the eyeshadows arent going to shuffle, its stays where it is in my experience.

If you carry it around in your purse in the smaller quad pallette then i would say you need the magnet in the back or it will spell for disaster.

I agree. I have one so far that is depotted and put inside my palette. Unless you are shaking it needlessly, it's not necessary. I only say that cuz I didn't have the magnets. It lays flat anyway. Even sideways, it didn't fall out. Now that I have one of those magnet business cards I will use it. But I just didn't want to run out just to get magnets.