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Makeup Tutorial Setup


I recently did a video on how I setup my "studio" for my makeup tutorials. Thought I would share it with you guys.

YouTube - My Makeup "Studio" Setup

ms. kendra

Well-known member
Great! I have been looking for videos on how to set up, and there really aren't any. Thanks for showing us yours!


Well-known member
Thanks for this! You have such a great setup.

I swear my setup in the new apartment was going to look like this...I'd already had the idea formed mirror and camera behind it worked out, but now I need to buy 3 lights...I do have the same bookends, though.


Well-known member
So cute and thank you for sharing.

I've always been curious about what was on the "other side" of what we see in on the video tutorials - set up wise -

Cel :~)