Movie Remakes - What Do You Think?


Well-known member
Nightmare on elm street for one
Personally I think there's way too many remakes happening,I think the studios are running out of ideas for scripts.


Well-known member
I saw on the news this morning they are remaking
Knight Rider
An American Werewolf In London
Children of the Corn
Child's Play
The Breakfast Club


Well-known member
I was actually just thinking about this the other day, and I could only think of ONE remake that I actually enjoyed, and that was Father of the Bride, the original with Spencer Tracy and Elizabeth Taylor, and the remake with Steve Martin and Diane Keaton.

They're also remaking Harvey, which makes me upset. Nobody can compare to Jimmy Stewart.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by TISH1124
I saw on the news this morning they are remaking
Knight Rider
An American Werewolf In London
Children of the Corn
Child's Play
The Breakfast Club

How do you even remake The Breakfast Club.
The children's programming that my son watches nowadays is bad enough, I mean what the heck happened to Disney? Now I feel like they are going to ruin my childhood by remaking some of my favorites.


Well-known member
You guys, I think we're generally running out of ideas... I mean in music there's almost no new instrumentals, most are samples of older songs...


Well-known member
I guess they ran out of asian horror films to remake?
I personally really liked Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, but not more so than Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory.


Well-known member
Barbarella is being remade.

It seems totally hit or miss with remakes for me. I think the studios are trying to cash in on some successful remake trends... thinking with the technology they have now it could be better. I hope they don't ruin any movies I already <3

Shadowy Lady

Well-known member
Well, I'm generally not a fan of remakes, especially since most of the times the original is better. I remember watching the Thomas Crown Affair remake really killed it for me....I loved the original with Steve McQueen

I like original ideas, and remakes aren't original...


Well-known member
i prefer the original, that said i am seeing the remake of halloween 2 tonight.. though in my defense it is really not a direct remake, he just uses the same characters.


Well-known member
somes movies are classics and shouldn't be remade ... i bet you anything if they remake the breakfast club it will be full of sex ... lol


Well-known member
No, not Breakfast Club! Leave it alone! LOL I would never watch a remake of that...the original is such a classic and a bit part of my 80's childhood.


Well-known member
They CAN'T remake The Breakfast Club! It's pretty much perfect the way it is, they shouldn't mess with it. Ever.

I do think that a remake of Poltergeist would be cool, especially with everything they can do with effects now, as long as it doesn't go too over the top.
And Fame looks absolutely fantastic from the previews, of course I never saw the original.


Well-known member
I will boycott. I'm a 80's child and I wont accept it!

Just imagine how lame it would be if they remade The Goonies! My favorite movie of all time!



Well-known member
Oh, remakes, where to begin?

I think about remakes quite frequently because of the slew of horror films being remade (thank you, Platinum Dunes

It's not that I am opposed to them because obviously there are some films that can stand to be remade and if a remake's good, it gives you a new way to enjoy a classic, but why did they have to touch my beloved An American Werewolf in London?!?! I was very pleased that the Rosemary's Baby and The Birds remakes got canceled last year, so I'm hoping that the same happens for AAWIL because some movies just shouldn't be touched (sadly it's too late for Psycho). I'm holding onto hope for A Nightmare on Elm Street and Poltergeist to be at least decent.

I also wish that foreign films wouldn't be remade for American audiences only a year or so after release.

I'm going to try to compile a list of all the upcoming horror remakes, so I'll definitely post if it comes together.


Well-known member
remakes, especially 80s remakes need to be stopped. granted some of the original 80s movies were crappy but i still think to remake it is still butchering them up in some kind of way. as a huge fan of 80s horror movies (including the bad), i'm definitely not a fan of the remakes!


Well-known member
Classic need to remain untouched.
I can understand it if a movie with a good premise was previously executed poorly and a remake needs to be done, but a lot of the movies that are being remade are almost iconic and there's no reason to remake them.


Well-known member
I think it is utter crap - for the most part (I am looking forward to Tron cos that looks seexxxxay). The 80's was the golden age of cinema IMO. Some of my favorite movies are from that decade! I don't see why these writers just can't come up with some new and original ideas and stop messing what is already great. Whats next Blade Runner!? Aliens..? The Breakfast Club? Can you just imagine!
Sickening to think about.

I dunno, maybe I'm just turning into one of those old people who say "Back in my day" or "when I was young" or "movies these days are not what they used to be!."