MTV's America's Best Dance Crew. Who's your fave?


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I felt so bad when Yuri messed up last week
As much as I love Kaba, I hope Jabba wins!!!



Well-known member
I loved my girls fish n chicks although I was sad to are the go my heart belongs to JabbaWokeez. They are a sick as can be. I have the on tivo too. all I can say is that I hope they win! Status quo is great as well they're very street and I love that. I'm so glad breakskate is out. I think I'm the only one who didn't like them.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by DominicanBarbie
I loved my girls fish n chicks although I was sad to are the go my heart belongs to JabbaWokeez. They are a sick as can be. I have the on tivo too. all I can say is that I hope they win! Status quo is great as well they're very street and I love that. I'm so glad breakskate is out. I think I'm the only one who didn't like them.

I have all the episodes on tivo too
I'm glad Breaks8 is gone, can't believe they beat fysh n chicks on that last last episode


Well-known member
I love Jabba and Kaba. Those 2 deserve to be in the top two. But as far as the winning dance crew, I think Jabba should win. They're super awesome.


jabbawockeez all the way! they're versatile, creative and they never cease to amaze me by always doing more than what they're challenged/asked to do... like their MJ perf.. that was just hot. they always bring something new to the table and everytime I see them, it's always exciting. never a dull moment with them. luv the masks too!


Well-known member
In my house we are definetley fans of Jabba. I dont normally let my kids watch mtv, but they really love this show! Watching the Michael Jackson episode, my boys, (9 yrs and 4 yrs) are walking around singing all these michael jackson songs, and trying to dance like the crews. Its pretty cool.


Well-known member
Jabbawockeez are my fav!!!! I think the final 2 should be them and Kaba Modern.

Side note: is anyone else annoyed by Lil Mama? I can't F***en stand her!!! She talks and doesn't say anything. Why is she even there?!...sorry....end rant.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by dreamerbabiiee*
STATUS QUO! I LOVE THEIR STYLE AND EVERYTHING THEY DO! i also liked kaba..i was so sad to see them go.

Kaba is still in the running. 3 groups left JabbaWockeeZ
, Kaba Modern and Status Quo.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by V2LUCKY
Jabbawockeez are my fav!!!! I think the final 2 should be them and Kaba Modern.

Side note: is anyone else annoyed by Lil Mama? I can't F***en stand her!!! She talks and doesn't say anything. Why is she even there?!...sorry....end rant.

exaaaaaactly. I like jabbawockeez the most. they are always precise and consistent. Love em...

i like status quo and kaba modern too. theyve done a good job of keeping the deserving ones there.

I think jabbawockeez will win. Lil mama is so freaking annoying. just....a very irritating person


Well-known member
Originally Posted by ilurvemakeup
Kaba is still in the running. 3 groups left JabbaWockeeZ
, Kaba Modern and Status Quo.

oh yea your right! i dont know why i said that..the skatin team left


Well-known member
Originally Posted by V2LUCKY
Side note: is anyone else annoyed by Lil Mama? I can't F***en stand her!!! She talks and doesn't say anything. Why is she even there?!...sorry....end rant.

OH MY GOD! I want to KILL her everytime she speaks! i loved how she'd always compliment herself. one time while commenting on fysh and chicks....she said something like "i love how you guys do it like men, but when u turn into chicks, u ladies are sassy, and i love that b/c it reminds me of how i am when i'm on stage; i'm hard, but i always bring sass!"

hahahahahaaaaa, way to boost ur confidence lil mama.

and she always use to interrupt J.C when he's talkin!! like STFU!! dude's speaking! hold the fuck up!


Well-known member
Jabbawokeez! Status Quo doesn't include much choreography at all in their routines. It's just a bunch of stunts, and though I really admire their ability and I do admit they've got extreme talent...Jabba really excell when it comes to dancing.


Well-known member
My favorite favorite FAVORITE was BreakSk8. it didnt hurt that they were so hot too.
But Jabbawockeez is def my favorite. they are so precise and on point. they better win. shoot im actually gonna go and vote.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by noahlowryfan
did Jabbawockeez win?

edit: Jabbawockeez won. they deserve it.
