MTV's The Real World


Well-known member
Did anyone see tonights episode? I thought it was one of the best episodes;issacc is CRAZY! him swiming in the fish tank was pretty funny. I am glad he's back because parissa needed him there =). I am also glad that trisha's ass went home. yay!


Well-known member
Haha yeah that episode was great. Isaac is a mess.
Wtf was up with Dunbar tho.. Man how is he going to always talk about how much he loves Julie and then sleep with ashley.. tsk tsk..


Well-known member
I was really disappointed in Dunbar. Like seriously. You cannot go on and on about how much you love your significant other and then put yourself in a situation where something stupid could happen. I.E. -- him and Ashli sleeping in the same bed because he likes to spoon?!?! Um, no. If I were his girlfriend and seeing these episodes, I would get rid of him.

Now, I am happy Isaac is back. Parisa really did need him since everyone was alienating her because she got rid of Trisha (aka a walking plague of negativity and hypocrisy--don't even get me started on her).


Well-known member
yeahhhhh isaac is so funny. I felt really bad for Parisa last episode, but now that Isaac is back I think things will get way better because he is actually sticking up for her
Ugh i could not STAND trisha. She was a hypocrit biotch.


Well-known member
OMG this season is awesome - the more drama the better haha. I HATE HATE HATE HATE Trisha and I'm so glad she's gone. It's true she was a hypocrit and such a liar.

I feel bad for Parissa and I'm glad she finally stood up for herself against Trisha. She needs to step up to Dunbar though, if he ever spoke to me the way he speaks to her I'd take a frying pan to his face.


Well-known member
lol I'd like to see you get into it about trisha.. lip shock! lol; im kidding!

yea, trisha was pretty gross.. my boyfriend thought she was hot but she had a nasty personality.. i'm glad kellyanne and ashli at least really thought about how trisha really was..and im glad kellyanne and parissa talked. Prissa liked kellyanne as a friend (even though shes a 2 faced bitch..) if I was parissa and I had girls spitting on the phone room glass.. i'd cuss them out lol.

what do you guys think about next weeks episode?

the end of last nights episode was so cute! parissa and issacc with that huge fountain. =)


Well-known member
oh yea about dunbar- he should have told his effn' girlfriend about what happened that night and whats been happening in the house with him and ashlis sexual tension. She knew he had a GF and she didnt care.. All i was thinking was " i hope trisha is watching the episode thinking about how much of a bitch she is and i hope dunbars girlfriend is watching this episode thinking about how much of a bitch he is.." lol


Well-known member
My review on this season:

Cohutta and Isaac are the coolest people on the show.

KellyAnne is cute, but fake. She gets on my nerves with the way she acted with the whole trisha/parisa thing. But she can be cool sometimes.

Shauvon/Trisha--annoying and I'm glad they left.

Parisa-can be annoying but I don't understand why people truly hate her. She's really pretty.

Ashley-whore. A stupid immature whore. man-stealing whore. She just embarrasses herself every week and I hope she tapes every episode so that she can watch it until she's 30 to try and become a better person. because right now, she sucks at life.

He is so ugly and weird. I can't stand him. He contradicts himself constantly and has no respect for anyone. I would say that I feel sorry for his girlfriend but I don't, because if I was her I'd have left him a long time ago. I couldn't believe the way he talks to her and treats her and she just puts up with it. He gets on my last nerves. And I cannot believe that he slept with Ashley. I hope his girlfriend finds out and burns all his shit. I can't believe that he really cheated on his girlfriend on national television like she wouldn't see it someday.

CandyKisses-I agree the ending of the last episode was cute I was smiling the whole time. And about next week's episode...I don't think KellyAnne will actually be pregnant. It's probably just a scare. I wish she was though. I like when people get pregnant.


Well-known member
The night Trisha went home was such a happy night for me!

Ok, so the only people I like this season are Cohutta, Issac, and Parissa. Shauvon was my number one, but she's gone and they replaced her with that whore Ashli. I only like Kellyanne sometimes, maybe like every other episode, her augmented lips distract me whenever she talks in the confessional.

Dunbar, Dunbar, Dunbar. He was asking for trouble letting Ashli sleep in his bed and I'm waiting for the day he gets slapped. Maybe Parissa will do it on the last episode?

So, next week, it's like Trishelle and Stephen (is that his name?) from the Las Vegas season. She thought she was pregnant, blah blah blah, we all know the story.


Well-known member
shauvon was my favorite person on the show (when she was sober only) when that girl was drunk she made me mad; trying to act all hard/ghetto throwing something at cohutta that night parisa made him a grilled cheese wasn't cool at all.

I was reading somewhere online ( i think it was on that someone at the end of the show gets married and someone else gets preggo. who knows though? i don't want kellyanne to be prego because cohutta needs a good; nice girl..but I do think that cohutta brings out the good in kellyanne, he gets her dumbass thinking about everything lol.

CanAffordMac- you made me laugh when i read that whole dunbar paragraph.. lmao.. he is fugly and there is something seriously NOT right with him but i think that deep down he's a good guy (besides the fact that he's a liar,cheater, deciever, slut, low life, scum, piece of shit) there are times when he can be nice and understanding. Ashli, well.. she's just a dirty whore.. its like honestly are you serious.. you know that he has a little lady at home why even bother? if she s single why doesn't she go out and find someone new so she doesn't have to be percieved as a homewreckin, ugly, slut? haha

I forgot all about that trishelle and stephan fling.. ha.. that 2nd season of them in las vegas sucked..


Well-known member
CandyKisses1018: When they did the whole Las Vegas reunion thing, I was just waiting for them to hook-up again, but NOTHING! It was a pretty boring month or so of The Real World.


Well-known member
lol i love cohutta! And Shavaun was my fave I was sad when she left.
and cantaffordmac, i completely agree about what you said about dunbar! so true.

Beauty Mark

Well-known member
Except for Isaac, sort of Cohutta (he didn't have the balls to stand up for Parisa, because stupid KellyAnne is hooking up with him), and most of the time Parisa, these people make me ashamed of my generation.

I frankly was really disturbed by the Mean Girls/harassment stuff from Trisha, KellyAnne, and Ashli. Particularly Ashli- girlfriend had no issues to speak of with Parisa and didn't know Trisha that well. Spitting on someone is so wrong. I can't stand KellyAnne and Ashli for that. I hope all three of them get what's coming to them, because man, what kind of people are they? To be that awful towards someone for something so minor; it's not like Parisa killed their children.

Dunbar- I expect to see him behind bars for domestic violence sometime. The way he portrays himself as a victim really scares the hell out of me.

Shauvon- ugh. She seemed so cool and then alcohol got in her. I was hoping she wouldn't be a stereotype, but she was. Oh but she was


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Beauty Mark
Dunbar- I expect to see him behind bars for domestic violence sometime. The way he portrays himself as a victim really scares the hell out of me.

haha.. thats funny


Well-known member
Hmm does anyone else hate Trisha's eyebrows? Haha I'm kinda obsessed with brows n hers gross me out.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by DOLLface
CandyKisses1018: When they did the whole Las Vegas reunion thing, I was just waiting for them to hook-up again, but NOTHING! It was a pretty boring month or so of The Real World.

wow I know right. I saw the previews and I'm like, oh cool. And noooothing happened. It was so boring. I wanted Alton and Irulan to get together again even though she had "moved on". But that never happened.

Originally Posted by Beauty Mark

I frankly was really disturbed by the Mean Girls/harassment stuff from Trisha, KellyAnne, and Ashli. Particularly Ashli- girlfriend had no issues to speak of with Parisa and didn't know Trisha that well. Spitting on someone is so wrong. I can't stand KellyAnne and Ashli for that. I hope all three of them get what's coming to them, because man, what kind of people are they? To be that awful towards someone for something so minor; it's not like Parisa killed their children.

Dunbar- I expect to see him behind bars for domestic violence sometime. The way he portrays himself as a victim really scares the hell out of me.

I agree with you 100%. I was watching them spit on the glass and I was just shocked. First of all, its extremely childish and mean. They did all that for no reason. Because Trisha left? Are you serious, she's not God. I just can't believe they were spitting at parisa and acting so ridiculous. They'll get whats coming to them. You can tell that Ashley is a follower with no personality. She is a slut who sleeps with people's boyfriends, and she has no other personality besides being a slut.

Dunbar is definetly going to be in jail soon. He will either become: A) a stalker, when his girlfriend doesn't want to be with him anymore. B) Someone who hits women. C) Someone who hurts animals. D) A rapist

Or all of the above. Or hey, he might be that now. He is just scary...he's very odd and he acts as though women owe him something. Theres something not right about him.

Beauty Mark

Well-known member
That was one of rare times I've been really upset with something I saw on TV that wasn't the news. Who seriously spits on someone else? That just disturbs the hell out of me. The best thing is KellyAnne tried to defend herself on her MySpace account about this.

My only faith in humanity is people are calling her out on this bs. I just- it was horriffic.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by amoona
Hmm does anyone else hate Trisha's eyebrows? Haha I'm kinda obsessed with brows n hers gross me out.


And it was so sad because she thought she looked so good.


Well-known member
Ugh, the whole spitting on the glass, that just put me off.

I actually missed about two episodes, including the one where Shauvon left and Ashli joined the house. So, I go to watch one night and there's some whore dancing around Dunbar, calling other girls sluts, and talking in the confessional. I was like, WHAT THE HELL!?

Anyways, Dunbar is really disturbing to me. One second he seems like the sensitive victim, but the next second it's like he's going to do who knows what. Like I said before, I'm waiting for him to get slapped; and hopefully Parissa will do it.