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My First Tut ***peaches Here It Is***


Well-known member
omg girl, i've just realised, you totally look like alicia keys! i have this picture in the march cosmopolitian mag and wow...your like the spitting image of her! i'll try to scan it and upload it here to show you! you are so gorgeous!


Well-known member
omg i hope this works:


Well-known member
Originally Posted by kaliraksha
Haha too cute! I love those colors.. I need to get the guts to wear pink... like really wear it.

Well get some guts now!!!!! Pinks are fun and I think because they are very natural (well most) they make darker skin look brighter

Originally Posted by Peaches
Thankyou gorgeous! I love you so much right now!!

So I just need to Mudge... That's where I was going wrong

I don't have Pink Freeze or Pink Pearl... I dont think. But I have Fuschia & Bright Fuschia and some other pinks... Too many. I'm lost. Anyway, I'll try this asap.


[You're still my favourite! xx]

yes I make up my own words haha…you don’t have to use the same colors and if you are using an e/s use a fluffier brush to ‘mudge’ and your welcome doll

Originally Posted by jess98765
omg girl, i've just realised, you totally look like alicia keys! i have this picture in the march cosmopolitian mag and wow...your like the spitting image of her! i'll try to scan it and upload it here to show you! you are so gorgeous!

Well I have never gotten a.keys before she is so pretty to me hahah and had killer cheeks
so thanks hahaha I’ll take it hahaha