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My first tutorial > summery glow < heaps of pics ;]


Well-known member
Hi y'all. my name is Victoria. I've been checking this site out for the past few weeks.

I'm in love with lots of pinky/coral/peachy/golden colours with a really bright green on the bottom lash line. i seem to collect lots of compliments from this combination so i wear it quite often. can be applied lighter for a day look, and then darker with a black eyeliner look for evening.

this is the final look i will show you how to achieve:

here's the tools and colours:


MAC select cover up concealer in NC20
MAC studio stick foundation in NC27
MAC studio fix poweder in NC20
MAC bronzing powder in golden
NARS blush in orgasm

L'Oreal De Crease eye lid primer
MAC eyeshadow in Phloof!
MAC eyeshdaow in Gleam
MAC eyeshadow in Expensive Pink
MAC eyeshadow in Paradisco (i acutally meant to put Woodwinked as that is what i used in this look, not Paradisco)
L'Oreal Lash Out mascara in black
Cover Girl Lash Exact mascara in black
MAC eyebrow pencil in Fling

and a bunch of brushes and sponges and the ever so helpfullll eyelash curler. ;]

chap stick (must have!)
NARS lip gloss in Orgasm
Lancome Juicy Tubes in Raspberry Ice (mmmm soo good)
MAC Lip Glass in Viva Glam V

SO first i'll start with the dredded natural face photo. taken in a natural light infront of my lightly curtained window.

ok, so now that part is out of the way, i'll start with the application of the concealer. I use it to cover up those pesty spots and under eye circles and discoloured under eye skin. i put one small dab on my ring finger and use it to lightly dab over the spots and add a few dots to my under eye area like so.

it's important to use the ring finger when applying make up to the eye area as it applies the least pressure to the skin. use a soft tapping motion for under eyes as well as over spots. the objective to cover spots is to just cover the red area, not to spread it beyond. the finished concealer look:

As you can see any red spots are now neturalized as well as the light blue-ish skin tone under my eyes looks warmer.

Next is to apply the foundation. the stick should never be applied directly onto the face. some people use a brush for this, but i prefer to use my hands. i will rub the stick on my three middle fingers until i get a nice layer. like so:

because the foundation is much thicker than a concealer, i will then rub the product between my other three fingers from the other hand to warm up and thin out the product. to apply to my face i take my 6 fingers and lightly tap all over my face avoiding my hair line, but making sure to get the jaw line and below. in this photo i've already blended in some of the foundation, but i went back and put some more dabs on my skin to show how it should look. it's a bit hard to spot, so you may have to look a bit harder :b

to blend, i will use the pads of my finger tips and rub gently in an upward and outward motion. i will use a make up sponge to get the areas around my eyes, hair line, jaw line and then to blend into my neck.

next i will use my L'Oreal decrase on my eye lids, blending with the pads of my ring finger again. small soft gentle dabbing motions to blend. no rubbing or pulling of the skin. dont want to bring on any more wrinkles! :b in this image you can also see the foundation blending job. this photo was taken in the washroom with the bright lights.

Next is bronzer. i use my mac 187 brush and i will drag it in circular motions in the bronzing powder. i apply the bronzer only in certain areas. my hair line, and the sides and below my cheek bones. as well as my jaw line and a bit dusted across my chin and bridge of my nose.

this shows the application of the bronzer on the tops of my cheek bone and below my cheeks. i make a pouty face and in the area where my cheeks sink in, i will glide the brush gently in there to create more depth.

Here is the finished bronzer look in a natural light

next is the blush application. i will use my 187 brush again, after i clean it off on a dry towel to remove any bronzer. again i run the brush in a circular motion over the blush.

i only like to apply the blush to the apples of my cheeks, to get my apples to pop out, i smile. then i use small circular strokes or just simply push the brush gently on the apples.

this is the finished blush look.

so now the face is complete, it's time to move on to the eyes.

I will first do a layer of Phloof all over the eye lid with my MAC 213 brush

i coat the entire lid from lash line up to brows. using the pads of my ring finger to blend on the inner corners of my eyes.

the completed look is this:

i will then clean off the brush on a dry towel and use Gleam:

i will apply gleam from my lash line up to the crease in my eye lid.
it should look like this when done:

again, i will dust off my brush and then i will use Expensive Pink to line the crease of my eye lid, using the wiper motion.

once that is done, i will use a dab of woodwinked in the center of my eye lid, from my lash line to the crease. just a small dab of the brush. i will then use a lighter softer un used brush to gently blend all the colours over my eyelid. the completed look should be this:

next is the fun part :b
I take a small pointed blending tool and rub LOTS of shimmermoss all over it

i will then line the lower lash line, and the wetter eyelid area just above my lower lashes with Shimmermoss. I also take a soft black eye liner and do the tightline method to my upperlids.
the final look is this:

then i curl and apply a coat of Cover Girl Lash Exact, let it dry, then apply a layer of L'Oreal Lash Out. For a day look, less mascara of course, but for light, go mascara heavy. i also fill in my brows with MAC eyebrow pencil in Fling.

so this is the look, in natural light, with a flash. no lips yet, that will come

for lips, i went two ways, the first thing is a light application of chap stick. i really dont like the way straight lip gloss feels on my lips, plus it's very dry up here in Canada, and with out a bit of chap stick my lips can get pretty dry. So for this next pic I used Viva Glam V lip glass, which give me a very dark, almost berry colour. not really for day time.

so i wiped it off , put on some chap stick, and used the NARS lipgloss in Orgasm, then put a dab of the Lancome juicy tubes in the centre of my bottom lip for extra shine. the Nars is more peachy/golden which i like more. I'm not a big lip girl really. mostly just chap stick and a weeeeee bit of gloss.

so here's the mandatory 100% finished glamour shot pose. :b

I hope you have enjoyed my first tutorial. it was definately a great and fun way to take up a good hour of my afternoon. ;]

I'm sure i'll post more another time. for now, i've gotta go make some dinner and go out for some BEER! wooo.



Well-known member
Originally Posted by MissChievous
Hey Victoria! Awesome tutorial!! I'm so glad I turned you onto Specktra, hehe... ;-)

Hi Jules! Thanks soo much for showing me this site! I've spent wayyyyy too long on this forum. More than doa some days!!

Oh btw, a MAC Pro Store is opening up in the mall I go to on July 1 !!!!!! I'm going to go there after work and check it out! I'm soo excited!

How's Heidiland? Did you see my reply on doa in the girlie topic?

Oh and can you please email me some of your photos in high res too? I'd love to print some of them out and hang them in my bedroom. Especially the grassy/flower photos!

speak soon! <3


Well-known member
wonderful! my favorite new tutorial! You are a shimmery mermaid nymph and i love your cheekbones/hair.
greata job


Well-known member
I loved this tutorial! You are so pretty, you remind me of someone (a celeb) but I can't put my finger on it. It will come to me if I check out this tut long enough lol! Thanks so much for this it turned out great, please do more if you get a chance!


Well-known member
^^ Thanks. I get that I look like Chloe Sevigny a lot. but after google image searching, and only finding photos of her giving some dude a blow job, and a tonne of naked pics :)O) I just can't see it. :b


Well-known member
Hehe, you look like a much prettier version of Chloe Sevigny (who, in case you didn't know, was a Viva Glam spokesmodel!)
Nice tutorial - your skin looks ultra glowy.


Well-known member
gorgeous...you have the most amazing eyes ever. You look like apretty mermaid =D And i can definitley see some chloe in you!