My Glissade has like, no veining.


Well-known member
My 2 Lightscapade are good, got multi colors but Glissades, I have no plum veining at all. eh, that was the whole point of me ordering more than one of each to see if I get any different/better one but nope, both looks the same. (Glissade)
I remember reading something a girl wrote in the mac lj community about how she has had msf with little veining on top, but after using it a few times, more veining was exposed.


Well-known member
glissades vary from MSF to MSF. They're not supposed to have a lot of veining in them anyways. the site description of glissade says...light veining. i know a lot of my friends were expecting peachy pink and tons of burgundy veining. but it's a hint of veining


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Sprout
That is all. Isn't it supposed to have raspberry swirls in it? Mine is just peach shimmer. Got mine off of

Mine's like that, too, and I got it from Macy's online. I'm figuring there are maybe some below the surface.


Well-known member
My Glissade is fine, it has a good amount of veining.
My Lightscaped, however, has barley any blue in it.


Well-known member
I got two in the mail today (one for me, one for a friend) and they have some veining, not tons. It's still so pretty that I don't mind. If I'd gone to a counter I'd probably have asked to see a few but I'm happy with mine.


Well-known member
glissade + deftones!

Originally Posted by deathcabber
Mine doesnt either
I just cant bear to return it though and have it go in the trash!

I know what you mean....=) I read this thread before picking up my I asked the MA to pick out one with the most veining for me. She narrowed it down to a couple and then I got to choose. =) Yay gotta love the Pro Store for excellent service.

I'll post a pic soon.

Hey DeathCabber, I noticed your avatar. I found some other deftone fans...check out this thread if you haven't already:

can you name your top 5 deftone songs?
I suppose I'm just in the minority here, but my glissade has pretty much no veining, and I actually prefer it this way.

I love the subtle peach color it gives me, and if I need something with more shimmer and veining, I'll reach for petticoat. I'm probably biased since I prefer lightscapade to glissade anyways. I had to buy a backup (which I rarely ever do) since it makes me look so healthy when I wear it.


Well-known member
I gave my Naked you away because I purposely picked one with no veining/glitter and when the top got used up, it was full of glitter. I love sparkle and shine, but it was way way too much. My glissade has no veining and I hope it stays that way.


Well-known member
My Glissade has a lil bit of veining, but its still working out nicely for me. Not too much sparkle or anything.


Well-known member
^^ yours has more than mine. mines is peachy without any veining. i really wanted some rasberry and the tester out had so much veining. im disappointed